What Is The Worst Fate To Ever Happen To A Movie Character?

For me, it’s pic related.

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the fuck is happening there

is there people that actually does this? for what porpouse?

The Black Mirror "White Christmas" Episode

Drag me to Hell

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Roastie detected
>your punishment is you can’t see people’s faces or hear their voice
>but I can still see tits and rape right?

Stinky Pete's fate is substantially worse.
Toy Story 3 is a glib facsimile.

The guy from Batman Beyond who has the power to go through solid material but he loses control of his ability and ends up ‘falling’ through the earth and is heavily implied to keep falling till he hits the core.

The bear who is the villain gets found by some garbagemen who strap him to the grill of their garbage truck as a mascot

He was obviously talking about the virtual eternity prison, not the blocked guy

People think her death was undeserved and needlessly barbaric, but they havent stopped and considered that she is, in fact, a woman.

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How? He bangs barbie dolls all day every day now.

he deserved it though

He got too cocky.

He couldn't see or hear anybody, bodies included.

Also I think he was talking about the guy stuck in the snow globe for 10000 years listening to the song

>brainshwashed by aliens
>made to fuck a fat pig for the rest of her days

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First thing that comes to mind is the boyfriend from Midsommar

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Just... tusk...

Keep in mind that the bear is sentient and will remain strapped to the truck until he's removed or his body rots in the rain

Not this guy. He could just anhero.
The other guy


Somebody post that Batman Beyond death compilation image.

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my ex got me a lotso huggin bear as a gift. he still smells fantastic and sometimes i hug him and cry a bit when i'm lonely. fuck you. he might have been a bit of a dick but i can't remember what he did.

This guy

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Sneedkashi mejin style

Probably someone in the middle of the third Human centipede .

It could be worse for Lotso...

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As a turbozoomer this scene fucked as a kid

This bear was the main antagonist of a movie called Toy Story 3 named Lotso. He’s a sentient teddy bear who was in charge of a community of other sentient toys at a daycare center where he forced toys who didn’t obey him to be played with by brats who would break them. He is stopped by the main cast but gets away and is found by a garbage trucker. He is now strapped in front of a garbage truck forever until he rots.

This. I worked it out very shitly and I think it was 20 million years listening to slade

Harvey Dent got it really rough.

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Stinky Pete's entire motivation was being preserved as a set. Now he is a little girl's plaything and will have makeup put on him every day. Nevermind, you're right.

So he gets to travel for the rest of his life and gets to eat bugs.

>That one 'blooper' where he implies barbie has to fuck him to get a part in the next film

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david dunn in glass was the last one that made me cry. and also joseph. poor fucking joseph. if anything would turn you into a villain it's that

i want shamalama to make another one with bad guy joseph and anti hero casey. would be fucking great.

>tfw they removed that "blooper" from new physical/probably digital copies last year

Bone Tomahawk guy

John Cusack being stuck in the girl's head at the end of Being John Malkovich still haunts me

>villian characters get what they deserve in Toy Story 1,2, 3
>in Toy Story 4 villian character literally gets what she wants and the good guy helps her out to get another chance
So why did Woody for a 180 again?

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Audition guy maybe

pic related

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the villian in 4 didn't try to kill anybody she just wanted woody's pull string voice box. when she got it she let him go. and she was nice to forky while she had him as bait.
sid was a horrible little shit, stinky pete tried to kill woody and lots fucking tried burning them all to death. she just wanted to work properly so the kid she liked would take her home.

This would be the best option if anyone actually watched the movie

The Mist. Protagonist kills a bunch of people, including his son, because they are fucked but when he gets out of the car to get killed by the monster it's revealed the army has already defeated the monster.

Either this girl or the old woman that was kept locked in the basement of the house for years with an iron blindfold and developed constant vivid hallucinations of spiders crawling all over her lacerated body

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jesus christ i forgot about martyrs
this wins

Just doing her job

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Just watched Incredibles 1 and 2 yesterday for the first time.

The first one ends with the villain getting slowly sucked into a jet turbine.

That's the conclusion to a fucking KIDS movie.

Isn't stinky pete the name of the seal from sealab?

Without a question, it's poor half-digested Billy from Deep Rising.

this is one of the few movies that made me feel sick

Jesus Christ, this is the one

Haven't seen that movie, what happens to that guy?

Captain America being written as a simp for a 4/10 monkey faced Mary Sue then turning into an old man.

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What is this?

>Bought the Blu-Ray the day before this was announced
>Still check the credits to make sure
>Still intact
Felt good.

showing your age not knowing this

For me it's the Fooglies from Spy Kids.

There's something so fucking twisted and demented about the whole thing. It's some Cronenberg or Junji Ito type shit. It's something that's stuck with me ever since I saw the movie 19 years ago. To this day I think getting turned into one is a fate that's way worse than torture or death. They all get turned back into humans by the end of the film but imagine if they didn't. Fuck even with getting turned back I feel that's a type of weird fucked up body horror experience that would psychologically scar you for years afterwards.

You would probably have PTSD induced nightmares for the rest of your life. Waking up in a cold sweat imagining you're back as a Fooglie, screaming in horror trying to alert people to your condition. Instead just having everyone laugh at you and think you're some CGI workshop creation and not a real person trapped inside a fucked up demented monster body prison.

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brad pitt in counsellor
fighting against that garotte, panicking, desparately trying to stop it but feeling it slowly tighten against your throat
least it was fairly quick

post it

You think i was a Yas Forumsfag as a kid to be watching EVERY SINGLE movie that was around at the time?

>guy in robocop who gets nulcear waste dumped on him
>guy in chernobyl who looked at core-chan
>quint from jaws getting eaten