>tfw revisiting my favorite childhood films
>they're all full of transphobia, homophobia, misogyny and racism
How do you guys deal with this?
Tfw revisiting my favorite childhood films
See them as relics of their time
Tried watching Adventures in Babysitting and BTTF the other day. I couldn't do it. Babysitting had homophobic talk in the first 5 minutes? BTTF is racist and sexist as fuck! Who framed Roger Rabbit too...am I finished bros?
Usually just skip the outdated parts and pretend they never happened
Realise that I’m not a total retarded faggot who views historic media through the current social lens and gets upset about it
Enjoy the kino
It's the funniest part of Ace Ventura
I tend to avoid older movies knowing there’s probably traces of homophobia or racism.
I make sure to let others know about how problematic they are with the hope that people don't also watch them and feel subjected to such disgusting misbehavior
I usually have mixed feelings. I miss the times when people werent so worried about offending anyone. On the other hand fags and trannies are people to and honestly making fun of them is often not even that funny.
>Watch The Mask
>Cameron Diaz is portrayed as literal inhuman fuck meat
>Movies is unfunny garbage anyway
It's amazing how much things have changed
Stop being phobiaphobic ya faggot
I loved Ace Ventura as a kid but god damn the transgender jokes are hard to watch nowadays.
Even tv show from ten years ago would constantly use gay as a punchline. I mean I do like calling people fags but it actually isn't that funny when you think about it. Empathy has ruined my perfectly good homophobic fun.
Personally I dilate, make some avocado toast and listen to sissy hypnosis videos to get over the trauma these films cause.
You guys are larping, right? Either that or Yas Forums has finally become reddit.
Laugh like did when I was a kid.
I literally just understood why people keep remaking movies
It’s for crybabies that want to go back to watching classics but with 2020 socio-politics
That's why they saved until the end.
>How do you guys deal with this?
I smile
I try my best to remember we can still go back to a better time
The actually funny stuff isn't made to intentionally denigrate people.
user, I do believe OP may have been, how you say, “trolling”
I miss the days when you were allowed to sexualize women in media.
God those were the days. I miss it so fucking much bros.
>Yas Forums is actually filled with thin skinned tranny zoomers.
I think its time i actually stop coming here.
ace ventura pet detective sucks fucking dick
when nature calls though, now that is comedykino
With sadness, because all of that comedic gold is gone with controlling, authoritative SJWs that want to ruin everyone’s fun because of their lack of personality
uh correct me if im wrong but i think its a b8 thread in the same style as all the ones on a board like Yas Forums for some reason they are all made from the perspective of a black or tranny or whatever even though its obvious to everyone that this is very unlikely to be the case
perhaps you were taking it another layer down and pretending to not grasp this concept, if so, kudos friend!
Not that guy but it's ironic on Yas Forums but true in real life
Maybe I'm the one who should stop coming here
Pretty much every older film is misogynistic to some degree. The trick is to just not watch them.
noticed this with dreamworks/pixar especially
nothing but "she belongs to him and he belongs with her"
Well do you think sexy is sexist?
>consooming the jewish propaganda and bragging about it
By realizing todays movies are full of heterophobia, misandry and anti-caucanism.
>he unironically believes "sex sells" doesn't apply anymore
Modern "feminine" is kinda the opposite anyway. Back in the day, showing more body was progressive, not the contrary. Wanting to look and act like some toxic ‘masculine' man was anything but feminist.
yet you still somehow manged to grow up to be a massive faggot
By not having to dilate
>I'm just not used to a woman on my bridge
Christ Pike
Of course it still applies, just in different ways than before.
All films should be destroyed after 5 years on the market. Every single copy and trace should be rounded up and burned, online traces scrubbed, and anyone trying to pirate or share copies (even legitimately) should be jailed. It's the only way to stop future generations being offended by stuff that we don't even know offends them yet.
why not just have every movie preceded by a legally required femsplainer to tell you whats wrong with it?
Yeah, this is what's so weird. I get the idea that there are more broad problems to this, but if you take Jessica Rabbit from Roger Rabbit as an example, she is in full control of the situation for most of the film, chooses who she wants to be, etc. She is sexy and kind of smart, unlike the fat goofy men around her (cartoon or real).
Same for Catwoman in Batman and stuff like that.
I think the idea now in retrospect is that women should have other avenues of power that don't involve skintight leather catsuits. Although I guess George Clooney had bat nipples so idk.
Is this bait?
this but unironically
>How do you guys deal with this?
I enjoiy it even more
I treasure them even more.
Late 80s to mid 90s movies were based as fuck.
You shouldn't. Fags aren't human.
This must be a psyops thread or some shit. Why is everyone agreeing with the libtards?
Because fuck tranny's, fuck faggots, fuck women, fuck niggers, that's how. I don't give a rats ass about their fucking feelings or them being offended at all. At all. At. All. I don't give a flying fucking shit about any of them and laugh at the idea of them getting lined up against a wall and shot.
After that, movies might become enjoyable again.
I typically just join the 40%.
Oh yeah....fuck you too, faggot OP.
We're like 7 layers of irony deep. OP's post is inspired by some tranny comic. It got shit on because they came to the conclusion that the 90s as a whole sucked because of some meanie movies.
You're welcome for the spoonfeeding.
I guarantee you still laugh at other people's expense, they just don't have a political lobby that makes it taboo to do so. you fucking faggot
I laugh out loud.
by being all of those things
>>they're all full of transphobia, homophobia, misogyny and racism
it was a better time
Fuck off you pussy ass cunt.
zoom zoom
By not watching anything made after 2010 or so
fucking great, is how i deal with it.
I'm more concerned by how turned on I am when Ace publicly strips Einhorn. It feels like a fetish.