Why is Japanese TV so much better than western TV?

Why is Japanese TV so much better than western TV?

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extremely based

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me as the horse head

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Asuka a shit!

Why is cable in Japan still the default place where every show goes? It seems way more "prestigious" than everything being dumped on Netflix.

Based wota, who's your oshi?

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>complains on a western imageboard
fuck off with this shitty bait, faggot

In general, most domestically produced shows (variety, dramas, talk shows, anime) end up airing on broadcast TV in Japan. Shows like what the OP posted and niche anime fill up the late night slots. Broadcast networks are WAY more vital to the TV landscape over there than they have been in say, America since the 90's. In America, most of the hot shows people were talking about moved to cable (now streaming), and Japan didn't quite have that movement. Japanese cable is mostly for foreign imports, reruns, uncensored versions of anime airing on network TV and feature films, with some original content on channels like WOWOW and Family Gekijou. Lately, there had been more of a push in Japan towards streaming content, however.

uh.. what happens when you catch one?


is pedo stuff legal there ?

this is crab cock

For me it's Korean tv

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Explain yourself retard

They scissor each other until one of them passes out and is the loser

i wouldn't run away, i'd wait till she catches me and i'd give her a hug.

Baaed informed user

saved. sauce?

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How do I watch japanese tv shows with english subtitelsu. LINK ME UP FAGGGGGOT

Just learn japanese faggot

you can't
japanese language is just 2 years away tops anyway

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>something no onna
fucking i really need to study more

You can't learn Japanese.

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yes, i can
corona-chan will help me!

its fucking hypnotic

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Imagine if American commercials were this good.



Imagine spending YEARS of your life dedicating to mastering something that teaches you nothing but a means for information to be facilitated to you.
You could master a legitimate trade in that time, but no. You're just going to allow yourself to watch cringy animated shows for kids without needing to read subtitles. KYS.

>we have the same book
>maybe it's destiny?
>of course not lol

Seething brainlet

It's not you braindead weeb.

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japanese is a hobby user
calm down

You: Learn japanese for several years, then use japanese materials to learn useful information
Me: Immediately learn useful information.
Explain to me how this is inaccurate.

Do you think streaming will ever catch on properly there? CD burning is still a popular thing to do, even Minidiscs weren’t discontinued until last year. The country honestly feels like it froze in time circa 2001.

There's link related version that lasts an hour. I watched it once but it made me feel very very lonely.


Imagine having a hobby dude. People can enjoy things without those things being immediately useful. For you, I guess that thing is shitposting on a shitty kpop imageboard

Liking cute Japanese girls doesn't mean I'm spending an inordinate amount of time learning the Japanese language.

nips were still using beepers user

Yeah, because no-one ever earned a living from being able to translate Japanese to brainlets that can't into other languages. Retard.

Looks like a struck a nerve.

>i was only pretending to be retarded haha you fell for it


Instead we get niggers and trannies.

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this is why i like japanese media
girls still act girly

I wasn't pretending, I'm just pointing out that me stating simple facts seems to have provoked quite a butthurt response.


Its catchy as hell

>That C A K E in the thumbnail
Not even watching.

All episodes of that show are subbed. Just search "Nogizaka subbed" and you'll find something.


are you ok?
how was he pretending to be anything?

i want a mouse pc now!


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>I wasn't pretending

Ah, so you're actually retarded. Good to know.

lol samefag assumed their own gender

>he expects me to read something that you’re supposed to watch

why are you so butthurt about it lmao

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I was merely pretending to not be pretending. Therefore, I am genuine.

This is me btw

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Moar webms please

i would buy the entire store if we had girls like that here

This is a man. Look at those wide square shoulders.

I watched produce 101 Japan

fake, nips cant into computers

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>Why is Japanese TV so much better than western TV?
it really isn't
cute girls though

>cute girls though
that's enough to make it 10000000 times better

Why does this make me angry

Because you'll never have a qtgf

pretty good the one with the MOUSE

because you're a cat

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They should have let japanese do the cats movie.

>Why does this make me angry

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what a chad
ugly girl tho

japanese girls have god tier feet

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reminder that all these girls sucked hundreds of producer cocks

jap commercials were always good

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Japanese tv is
>guest panel shows that exist solely to sell you merch
>daytime soaps
>boomers react to news stories
>primetime soaps
>primetime comedy panel shows
>more boomers react to's
>1 am anime that exists only to sell degenerates merch
They have the worst TV of any developed nation.

i wish more jap girls would paint their toenails tho