Remember when the media and everyone who ate it up called him the real Tony Stark? Where is he in these tough times?

Remember when the media and everyone who ate it up called him the real Tony Stark? Where is he in these tough times?

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racking up junior debt certificates to screw regular bond investors and making EDM songs. Fuck Elon Musk he should, like his companies, choke and die.

Thats not nice bro I'm sure you don't mean that

Not that guy but Elon Musk doesn't give a fuck about other humans.

So just like everyone else? Imagine that retard

>watch his JRE podcast
>Joe Rogan is constantly kissing his ass
What the fuck has he actually even done other than meme up Mars and PayPal?

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>born rich
>gets even richer
>worshipped by r*ddit and normies

He's a bad meme and a dipshit

create a car company worth more than the next 4 biggest car companies combined even though it sells 0.01% as many cars

he married and divorced the same woman twice


He means it....but in minecraft

Keep telling yourself that to justify your nihilism and why no one likes you

ERRRRRR fucking RICH people!!!

>white from apartheid south aFrica with rich famous actor mommy
yeah imagine being a self made person from a country where your race owns most of the wealth despite being a very small minority. Pol worships elon musk but bitch about joos. typical.

I've always wondered this also.

Balls deep in the most important musician of the current times

Like the current Tony Stark, he's bloody useless. Where's Doctor IRL DOOOOOOOOM?!

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Tesla. Also working on commercialising solar panels for houses. They're not cheap still but he wants to bring down the price.

This but unironically

His PR team tries to paint him as a rags to riches story and he tries to flex as a lefty meanwhile he's a union busting slave driver

I fucking hate elon musk, He made me hate grimes cause now shes a faggot. He posts gay shit all the time like a middle schooler who found out what memes are. Every time I see a tweet from him along the lines of "le epic!! xD i am le internetz man!" I just think of how he married multiple woman and has like 6 kids but neglects the shit out of them and all that but acts like a good guy and people love him. Like dude stop being a faggot and at least take care of your kids if your not going to do anything productive.

Didn't he cry because stocks are plummeting? fucking greedy piece of shit, he would be shilling his cars non-stop if it somehow filtered the coronavirus.

Probably scamming some country out of money if history is any indicator

My god Doom is a real faggot, I don't get why so many nerds get wet over him.

Has he lost like 50 billion dollars.
Will be get a tax break?

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>Elon Musk is recording EDM now

I hate this timeline so fucking much.

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>Where is he in these tough times?
supporting his brave signifcant other and her non gendered child

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reusable fucking rockets
something the entire space industry thought was completely impossible and he's nearly done with a bigger version

>light synthpop made with logic presets
>important musician
yeah no, her early stuff was ok indieshit but her new albums are dogshit. and she's a fake weeb.

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Smoking pot and cooming in Grimes. What are you doing faggot? That's right crying as your chuck e cheese tokens lose more value.

Because he's Based & Redpilled. He's also both a Power Fantasy and an enjoyable, campy, classic villain. And if you ignore the DoomWank PostByrne, he's pretty complex by Capeshit standards.

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>nearly done
Everything he’s ever touched lmao

Tesla hasn't been hit that hard.

Stock price is at 562, which is about what it was at the end of January. 6 months ago it was at 245 so its still up more than double since then.

I wouldn't but Tesla now but he's not getting hosed like my oil stocks are.

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Reminder that Elons first kid died of (((sids)))

thread theme

We Appreciate Power is one of my favorite songs of all times, even though I don't really care for anything else she's made. My hipster friends back in the day were all about that indieshit with the quirky videos but it just didn't hit the spot.

How many people have to die! 10 people have died in the UK (well from complications due to other illnesses) we need to shut everything down!

He's also in the Star Trek universe.

Attached: STD - Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Zefram Cochrane.webm (900x450, 2.55M)

yes big projects take time to complete. Anyway saying his newer big rocket is nearly done is jumping the gun a bit, it's still years and years away. If that project is successful then people will be talking about Elon Musk 10x more than they already are today

He has the reddit factor

Ah yes, Market Cap, that final metric of all companies

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paypal has admitted to actively removing people from their platform for political reasons.

