/who/ - Doctor Who general

Previous: FANTASTIC edition

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I know Christopher Eccleston. He lived in a richer area of New York at one point. I bumped into him in a sandwich shop. He was shooting the shit with the sandwich maker when I came up to give my order. I got a standard turkey on wheat with mayo and pepper jack. It was something very simple. All the while Chris was laughing to himself and pointing at me occasionally mumbling, "Is this guy serious?"

I wasn't sure why I guess he was displeased about me ordering or what I ordered. After I got my sandwich I sat down and ate while he just leaned back into the windowed meat display and watched me. When I got up to throw the trash away he stopped me and offered his hand. I was shy because I knew who he was but he introduced himself anyways. When I shook his hand the other hand came out of his pocket holding a tazer which he used on my neck. When I fell to the ground tense I soiled myself. He laughed, "This guy." And started kicking me in the face quoting Doctor Who over and over, "STUPID APE STUPID APE."

I woke up in the hospital next to a vase of broccoli labeled, "From Chris."

Now every year he shows up to my families Thanksgiving dinner, uninvited, unannounced, and just eats, laughs to himself, and then leaves. Last year he murdered my mother. I fear what hurricane Chris will bring this year..

Don't forget to ask him if he'll do Big Finish this year.

I bet life is hard as a Dalek.

Liked sweary thick of it bloke for nu-who

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if only you knew how bad things really are

Based. Second best Doctor

Imagine how wild Grant Morrison's Doctor Who would be.

lol podcasts wif saaarnd effects


The World Shapers. It's quite a good story.

I want midge lord warwick davis as the dr next an his big tidded daughter in latex leotards too small for her big Bangers an daddy always pushing her big nips back in the costume , an then his squeeky voiced kid in a box like Orac from blakes seven

MEGA for S01-26

what are they laughing at?

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McGann is hot

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Your dick, user.

He was not young and he was not handsome.

at the folk in the audience who thought 12/clara was not romantic

>corona virus effects the lungs
can't wait for us all to have artificial chest units to help us breath.

Who's the best?

Blob Blobertson

Just watch out for that pesky gold dust user

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NuWho was never canon.

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The foe from the future is still the best 4th doctor story

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The way they mix those old production stills with the Big Finish randos is so jarring.

they have to push their podcasts somehow.

Is mcgann a classic or new who doctor?

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I'll say classic.




he's a wilderness Doctor

If it helps that is a fan made cover

So when are we going to see a sexy Asian companion? Possibly twins?

under the lake clala

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How can you fix Doctor Who and still have Jodie be the 13th Doctor?

Posting Chib's best character

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start over

Yes I also liked the cubes, chibs is great going bland and occasionally animated objects.

Who's the hottest companion? For it's probably either Amy or Clala.

Epic steampunk doctor is best doctor


Why is it that father figures are the best characters in New Who? You've got Wilf who's one of the best companions. Rory's dad is quite good for only being in two episodes and deserved to be in more. Graham is the fan favourite Whittaker companion. One of the best revival Who episodes is even called Father's Day.


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The lonely showrunner, he used to be called. No one quite knows where he came from, but he is as old as the universe, or very nearly, and he have survived as a shorunner this long because he have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. He is quantum-locked. He doesn't exist when he is being criticized. The moment he is criticized by any other living creature, he freeze into rock. No choice. It's a fact of his biology. If any living thing spot the inconsistencies, he literally turn to stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either. But then you turn your head away, then you blink, and oh yes it can.
That's why he cover his eyes. He is not weeping. He can't risk looking at the shitshow he created. His greatest asset is his greatest curse. He can never be seen. The loneliest creature in the universe. And I'm sorry. I am very, very sorry. It's up to you now.

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Fire chibs and then make the entire season 12 non canon and make 13 wake up from a simulation aliens or the dreamlord was making to analyze and see what were her biggest fears, maybe O's Master can still be there but obviously written better.

de gustibus non est disputandum

Lelaa, the hottest butter face the doctor travelled with.

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A+ cleavage

>season 13 episode 1
>flashback to jodie's run and timeless child in intro
>screen fades to black
>suddenly capaldi wakes up in his TARDIS and takes a sleeping patch off the back of his neck
>"what a weird fucking dream, i'm never regenerating if that's the outcome"
>jenna coleman walks on screen
>capaldi: "clala! i just had a premonition about your death. it was all very tragic and you got replaced by a dyke mutt, so don't come to trap street with me and we can avoid that. now bend over"
>clara does as commanded, capaldi looks at the camera and says "doctor who is back baby"
>intro music starts playing
The only way to fix it.

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Fantastic taste

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Why does he turn Welsh in the middle?


>rock titles playing
>capaldi pumping clala to the music with Chib crying in the corner


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Reminder, your aunt probably had a crush on Colin Baker.

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to this day, me and my mate are at war because i say clara and he says amy

You're both plebs