>Is there anything you’re bad at? “To be honest, no. Probably just people. People don’t like to be studied, or bested.” He shrugged. “I’m fine with it. I don’t really like people that much. People accept me now because I have power, but they still think, Oh, he thinks he’s the golden flower of the black community, thinks he’s so different.” He laughed. “But I am, though! I feel like Jesus. I do feel chosen. My struggle is to use my humanity to create a classic work—but I don’t know if humanity is worth it, or if we’re going to make it. I don’t know if there’s much time left.”
Is there anything you’re bad at? “To be honest, no. Probably just people. People don’t like to be studied...
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Delusions of grandeur never end well.
why/how the fuck do people become like this?
Stop shilling this nigger
Literally anyone can make money
be very talented and succeed very hard without tying
Christ I hate celebrities with god complexes hope corona gets him
we already have a kanye west
Money. Don't have to deal with reality anymore.
>no source
your word, is niggerfaggot
>too retarded to google something
eat shit zoomer
It's called having confidence in your own abilities. I'm guessing your daddy never complimented you on that drawing you did in kindergarten?
Ok, but what about this mediocre nigger?
it's the same interview from a few years ago where he boasts about hacking the matrix by independently discovering the concept of practice
It’s funny because he has no talent and appeals to white people
He skipped the part where he made good music and already placed himself at the reckless narcissism stage
At least a couple of his songs are kinda good. But they are just a couple.
>actor is an egomaniac
Colour me shocked
Why people get so mad when artists say shit like this? It's no big of a deal
He is probably just joking around at a humorous question and you guys getting mad.
>People accept me now because I have power, but they still think, Oh, he thinks he’s the golden flower of the black community, thinks he’s so different.” He laughed. “But I am, though!
what a nice guy
here's a reply
post em
The whole interview is like that
Poor man's woke Kanye.
He doesn't have the charisma to pull off a convincing god complex, he just seems like a teenager drunk with power.
>As Legend bustled over to show me the giraffe, Glover said that he thinks of reality as a program and his talent as hacking the code: “I learn fast—I figured out the algorithm.” Grasping the machine’s logic had risks. “When people become depressed and kill themselves, it’s because all they see is the algorithm, the loop,” he said. But it was also exhilarating. When he was ten, he said, “I realized, if I want to be good at P.E., I have to be good at basketball. So I went home and shot baskets in our driveway for six hours, until my mother called me in. The next day, I was good enough that you wouldn’t notice I was bad. And I realized my superpower.” During a lunch break on set one day, in the gym of a Baptist church, I had watched Glover play 21 against five crew members. He made three long jumpers, then began charging the lane to launch Steph Curry-style runners—stylish, ineffective forays facilitated by the crew’s reluctance to play tough D. “It sounds like I’m sucking my own dick—‘Oh, he thinks he’s great at everything,’ ” he said now, leaning forward. “But what if you had that power?”
>Not one to shy away from a larger than life comparison, Glover favorably compared himself (In a humble-ish way?) to comedy legend Chris Rock. He claims Rock told him that he could never have pulled off a show like Glover’s Atlanta back in the day. “I’m a little better than Chris, because I had Chris to study.
Seems like yours complimented you too much. There's another quality you should have called humility. There's never any reason to act high and mighty, you just look like an asshole.
Balls. You wish you could say something like this and get away with it.
jack of all trades master of fuck all
Being a black pampered bitch all your life. Certain rich blacks live in a bubble and think they're all kangz from all the cocaine they snort.
He sounds like a troll and you fell for it because you're a gullible simp who reads celebrity gossip
is there anything more loathsome than an uppity Basketball-American
>“It sounds like I’m sucking my own dick—he said now, leaning forward. “But what if you had that power?”
If anyone's ever listened to Dr. Death or read up on its subject matter, this is literally sounding like one of Chris Duntsch's unhinged rants he e-mailed to his assistant he was fucking right before he deliberately paralyzed his best friend in a spine surgery. Legit concerned for Donald's mental state here, talking like this about yourself is borderline dangerous levels of egomania.
>He made three long jumpers, then began charging the lane to launch Steph Curry-style runners—stylish, ineffective forays facilitated by the crew’s reluctance to play tough D
lmao the interviewer desperately not trying to call him an obnoxious cunt
>practice is "hacking reality"
stop trying to make this a thing
I really don't, I think the opposite, no one is anything special because nothing means anything. But whatever.
This. Not a chance he’s actually serious.
Shut up
if you practise something you get better at it?? i wish i had this superpower
oh the made up one? fuck off nigger
He sounds mentally ill
>15 year old Dong Lover fans attempting damage control
cope harder
>niggerfaggot sketch
>two dope-ass hip-hop albums
>started getting a little bit of fame cause of Community
>three terrible self-indulgent ablums
>a horribly unfunny "look at black people we have it so bad" 'comedy-drama'.
>gets more and more pretentious every interview he does
Ego is a hell of a drug. Never let this man forget about NiggerFaggot or BTI
Nigger who wants to be seen as a non nigger but want to keep all his nigger qualities. Hes just this generations Kanye
>Yas Forums protecting nigger woke faggot
Wtf happen to this place
There's 7 billion people on Earth, a planet which is much smaller than a tiny dust particle compared to the size of the universe, which is full of these tiny dust particles which probably have billions of "people" on some of them, and anything these people do will be made completely irrelevant with time no matter what.
So yeah, there's no reason to believe you're a jesus man
>tfw your biggest song was stolen from someone else
>sucking my own dick
I could do that in high school, feels really gay sucking your own dick though, overrated.
Uppity ass nigger
The first time I saw him acting was a skateboard kid that shat his pants. It was hilarious to my young self.
>make a name for yourself ripping off the rap styles and flow of Wheezy and others
>people are surprised when he rips off another rap style and flow
>gets virus
>at the very least gets crippled and or sterile
I think we're going to be seeing a lot of this from noted narcissists the world over in the coming months.
White people like Donald Glover because he makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X.
if you hear shit like this on a daily basis, you'd be fucked too.
Because at a certain point you get fed up with consumer normies who want you to cater to them even though they couldn't commit to a single day of practice in making something themselves.
But fuck Glover anyway, if you start out rich you have no excuse to not self actualize. He just did what wealthy young educated black men should be doing anyway. He's never "struggled" the way most artists do.