He is based

Build the Doug Demuro Car of the Year

gilf of a mum

muh A.I. overlords

Why do people who will bever amount to anything always hate rich people?

I doubt the ironic memetards who follow him care that he's a horribe father. They keep him relevant which is what he wants from them.

He put his money in extremely high risk industries. Reusable rockets, indie car company, space travel. I don't understand people hating him or other successful people desu. Ask yourself if you were put in his position at birth, would you have achieved anything at all? Every time a billionaire comes up, whether its Musk, Jobs or Bezos people immediately start coping and making up shitty excuses. It's especially funny because Yas Forums is home of the biggest underachievers in the world, bunch of middle class people in first world countries who ended up being a virgin and NEET at 22 even though they had everything needed for a good life. But I'm sure all of you could have been billionaires under the right circumstances right? People complaining usually cant even find a standard job or get laid with an average Becky drunk girl

Nigger, he has a monopoly on the electric car market in Tesla and his own Space Administration that rivals NASA that's about to launch a constellation of satellites called Starlink that will bring light speed internet services and unrivaled military force projection because it's primarily a system designed to augment the US Air Force and Trump's new Space Force. Seriously maybe read up on some actual news instead of fucking Reddit memes and Twitter outrage screencaps.

>that rivals NASA
it basically is nasa. it's funded by the us government and former nasa employees work there

>he has a monopoly on the electric car market in Tesla
lmao no

Nasa is going to use his rockets instead of soyuz in the coming year.

I'm very impressed by much of the design and engineering work that's gone into Starlink and I'm fully sold on SpaceX's fab capabilities, but I'm not convinced it's the internet of the future. Megaconstellations aren't a new concept and they have pretty hard limitations on bandwidth.

Its an old word.. Like a curse.

he's a scam artist. Hasn't made anything of value.

I'm not saying that he's the greatest person ever or his technology, rather pointing out that anyone who responds to him as "literally who" is just outing themselves as edgy contrarians.

Why do people who amount to nothing idolize people who don't deserve it?

>muh epic narwhal bacon space marine fantasy

fucking radical dude i cant wait to use futuristic space tech warp drives to deliver trillions of dollars to israel in a nanosecond. science fuck yeah!!!!!

This. He's going to end up the Myspace Todd of electric cars at best.

you consider mocking a celebrity to be "edgy?"

Why dont you kill yourself already retard

Pros: SpaceX and Tesla are impressive, the boring company has legs. He fucked and knocked up a pop star. he sold flamethrowers for fun, he has funny cute meme personality

Cons: Hyperloop is blatantly ridiculous, he tried to downplay covid19 to protect his stocks

>union busting slave driver
He makes it clear that he expects insane work commitment from his employees. He is a workaholic himself. If you want a union job, don't work for him.

Will there ever be a black person like Elon Musk, like a black person who has a really high IQ and creates an innovative technology company and becomes a multi billionaire? I feel like black people need representation in this field.

How retarded are you exactly?

I don't consider myself a hater of the guy. I just don't get it. Every video, comment, tweet, article or news segment about him is unnecessarily fan-boyish for some reason. The whole Amber Heard business just gives me a creepy feeling about the dude

holy pickle rickerino, based elon "tony stark" musk just invented a particle transmitter!!!! now we can use the power of SCIENCE! to teleport our tax dollars directly into israeli wallets!!!!!! god bless donald trump (pbuh) for subsidizing this man, amen

He sold paypal decades ago you fucking mongoloid.

Why does everyone jack off this meme man?

People who worship Elon Musk are horribly embarrassing. I'm guessing they are zoomers that were too late for the "I fucking LOVE science" train.

They long for something more and supporting this hack is the closest they’ll get till someone better pops up.

I think you should disconnect your mouth from Elon's asshole.

He's everything autists wish they could be. He is their power fantasy. They literally think he is the coolest and most interesting man in the world