American Godzilla is better than Jap Godzilla

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Neon Genesis Godzilla was better

On what basis?

lol fuck no

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americans can't into godzilla, nippon beats them with 1/10 the budget

Gorgo >>>> all


I prefer spoopy Shin Godzilla

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Japs can only dream of making such kino

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Both american Godzilla movies are absolute trash. Worst cinema experience in 2019 for me. I feel like it's 95% human drama with the most boring characters possible (except Bryan Cranston).
It works much better as an 8 minute short film:

cant see shit capn

He’s just a Fat T-Rex in this universe. Not a mutation. He’s not even an actual Godzilla.

looks cool af, way better than any dino

my boy gojira would annihilate any dino from jurassic park

B-but the other one is Japanese!

Shitty design. Skinny fucking dorsals and a fat stomach. What drugs are you on zoom?

open your eyes then slant boy

Daddy Godzilla is best Godzilla.

What the fuck are you talking about? Every single thing the humans do in KotM is a direct result of what the monsters are doing. They're basically SHIELD and it's the best the humans in a Goji movie have been since the first one.


KOTM was literally a Heisei movie with modern effects. It was fucking lit.

>Every single thing the humans do in KotM is a direct result of what the monsters are doing.
You mean the human-mind controlled monsters? That plot was fucking stupid. Oh look I’m a giant fucking alien dragon, but I’m too stupid to notice that the alpha signal of the kaiju is the size of a fly. Wtf?! Worse humans in a Godzilla film ever. They turned them into reddit the movie.

G14: too mundane
KOTM: too over-the-top
The problem with American Godzilla films isn't the plots, characters, or action, it's that they can't get the cheese-serious balance right. Ironically it was GINO (the 98 movie) that nearly got the balance right, they just didn't get Godzilla right.

>3 attempts and still no good Hollywood Godzilla movie

>a Heisei movie with modern effects.
It’s just captured the stupid parts of heisei. “Modern effects” you do know there are modern practical effects too? Not just 010100010101001. 99% of kotm was the humans running away from ones and zeroes.

Godzilla fans need to stop with the delusional that KOTM was anything more than a bad movie and a flop

> 500 attempts and still only 1 good godzilla movie
> King Kong has had 2 good movies in like 7, and they're just remakes because the original story is perfect
how could the nips let the mutts shit on them this hard?

Ive liked all three so far.
One of them produced the greatest animated kino of our generation.

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shut up and cope, you cockless faggot

If you take nostalgia away and also the trash bonus you are maybe right.
I never liked the human parts in the old movies.

98 was jurassic park not godzilla

God that downloaded and ready for a re-watch I hope it holds up

In terms of design? Yes. Monsterverse Godzilla looks real mean.

>shut up and cope, you cockless faggot
I will fuck your mother when GvK bombs.

do you really think a building could hold him?

Aren't you forgetting something?

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I remember loving this as a kid but somehow I doubt it was actually as good as I thought.

If it’s not dudes wrestling in rubber suits it’s not a Godzilla movie, die zoomer scum.

It’s better than you thought. Buckle up.

Threadly reminder that King of the Monsters was the best film of 2019 and you literally cannot prove me wrong. If you try you will surely fail, and only prove yourself a big gay faggot in the process.

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Fucking atrocious cgi. You must love marvel movies.

It was either outsourced to chinks or Poo in the loos. Either way it’s cheaper.

I liked KOTM, but it could have been so much better. Legendary was probably hamstrung by Toho being protective of their IP, but it would have greatly benefited from more of the classic sound effects and musical cues like Anno used in Shin. The sound effects and score used in KOTM were all painfully generic, and mixed too low compared to the dialog. If you watch the older movies, the monsters are constantly roaring and vocalizing loudly, and the music is always very dramatic and mood-setting. The musical score in older Godzilla movies was always a repetition of marches or dirges, and back-and-fourth leitmotifs to represent the monsters battling. The music in KOTM was mostly generic modern action-movie stuff with a slow tempo that is supposed to pick up and augment what's happening onscreen in critical moments. Nothing is memorable except for the original Ifukube and Koseki pieces that were used very sparingly. You can watch one of the older movies like Mothra vs Godzilla, and you'll notice that the entire film's score is pretty much just four or five leitmotifs used repeatedly, but orchestrated in different moods and intensity to reflect what is happening onscreen. The result is that your brain associates each particular piece of music with a different mood or character, and it's quite powerful in getting you engaged with what you're seeing.

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This but unironically. CGI all just blends together for me. I can never pay attention to what's supposed to be happening.

> lol let's just hide everything in the dark since all of it looks like complete shit
when will Godzilla movies stop doing this?

I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it

Sure if you like soulless crap.

When they go back to suitmation. Sadly, normies are never going to accept practical effects anymore.


I unironically love the 98 version

>salty maladjusted faggots on Yas Forums still seething about KotM a year later
>meanwhile actual Gojichads are just enjoying the fact that they finally got a good American Godzilla movie

Stay mad, queers.

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>cinemacon cancelled
>no gvk trailer

The power of a fandom is truly something to behold! Fortunately, this is a good example.

> literal kids movie with kiddie-tier action
Go fuck yourself.

Can't all Godzillas get along?

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He looks and sounds better than any before him, but his movies aren't great.

>He looks and sounds better than any before him
Nah, the 2014 design was like what you'd get if you asked a normalfag who had never seen a Godzilla movie before to draw Godzilla from memory. The 2014 roar was also overblown and tryhard. I'm glad Dougherty included some of his classic roars in KOTM to remind me that I'm supposed to be watching a Godzilla movie.

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If it's not made in Japan, it's not a godzilla movie. It's like champagne, anybody can make their own and call it champagne, but unless it's from Champagne, France, it's not real champagne

Also, Godzilla King Of Monsters was too fucking dark

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>intentionally leaves out the GREATEST american godzilla
what a faggot

You draw it then bitch.

He's in the background on top of the tower.

>anybody can make their own and call it champagne
This isn't true, though. Champagne from elsewhere is called sparkling wine. There's a law and everything.

I wouldn't mind more Zilla in the future.
As for the series, if you binge it then you will definitely notice a formula in the episodes, but they are all pretty good in their own right. The stand out episodes are of course Future Shock episodes, S.C.A.L.E. and the Monster Wars ones.
Monique is waifu of the series.
Zilla is best boy

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>He looks and sounds better than any before him
Are you kidding me dude? 1954 looks and sounds better, shin is in a completely different league. You're welcome to try and refute this with specifics.