Is it worth watching or is it reddit garbage like rick and morty
Is it worth watching or is it reddit garbage like rick and morty
it goes in the trash
you dont like rivk and mort?
I just watched this and I spent the entire series repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy quirky actor movie lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place
Cartoons are for children and manchildren
it's good, todd gets grating but there's some solid episodes in there like the funeral one
It's reddit garbage but it's worth watching.
It depends if you are interested in hearing normal words, but said by horse guy
Certain characters are enjoyable. I liked it over all but they pussied out with the ending.
Its ok if you don't obsess about reddit.
It could be condensed down into a short miniseries
Anything that isn't bojack or Mr pnut is all padding shit
It could have been good but got stuck up it's own ass and got very repetitive past s2
Everything with bojack in scene is kino pnut is usually good Diane Todd and pc are hit or miss (all miss in later seasons) with new characters like holly hock and blacked bull being absolutely pointless.
It's a 2d poor man's sopranos x ugly Americans I'd recommend you just go watch them instead
It has some good moments, but 80% of the time it is edgy reddit trash. Good watch if you are in quarantine and have already gone through everything else tho
It's just a horse guy saying normal words. Don't bother watching it.
Honestly it would be kino if someone just made a supercut of all of just Bojack's scenes and ones related to his story.
s1-3 are still great
but weak writing and characters bleed into it too much, maybe im just an incel, but women have this really on the nose way of writing comedy where they just explain the entire joke or else they just build a 'funny' (aka random) situation then linger on it for about 5 minutes
I think it's worse than Rick and Morty.
The humor is worse.
And it portrays nihilism in a romantic light instead of a negative light, like R&M does (despite the memes).
it's much better than rick and memety
What's reddit?
Bjhm feels more experimental but ultimately kinda falls short of what it could have been and the art style gets dragged down by some very shit animation.
>Honestly it would be kino if someone just made a supercut of all of just Bojack's scenes and ones related to his story.
Some of the stuff in pj and Diane's ones went somewhere but alot didn't.
Bojacks actually paid off.
In kinda glad this show and its spinoff got canned because it started to get very aimless
Hot take both are trash.
Bjhm is only good if your in a self loathing mood
Ram is just trash apart from some of s1 the pilot and bushworld
That's like saying shits better than piss to eat and drink
It's still shit and piss
At least Rick and Morty is funny, Horseguy has nothing going on
>im depressed because im an asshole
>but as a horse guy
deepest kino in decades
It's decent but it will trigger you hard if you don't like acknowledging depression.
Can someone define reddit for me?
I'm glad all the Dianne shit was there just so that it could highlight the hypocrisy between how toxic men are treated compared to toxic women
It's a novel about modern age in a form of a cartoon.
Better than Rick and Morty if you want an actual storyline, but a lot of the humour is stupid as fuck. I only watched the whole thing because tongue twisters and wordplay still make me smile for whatever reason.
It makes it hard to be emotionally invested in a lot of the characters, but if you manage to be, then you’ll probably enjoy it a lot.
Anything popular enough to get a mainstream audience outside of this site
It's more like Mad Men than Rick and Morty. Some interesting characters (Bojack, PC, and Diane mainly) and storytelling and it can be very funny. Several individual episodes are outstanding.
It has the ambition of a great hour-long drama but I don't think it quite came together at the end. The character development largely circled the drain in the last few seasons and it became less funny. There's something a bit on-the-nose about how the characters know how broken they are and make self-deprecating but 'profound' references to it; You're the Worst was better as an existential/mental health dramedy.
>And it portrays nihilism in a romantic light
it really doesn't.
What a strange horse man. Does he say strange things as well?
i'd kill for a boyfriend like mr peanutbutter
I'm still not sure why or how the viewer is meant to feel about her.
I honestly fucking hate her as a virgincel male because she gets a cushy job and partner handed to her.
I'll never get a comfy job and gf especially now with coronachan and bushfires floods and tp famine
Todd was terrible until the last season, his subplots aside form his gilled gf were pure filler
Oooooold pasta, thanks for the memories
way better than rick and morty. They never really gloriy bojack being an asshole, wheras the point of an entire episode of rick and morty is 'ME SMART SO BEING AN ASSHOLE IS ALL ME GET'
>blacked bull
Reddit is the pc way to say cuck.
They make it very clear that she’s the same as Bojack in many ways. Most of the second-to-last season was spent making that clear. She’s basically Bojack but instead of dealing with hating herself by taking loads of drugs and fucking up peoples lives she just obsessively eats and complains. Honestly a pretty realistic character. I was surprised that her ending was “She’s fat and writes YA novels that she doesn’t really like” after she spent the entire show trying to write meaningful stuff.
i think the rick and morty fans are the ones that trash it
>it portrays nihilism in a romantic light
lol fucking what?
