
A man of strange proclivities edition


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How does /trek/ so consistently make 2+ threads now?

captain we are detecting fat shit posters in this sector.

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autism and nigger levels of profound retardation

Unironically, it's the bump limit embargo.
Everyone has to wait till 310, so rather than one casually and organically being made, it's always an arms race.
There is some wisdom in the ~300 first dibs rule.

sex offender

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banned baby

You were out of touch and missed the news Captain, the USS Fat Shit was destroyed when it's self destruct sequence was engaged.

Someone please post that Remove Kebab Gul Dukat meme

>bump limit embargo
was that the day when the mods joined us with BASED Kellposter?

You can't do it or you don't know how, retard?

It's like people think they'll be famous for being OP.

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It did put a little fear into those practicing unmitigated new thread faggery, you have to admit.

So this is the 24/7 autistic nigger thread, huh?

That would make them tripfags, and what do we do with tripfags here Lt Commander?

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Post pictures from comic books and talk about them even when they aren't in the thread?

There's two threads and a fight to the death has been declared.
Everyone is free to post in any thread, this is a post scarcity utopia, not an autism mandated dictatorship user.

Yeah. Kellposter is based.

Two 24/7 autistic nigger threads you say?

Tuvok refers to himself as Lt in Episode 6 of Voy. So he's the same rank as Tom? Lmao.

we orbit and preassure them for nudes.

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We treat them with snake juice and fancy hologram ads, "JL" my good friend.

i'm not posting in some fucking tom paris thread

You say this as though autistic niggering is not something to be expected in a star trek fanbase.


Just here to remind you that Riker was a better character than Picard.

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>There's two threads and a fight to the death has been declared.
No one posted in the other thread for 15 minutes I'm pretty sure the fight to the death is already over

Which thread is winning the fight for the best autistic nigger thread?

Based Riker9 poster has blessed the thread.
Good things will happen to it.


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The twist was you, the poster were the autistic nigger all along.

So, DS9 has and Voyager has this.
Who must suffer in the other series?

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Geordi to a degree. He's captured and experimented on by romulans on two separate occasions.

But I haven't even dumped my Picard and STD folder yet, you stupid autistic nigger.


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Troi exists to get mind-raped

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Crusher exists to get ghost-raped

Anyone for dom-jot?

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This is all VFs fault

Ent doesn't really have a heel.
I guess token negro is the acting whipping boy.

>It's a "Geordi thinks he's gotten to know someone through stalking them and awkwardly tries to exploit that knowledge to get laid" episode
There are like 5 of these.

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>Long after TNG concluded they created yet another mind-rape Troi section in Nemesis

They should have known better by then.

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maybe he should have tried not being a manlet?

Na, thanks, I'd like to keep my biological heart.

>There are like 5 of these.
Not that I'm doubting you but can you name them? All I can remember is the Leah Brahms episode

someone needs to train a neural net to make infinite TNG episodes

>Computer what is the marital status of Leah Brahms?
>[DOO DOO DEEP] Married for 5 years
>Oh damn, I'm glad I checked first and didn't make an ass out of myself.

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That's gotta be Kane!

Fuck 'em Picard.

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or you could just subscribe to my fanfic patreon. I specialize in technobabble and big titted andorian girls.

Hire me CBS, I'm cheap.

Geordi? A manlet? What makes you say that?

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There's that episode where the dog was a shapeshifter. He reads all of the presumed-dead-girl's personal logs in order to "get to know" her, and then once he meets her, he keeps telling her things he's memorized about her. Somehow it works on her until he gets cockblocked at gunpoint by Riker, and then he kills the dog. That's the only one I remember, maybe there's another in an earlier season.

who is VF?

Ro is so unattractive and that huge mole on her face should be removed. A scar being make-up'd is better than that mess.

He's like /treks/ version of Trump. Only black. And gay.

Well my workaround for him was stating that Star Trek's political outlook is based on one man's particular vision, and it's a vision that was influenced by its era, and that the feel of each series changes slightly from each decade. That isn't to denigrate said vision or the intended good behind it, but it IS just one aspect of the show, and oftentimes isn't really worth focusing on so much. He also had this really odd critique of ST which I felt was just factually incorrect, where he believed that Star Trek has had no lasting effect on Sci-Fi and has only ever influenced "its own niche", as though Sci-Fi has more or less evolved completely independently of it. I had to set him straight on that one, at best you could say Star Trek has only influenced "pop" science fiction; but that still accounts for everything that isn't sci-fi serials like Outer Limits or Twilight Zone; novels like the ones written by Arthur C Clarke/Isaac Asimov, or fuckin' 50's B-Movies and pulp sci-fi before 1966.

Why wasn't Q in Enterprise? Could they just not get John de Lancie?

Oh, you want to play in my universe now, Captain?

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Oh yes I remember that one. Geordi is definitely /ourguy/

There was also that one at the end of S3 where the guy transforms into a being of light, which somehow gives /ourguy/ the confidence to make it to final base.

rewatching TOS in production order, and Mudd's Women has such a great conversation between Bones and Kirk where they discuss what the women have going on or what they are. it's probably the smartest conversation in any tv show ever, since they talk about exact what the audience would be suspecting about the women (are they really that beautiful?, are they illusions?, are they aliens?)

He married her in the end tho

Posting non-canon would only incur the wrath of kellposter, as it is not permitted.
Therefore it is illogical Captain. Much like the concept of bbw marathon runners.

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>The first scene in the show is a Klingon rally modeled after a Trump rally, complete with a "Make America Great Again"-style slogan.

Remember when Star Trek wasn't in your face about politics?