Someone has touched you!

>Someone has touched you!
>Oh... I had an itch,

Film could have ended right there.

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post her ass

Is that what they said? The only version I've watched in the past decade didn't have subtitles, so I had no clue when the gibberish meant.

He could smell Inhotep's dick stank on her

I'm told that was all body paint and that's very hot but how did they manage to paint the nipples to look flat?

Bandaid, boy

You're an idiot...

She was my first boner. I had dreams about her sitting on my face also when I was around 4-5.

Then that would mean it wasnt all paint. She might as well be clothed. What's the point?

Im legit scared of looking up what she looks like today, it wont be good for my childhood

>Turn the guy who fucked your wife into an immortal, all powerful soul sucking demon as a "punishment"
What was the pharaoh thinking?

Still absolutely would.

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i always thought she was dom's sister from fast and familia

>I had dreams about her sitting on my face also.
patrician fetish

how do i get a cute egyptian gf bros?

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she aged well but her best days are behind her

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>then how come this fingerprint is bigger than yours?
>you lying whore


Niggers are related to them

>when I was around 4-5.
humans can’t remember anything from before they were 10 years old

>humans can’t remember anything from before they were 10 years old

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they can but the memories will be at 0.5fps

You aged like shit, and you never had any "best days".

user I've got some bad news for you..

niggers wish they were

that was a mexican?

That's a huge fucking lie. Learn that in class?

everyone has best days by definition

this thread is still salvageable

well i don’t know about that, but having sex dreams as a 4 year old does seem a bit premature

sounds like someone was raped and has repressed memories cause i remember shit from when i was 2

I have a few memories even from infancy, you're just a brainlet

fuck i have definitely seen this before as a kid what is it

When I was 5 I liked looking at tiddies and rubbed my wiener on the carpet because it felt good. I didn't understand it at the time, but to say that children don't have any proto-sexual tendencies is stupid.

>all these ernest replies
Yas Forums isn't what it used to be

Asterix and Cleopatra

When I was 5 or 6 I had a dream where my head was underwater in a bathtub and suddenly there was a bunch of poop on my face. Being a dream it didn’t seem gross, I just remember it being heavy, it simply left me with a weird feeling.
Lo and behold I ended up wanting to be shit on


Perhaps Freud wasn't a complete looney

it wasn't a dream user, you were molested

> he doesn't speak fluent Egyptian

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Facesitting wasn't a meme until a few years ago, so you're objectively lying.

70mm edition when

>not being into face sitting from a young age because your older sister used to bully you and sit on your face

this is only true if you don't use more than 10% of your brain

Freud wasn't necessarily wrong it's just that his ideas only applied to Jews and other mentally abnormal people.

Is this asterix and obelix ?

Hi Hans

No, it's "you're", you retard. As in, "You are an idiot".

go to Greece

user you were raped

Fucking historylets

kill all nerds

And lets keep it that way

i had girls sitting on my face in 2007 bud


>5'0" Egyptian cutie in my parish
>loves children
>dresses modestly but in a flattering way
>adorable accent
>breddy smart, studying bioengineering so she can design better prosthetics
Bruh. It hurts to love someone this much.

Hnnnnghhh no bully for Nubians pls

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I need some Egyptian kinos

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>he thinks any fetish possible wasn’t tried 3000 years ago

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>not tanned
to the trash it goes

Fucking this

imagine being imprisoned by them as their personal sex slave, constantly kept in captivity being humiliated by them

my dad said i had a bonar when i was born but he’s right, i don’t remember it.

I never had a sister,
But I did have an older girl in school bully me and do the same thing.

>a few years
Not even remotely true

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