Is comedy dead? I don't remember the last time I've seen a comedy film in theaters...

Is comedy dead? I don't remember the last time I've seen a comedy film in theaters, let alone laughed while watching a movie.

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Yes, go back and watch an older film that made you laugh and you'll find it still does. Modern comedy is dead.

comedies died in the 90s

Comedy is seen as problematic these days as there are too many humourless sad cases who are eager to take offence.

yes because people are faggots I blame women on social media the most

>zommers being nostalgic for the fucking 90s
kys just kys

no gay jokes allowed


Comedy is on Youtube now.

Borat was the last good comedy, before that was The Naked Gun series.

Zoomers weren’t even alive until like 1999.

>Modern comedy is dead.
comedy evolved into butt REEEing around the time social justice warrioring took off and donald trump's election was literally the nail in the coffin. all comedy went from being comedy to FUCK DRUMPF and FUCK WHITE MALES amirite? *insert laugh track here*

Well they don't watch money since you can just watch youtube

Are Marvel movies classed as comedies? There's probably more quips and jokes in them than a single American Pie movie.

American Pie is not a good movie, you fucking plebs.


You spend too much time online and in the wrong places my Amerimutt friend

Yes, this is one of the reasons Joker was made

And you have to thank American Pie series for that.

22 jump street was the last comedy film that makes me laugh

t. third worlder that only got to experience American high school through movies

Where's the lie, faggotroid?

The entire point of comedy is to speak truth to power. When we live in a timeline where unironic Nazis are coming to power all over the world, it would honestly irresponsible to joke about anything else.

You will never get a laugh from a mainstream product ever again, the offendocrats have far too much of a hold on them.

>The entire point of comedy is to speak truth to power.
see this shit, what this fucking retarded nigger just said? this is why comedy is dead. cause of retarded fucking retard niggers.

Comedy is only dead if you're a chud who only thinks jokes are funny when they're punching down. Maybe try being a decent human being?

>being a decent human being?
hey newfag do you know where you are shitposting

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If you even remember the 90s you have to be at least 25.

>Comedy is only dead if you're a chud who only thinks jokes are funny when they're punching down. Maybe try being a decent human being?
some of the most well known comedians of all time never "punched up" or "punched down"

tell me, who was mitch hedberg punching at with his "escalators suddenly become stairs, sorry for the convenience" joke? or seinfeld's "whats the deal with airline food?" or bill cosby? who was gallegar attacking when he smashed watermelons like a clown? comedy doesnt have to attack anybody, or be some kind of political commentary. those are both only small subsets of comedy that have been hyper-focused on by literal mentally ill bitter faggots.

The lie is in your soul my friend

>who was mitch hedberg punching at with his "escalators suddenly become stairs, sorry for the convenience" joke? or seinfeld's "whats the deal with airline food?"

Both highlight absurdities endemic to decadent late-stage capitalism.

>who was gallegar attacking when he smashed watermelons like a clown?

No one, and that's why Gallagher isn't funny.

this based guy gets it

On the big screen, yes. Television and cartoons still has some.

Are you saying you don't love Melissa McCarthy vehicles!?

he used chud user.he is just a baiting leftypol idiot.these are the people that even poltards dab on which is sad.I think the real problem is that modern comedy is too restrictive and has to basically play it safe.I keep seeing the same formula over and over again with the political commentary etc.I dont think that people like being lectured by something that only pretends to be comedy.

>hedberg, seinfeld, cosby
it's like the reddit comedy hall of fame well done

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Fully agree

I think memes took over comedy movies.

>Maybe try being a decent human being?
holy reddit bait

Don't you a comic strip to finish Mr. Trudeau?

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kek this
people who think seinfeld is funny are amusing.

seinfeld isn't funny.

Apatow has a new movie out this summer. He's still good.


is that the "lol weed" guy?

I blame Jews. If they can’t make us laugh what’s the point of keeping them around?

Nah not really. He does work with Seth Rogen a lot though.
He did produce Pineapple Express, and Knocked Up has a lot of pot use but it's not really shown in a good light. Most of his comedy comes from the dialog. He's a good writer.

I wonder if his style has changed now that Apatow is a far-left seething nevertrumper mongoloid

Is he? I don't really keep up with him. I saw him on Segura's podcast recently and he didn't get political at all even though Tom openly hates Trump.

So is 90% of Hollywood. You can tell by how much they ramped up the anti-white anti-male propaganda after he was elected

Of course it is. Modern sjw sensibilities on both sides of the ocean killed it.

Fuck off, you eurotrash retard. You're so mutted that you had to invent nationalities when you finally drew borders and came up with names.

The only recent movie I watched which seriously made me laugh was Idiocracy.
And not because 'LEL le ebin movie thats like totally like today'
but because there were actually funny dialogues and characters.

Scary Movie 1 to maybe 4 come to mind aswell.
The first half of Year One was also good.

I wish. But we don't. If you mean to say that trump is a nazi, you're an idiot.

Idiocracy is like 15 years old

"Comedy" is deadpool movies now

nah man
just like turn on the news man

I bet you like Marc Mosen. He's not funny. He's the living stereotype of why everyone hates jews.

What a pseud.

>Is comedy dead?
Yes, unless your idea of comedy is snapping (or jazz hands) instead of applause, and "smashing the patriarchy" (read: weakening the country for foreign powers) instead of making people laugh.

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Kek how underage are you that you come up with this barely coherent wet shit of an insult

American Pie 2 was the best one

>we live in a timeline where unironic Nazis are coming to power all over the world
Oh hi there masturbaiter

horror genre has never evolved on the internet beyond creepypasta and jumpscare websites

that isn't true for comedy. most people get their comedy content from internet

also, nobody thinks American Pie is good aside from the people who grew up around it. they don't like it cause it's good, it's pure nostalgia shit.