Who is the Yas Forums equivalent of G-Man?

Who is the Yas Forums equivalent of G-Man?

Attached: G-Man_Alyx_Trailer.jpg (1100x1100, 322K)

is this from the new game?

Trailer for it

I doubt he's actually in it, it's Valve's bait to get people to spend $1000 on their VR system

Attached: The_Smoking_Man_(X-Files).jpg (250x333, 16.03K)

These new character models look fucking terrible. I enjoyed the Half Life franchise. But it's now ended after episode two.

Wouldn't suprise me if they've done these kind of looks for a movie to look closer to actors with hack hack jewbrams.


>t. incel

Attached: 1583435796793.jpg (1076x1858, 655.82K)

Farmer 2

Stephen McHattie had the right look back in the day.

Attached: MV5BZWVhZDNiZjAtZDM1Ny00NjdiLWI0ZjUtOGE2OGI2MGRiZWI0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SX888_CR0,0,888,499_AL_.jpg (888x499, 34.63K)

so they finally got stephen mchattie to do the role?

this, until later seasons


He is in it. The story also advances beyond episode 2

What the fuck were they thinking?

This game is their test to see if HL is dead or not. If it's well received then they'll greenlight HL3. Screencap this post.

I think that's some fan render by reddit


But its compatible with my current old headset.

Oh shut the fuck up, the both of you. Your both just... awful...

Attached: SCORSESE.png (1026x557, 457.95K)

TV is not quite in that level yet.

Dead Larry from Burn Notice

Attached: PwL0UaE.png (200x300, 83.08K)



why not just buy 200 dollar one ? or simply not buy full valve kit

Attached: Watcher.jpg (931x1356, 91.51K)

Its going to look like team fortress 2 on the cheap shit

Does G stands for government?

>Alyx teleports now
All this time waiting for a new HL game and I've a bad feeling about this

Attached: dub_bruh.jpg (400x400, 15.33K)

Attached: MV5BMTc4MTIwMjY3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODEyMjg0MDE@._CR285,136,1534,1150_UX614_UY460._SY230_SX307_AL_.jpg (307x230, 8.13K)

It did originally but then Valve worked out an actual story and universe. Originally it was just meant to be a sweet FPS


valve index - LCD - 1440x1600 80-144hz
windows MR - LCD - 1440x1440 90 hz
MR is like 200$ on ebay

Attached: 4cddbf0e757a440f02a10b11d242ad3f.jpg (560x304, 19.81K)

She just walks really hard

Attached: 15476846437698.png (1177x666, 28.67K)

this is just gigachad in glasses

Soulless. I'm actually glad they took so long making a new half life game. It made me not give a shit about it anymore despite loving them before. NuValve and NuHalflife can fuck off.

basically rod serling monologues from twilight zone

Stan Lee... DUH

It looks better on a Samsung Odyssey than Index since Valve went for LCDs over OLEDs

Attached: gordon_bugman.jpg (1076x1858, 256.8K)


Also pic related in a way

Attached: fireman.jpg (970x545, 77.88K)

>Why yes, I caused the resonance cascade, how could you tell?


Attached: Screenshot_1.png (333x226, 73.3K)

We've met before, haven't we?

Attached: mystery man.png (1280x677, 730.93K)

So what do you call this type of character?

mystery niggas

They greenlit HL3 16 years ago. Who cares at this point? No game/company has ever been as encouraged/hyped/guaranteed to succeed as Valve/HL3 was, for so long a time, and they still didn't make it. Whether or not this game is successful is completely irrelevant; any attempt to encourage them to make the game is futile and just makes you look pathetic now. Like an ignored, neglected spouse trying desperately to get their partner's affection, after they've long moved on and started a whole new family with grown kids.

why did they make him hot?
why do men always have to be attractive but women in games get to be ass ugly

>there are people calling this "Chad"
He looks like he makes Kylo Ren tiktoks.



He looks like a hipster that sips coffee at starbucks and uses twitter as his righteous hammer

He'd make a decent g-man

Attached: bryan_cranston_0095.jpg (1400x1868, 332.77K)

For me, it's Gary Oldman.

Attached: 1562921937_agent-smith-001.jpg (680x440, 32.59K)

Honestly agent smiths speaking pattern is reminiscent of g man. They have this weird paused way of speaking although he doesnt look a lot i think hed be the best for the role

He sounds more like Carl Sagan

catch AIDS

thats a shout

what are you faggots complaining about. he looks just like the old render.

Attached: Screenshot_20200312-224818_Chrome.jpg (1080x1063, 453.4K)

Half-Life fags are whiny, obnoxious criebabies not me though

I played HL1 like 15 years ago, and played a bit of 2 a while ago but it bored me, do they even explain how did Freeman came back from whatever void he ended up in 1?

David Bowie is the one and only G-Man

Attached: g-man-totally-looks-like-david-bowie.jpg (401x271, 25.12K)

this isn't an actual model, even Yas Forumstards were able to tell it was fan made