any chance it will be good Yas Forums?
Netflix's Cowboy Bebop
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I don't want anyone to get buttfucked.
>it's a Netflix adaptation episode
Yeah no, it's not even going to have the seatbelts
Absolutely not.
On hard knock woman, am I supposed to see the movie or last two episodes first?
>"She was a real woman."
>That stupid whore.
Spielberg and Lucas raping Indiana Jones.png
>Netflix adaptation
Between you and me the movie isn't on the same ridiculously high level as the show. Just watch the end
the original Cowboy Bebop wasn't even good
>inb4 dumb fanboys
what was even the story? What was the character development?
Postponed due to meme virus.
netflix is patiently waiting until the very last minute to reveal they will cast a trans kid for edward
notice how they cast everyone but edward...pure coincidence.
Is that a big deal? I thought ed was literally a genderqueerazoid
>live action adaptations of animation
It should be the other way around, why the fuck would I want to watch something that's guaranteed to be less visually interesting than the original
Each character literally had a full episode at least of character development.
Even though it’s an actual non-white trans character that the people who hate that already love
They’ll still find a way to ruin it int he same way Hollywood always does. By completely missing the point and overemphasizing the wrong details on their autistic, soulless way of understanding media.
no, she's a girl, she identifies as such
itll have billie eilish ^_^
It could be about confronting your past for Faye and Jet. I don't really understand the last episode or Spikes story line though
I'm expecting something like The Witcher.
So barely decent show far worse than the original.
Yes and no. She’s a girl through and through she just looks and acts like a boy but it’s because she’s weird not because she’s not trying to be a girl
She’s also named Edward but that’s part of the joke. They’ll play it straight and and have to have forced Yaaas Queen moments
They shouldn't have cast fucking Harold as Spike. I don't mind it being a chink but at least make it a cool chink, not this washed up loser.
A Saturday morning cartoon for adults
i would prefer the browner one desu
Spikes look was based on a Jewish actor anyways
Netflix is making an animated Witcher show, my guess is castlevenia quality
Cowboy Bebop was carried by Spike and the crew. The Korean Man is devoid of any Charisma plus this one is made by Netflix. Into the trash it goes.
Netflix is making a live action Witcher.
John Wick with green hair. Basically Spike.
They are making both.
>dude an ENTIRE EPISODE of character development!
okay but shows should have an entire show for character development of main characters and several episodes for side characters.
my friends watch the most awful teen anime ever but they refuse to watch cowboy bebop
they literally watch every "hurr durr i died and went to another world" anime censored for 12 year old but they won't watch this show.. FUCK I HATE WEEBS
Doubt it. I forgot about Julia's bodysuit so I guess I'll just download that episode if they put her in that costume.
Korea made a bunch of live action anime adaptions as a fuck you gesture to japan
Seatbelts will be replaced with Grimes, A$AP Rocky and Adelle.
Spike will be bisexual
Everything Netflix touches turns to shit
Ngl transexual stuff always strikes me as a byproduct of severe child abuse
The character development is hard to notice if you're not looking for it in the sessions but its there.
Tell them about Samurai Champloo, it's basically Cowboy Bebop but in Edo Japan. They sound like zoomers so they might like the shitty weeby Bebop remake, space dandy
I lied, i don't really have any friends
Ed is meant to be ambiguous but everyone knows coomer traps are an abomination. Cute tomboy girls are the only acceptable form of flamboyant queer.
this picture made me have to look up the cast and while I'm not sure I buy John Cho as Spike, it's not all that badly cast. I'm surprised a white woman, and a hot redhead at that is in the cast.
I expected Julia to be cast as a nigger or a poo
Jet Black at least I buy being cast the way he was.
yeah I have no problem with Spike being an Asian dude just John Cho doesn't seem .. I dunno, confident and laid back enough in anything I see him in. He's either neurotic or shy and softspoken.
Maybe I'll be surprised. I thought Henry Cavill was too handsome and british for Geralt, but he carried that show and was basically the one good thing about it.
Except if I get to buttfuck Faye.
I like Elena Satine
Didn't this get stealthily canceled canceled? production hasn't even started and the actors got released from their contracts
Production delayed cause Cho got injured
If spike is a jewish hapa then who would the ideal role, Keanu?
Doubt it but she's qt
>any chance it will be good Yas Forums?
there was a 0% chance as soon as we knew netflix was doing it
They're going to make Spike and Vicious gay and have them do drugs, aren't they?
>that episode where Spike and Jet team up to help refugees sneak past an Astral Gate to get to Mars.
What about these guys
Third user, I agree
they had to cast him as the penis budget was cut
>any chance it will be good Yas Forums?
>What was the character development?
Next time you baint, less blatant
>spike was based on a kike
>uses a jericho (kike gun)
so why are they turning him asian?
>characters need to change
brainlet detected
He was too old.