Why isn't he a bigger star?

Why isn't he a bigger star?

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He throws rocks at peoples heads

He's done pretty well for himself, all things considered.

He’s an alcoholic in real life

Why is he always portrayed as super handsome? I mean he's not ugly but he's an 8 max.

if the rumors are true he's pretty huge

because he only does roles that interest him, as opposed to roles that the american public actually sees a lot of: blockbusters, which are more stitched together than actually composed artistically.

Also, he likes to live in New York if I am not mistaken. The actors there come out for bigger roles here and there but NY actors tend to stay in New York and focus on the 3 tv shows they produce a year.

Claw hammer

he's pretty funny, should do more comedy.

I like how Mad Men is his biggest show and for all intents and purposes he is a comedic actor

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he is too based,

I get the feeling he’s a little autistic

Wow he’s just like me!

>he throws rocks at pebbles heads

absolute mad man

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He's an alcoholic. Also, he's a genuinely funny guy and likes doing comedy, while they'd obviously want to have him be a rough & gruff action star who roids, which he's probably not into. When asked if he'd do CBMs, he said he'd want to adapt Elektra Assassin and play John Garret. In general, I get the feeling that he's not exactly what the studios would want out of a guy who looks like him.

Hollywood writes roles for curly haired jewish actors, not tall handsome dark goyim.

He's an asshole IRL. He legit tortured kids in his frat at UT

Was he on curb?
Which season?

who didn’t?

Newest season. Episode 8 or something.

Doesn't fit in with the types of heroes Hollywood wants to push, which today is either Jew twinks like Ehrenreich and that faggot from Baby Driver, or ugly mutts like the Stranger Things kids.

Why do you have this picture

Must be annoying having to deal with a big cock while walking around. Seems uncomfortable. I don't envy him.

Don’t they shoot movies in NY?

>be some manlet weakling
>deliberately try and join the Chad Frat
>don't manage to deal with the initiation hazing
>"waaaaaaahhhhhh Chad Hamm was MEEEEEEAAAAANNNNN to meeeeee"
Really now?

Apparently he doesn't wear underwear so of course his cock is gonna stick out

Wish we could get a proper view of it at least

>Apparently he doesn't wear underwear
Well yeah, it would be too constricting. It would be like having his cock in a vice all day. His doctor probably told him not to if he ever wants to have kids.

Based. Gonna check it out

This. he's also really funny on Comedy Bang Bang.

A few. It's too expensive unless the idea is specifically to do a new york themed show / movie.

we should bring bulges back. if women can have their tits out on display why can't we just have the outline of our cocks for all of us to admire and comment on?

W-what if you're a grower and not a shower?

thats alright man, if every body is beautiful than why can't every cock be? We'll create a composite culture of ours and the greeks, where small dicks can be beautiful, but big dicks impressive.

W-What if you're neither a grower, nor a shower?

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He doesn't anymore now that he's older. But he used to be a stud 10 years ago. And had presence playing Don Draper.


N-No thanks.

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He does a lot of narration now kinda like the movie trailer guy except for sports montages, most recently did a special for the Super Bowl to commemorate NFL 100th season.

Literally white Idris Elba. Take that however you will.

he's funny in kimmy schmidt and 30 rock, too

He’s hot as fuck

He's not that good an actor. He's average at best, don draper was his one good role, that was mostly carried by writing and fitting him extremely well. He can't adapt. You see him doing okay in kimmy schmidt because it's just being as corny as he can. When you see him in baby driver, it just feels like he's doing the character ironically, so much so they had to tweak the character to be more comedic. Wish someone got a pic of his erect dick tho

He's literally too chad to care about success. He has coasted through life and is satisfied doing the same until he dies.

If I were a 16 year old girl I'd probably dream about calling him daddy while he fucks me. IF.

>W-what if you're a grower and not a shower?
Then you would have to stroke your cock every 10 minutes to keep up the illusion that your dick isn't baby sized most of the time. Alternatively, you could refrain from jacking off, but that seems a lot harder.

Hes a bit like Alec Baldwin in that way. The industry tries and pushes them as handsome leading men in dramas, but it turns out their true talent is in comedy.

>not being able to maintain an erection without stroking your cock
holy shit it must suck having erectile dysfunction

Typecast actor.

>having this picture on your phone

>isn’t even recognized by girls on the street
>she physically recoils when he tries to touch her
>is balding and gets made fun of by a fucking pizza reviewer on YouTube

the virgin dick whitman vs CHAD Portnoy

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He must have a terrible agent

>big dick, handsome, rich, plays in kino show, funny

god I wish that was me

If you're a dicklet, then find a girl with a shallow pussy. I have a 7.5 inch hog that is thickest/widest mid-shaft, and only loose sluts make me feel like my dick is desirable, or at the very least adequate. I've had one short-lived relationship that ended simply because the girl didn't like me knocking at her womb or thrusting too fast. Sex wasn't enjoyable, we weren't a good match.

my bf has a dick somewhat like that and i have to get super drunk to have sex without pain, i don't know why people flip out over size....being in a relationship with someone you love is more important than sex

Yeah, big dicks are a real turn off.

>His father was Steven Spielberg's accountant.
>Ehrenreich was discovered at a friend's Bat Mitzvah reception by Steven Spielberg,
Hollywood being 90% Jew is like a really funny bit that just keeps giving. The shameless nepotism is fucking hilarious.

He's pretty cool.

We do
Ladies call it sweatpants season
In the fall when you wear your gray basketball sweatpants and they scope out your dick

For the love of god dilate

I love this gentile, I like his aura

Because he's smart and he acts roles he likes and doesn't seek out fame like retards like Tom Cruise et al. He could've gotten a PA to do all that fame building bullshit and been massive but A.this is harder to do in the modern world what with the whitewash of media and B. why the fuck would anyone except Tommy Cruise and the boys enjoy that wankery

He makes me feel good about having a giant forehead
he was hilarious in Good Omens