>Ugly Americans
Based and a fellow man of culture.
This is actually a good point. Bojack is an asshole fuckup and the show makes sure you know it. Rick is an asshole because he’s smart and there’s nothing he can do about it. The suicide scene in Rick and Morty was shitty because he basically had no reason to feel that bad. Bojack’s fake-out death was heavy because he wasn’t even trying to kill himself, he was drugged out of his mind and making shitty decisions that he is forced to continue living with, like calling Diane and breaking into his old house.
>instead of dealing with hating herself by taking loads of drugs and fucking up peoples lives
>implying she doesn't fuck up peoples' lives
So the whole part where she took advantage of Mr Peanutbutter when they were married, ditched him and then fucked up his new relationship just didn't count?
What about her constant hypocritical whining where she berates everyone around her? I mean, she literally fucked over Bojack multiple times by giving him terrible advice that she would never follow herself.
I forget, but I'm pretty sure she fucked over Philbert too.
And let's not even talk about Guy who could do so much better but is instead constantly picking up the pieces of her life while she gets fat and whines about nothing.
Or that entire episode where she looked into her heritage
It definitely doesn’t depict Nihilism as a good thing. Rick and Morty genuinely does. Bojack’s nihilism ends up with him publicly hated, losing all of his friends, his house and going to prison. Rick’s just makes him feel sad and causes arguments, which don’t matter because he can just kill everyone and replace them with clones that don’t remember it or whatever.
But that's why Bojack is the real advocate for nihilism. Everything sucks and is going to suck anyway so just go with it.
Compared to Rick & Morty's "everything sucks but if shit gets too real we can fix it with SCIENCE"
Ok, I worded it badly. She fucks up people’s lives, but she does it in a more sly and well-intentioned way than Bojack does. My point is that she’s pretty much the same as Bojack when it comes down to it, despite being desperate to think that she’s better.
>Everything sucks and is going to suck anyway so just go with it
That isn’t the message at all, though, user. I mean, maybe it would be if there were no characters except Bojack, but Mr Peanutbutter and Todd are basically entirely there to make a point about the power of positive thinking.
The final season of Bojack was entirely about how being honest and trying to improve your life (and the lives of others) is worth it. He was more fulfilled than he’d ever been, up until the shit he’d done earlier caught up with him. Even after he went to jail he decided to continue trying to improve himself. That was his development.
>everything sucks but if shit gets too real we can fix it with SCIENCE
So there are no consequences and they can continue being nihilistic without learning anything?
friendly reminder that Bojack had nothing to do with nihilism. It was about depression.
other characters were doing fine. especially once they cut bojack out of their lives. Everything sucks and is going to suck if you are entitled piece of shit who drinks way to much and ruins peoples lives.
Bojack created his own hell.The show warns against bad actions while humanizing fucked up people.
It was worth it, but they made a feminist spinoff which tanked and then decided to inject that into the main show, ultimately fucking up the set up and delivering something underwhelming. Just skip the final season. If you have to watch it skip the final ep
>VD is great and should be celebrated! Yay unsafe sex and abortions!
god tuca and birdie was terrible
Legit why did the buildings have to have tits? So random and empowering xDDDD
It is kinda reddit trash for people that wanna pretend that they're smart for viewing it. They think having an episode where no dialogue is spoken with 90% filler uneventful filler spliced in is the peak of TV. That said though, the show has its highlights even though these are very few and far between. You could cut half of this series in half and you'd lose nothing of worth.
men built sky scrappers to resemble erect penises. Its like man spreading but accross an entire city. Imagine being a woman and having to live under those gigantic oppressive penises.
Yes, having them look like breasts is empowering. Just imagine what the world could look like if everything wasnt so phallic.
its more aimed toward people with some amount of self knowledge. You dont have to be too smart to understand the show but interestingly enough a lot of people dont seem to understand it. like this guy for example
I wish I was smart enough to appreciate Tuca and Bertie!
Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger! :)
Tuca and Bertie wasn’t a spin-off, it just looked exactly the same because it had the same people working on it. They aren’t actually set in the same world. There were no humans in that show.
It's tryhard bullshit that's nowhere near as profound as it claims to be.
always sunny was off the air for a bit i guess and when it came back i heard it refered to as a "reboot". WTF is wrong with people these days?
It was still shit that got cancelled and injected into bojack
The Sopranos does exactly what this show was trying to do but 10x better.
whos the blue haired girl with the glasses? reminded me of a cute girl i knew