>women can't be stro-
Women can't be stro-
she's fucking up every part of those meaningless exercises
>meaningless exercise
I keep hearing this from Yas Forums-elitists (because belittling others always boosts your ego, right), and I still don't get it. Every bit of exercise is good if you're a fat slob with no physical activity.
>hopscotch mean youre strong
The fucking state of Yas Forums
None of this is displaying strength
Post body
I'm torn between wanting to be those leggings or those shoes
You want to own women's clothing?
Oh like you're doing now?
>Daisy is half my weight
>mfw she could probably overpower me because I'm an out-of-shape swine
Sure, but some (i. e. weightlifting) are much better than others (like this conditioning bollocks).
haha, imagine daisy ridley overpowering you and doing whatever she wants. Who would want something weird like that happening right? You're funny!
You are a retard.
First of all, there are exercises that are just bad or dangerous for your joints, shoulders etc. For example many crosshit exercises.
Secondly, many meme exercises are not very useful or optimal. Why waste your time and not get more out of it?
Cardio conditioning is better for your health than lifting. I love lifting, but cardio is always the superior exercise for health.
To add to this, I should mention that I've got a good basis to become a beefyboi. Had I more time and willpower, I could get in shape and completely and utterly annihilate Daisy on a 1-on-1 like any proper man would. Just fucking slamdunk that bitch down to the ground and subjugate her under my foot, and there would be nothing she could do but scream.
But I'm never gonna meet Daisy, so that ain't gonna happen.
is there anything she can't do?
So Mr. Expert, what kind of exercises do you recommend someone who hasn't been physically active for years and wants to change? It seems like whatever I do is wrong, every fucking time, every single detail. There's no fucking winning.
Literal angel face. I would tickle her uterus until her ovaries bloom back to reproductive health again.
I popped a boner watching a chick with big legs deadlift and squat heavy once, I blame Bruce Timm and his shows for most of my fetish's
Femanon here; that is the hottest thing I've read all day.
swimming, start slow but swim longer every time.
If you're a really, really fat and unfit slob, you shouldn't even do excercises at that stage. Just go for walks, let your body get used to movement again, ride the bike or go swimming. Once you don't huff air for 2 minutes after walking up a flight of stairs you can think about doing exercises.
If he's actually fat, he should diet first and foremost till he's within normal human bean-range, then he can start working out.
Daisy is NOT for lewds! She is PURE.
i bet i can put her in coma with one hit
crossfit is worse than nothing, it injures you
Women and meme exercises, name a more iconic duo
Daisy simps are mentally ill
Well yes, that too. Diet's just as important, but I found it's easier to motivate fatties to get moving again but still cling to some of their bad eating habits than the other way around. Certainly worked for my brother. We couldn't get him to eat clean (or at least not utter shit) but he was very keen on jogging and shit, he cleaned up later. Not saying this works for everyone but you know, as long as he starts moving in some direction it's progress.
thats dumb because he'll just start losing fat and not replacing it with muscle or anything and start gaining loose skin
Sure, if you do it with shit form just like everything else.
stop driking soda you lard ass there is your exercise instead of doing some low effort meme shit to use as an excuse to keep stuffing yourself.
weightlifting is literally useless
>tfw you can win 1v1 with any woman
I don't even go to gym
You can't train to lose weight but also train to gain muscles, that doesn't work.
>Femanon here; that is the hottest thing I've read all day.
Based your waifu material to the breeding bunker with you
At least she isn't one of those gymshark thots that do 2 hours of ass workouts
They literally can't. Even a weakling by male standards would wipe the floor with a "strong" woman.
I could destroy Daisy's face with one punch.
>give me a detailed workout plan in a Yas Forums post
Stop being a retard. If you actually care about changing then you're gonna take some time and do research. Nobody starts and does everything perfectly anyway, just don't do dumb meme shit. And look at your calorie intake if you are very obese or else exercise wont change much anyway.
>I keep hearing this from Yas Forums-elitists (because belittling others always boosts your ego, right), and I still don't get it.
Doing ineffective exercises with shit form is literally worse than sitting on a couch and just eating less (if weight loss is your goal).
What the fuck is her goal here? Heart rate? Jump rope is piss easy and has an immense cardio impact, no memes.
>if you’re a fat slob
Obese people should not even think the answer is exercise. Obese people get hurt doing exercises and cardio. All you dumb niggers have to do is not eat.
It actively promotes shit form though
How so?
>shitty hops through a ladder
what strong factor? this is what you consider strong?
holy fuck. the absolute state of women.
>just do these pushups while balancing on shaky dumbbells that are stacked on each other
or some other retarded shit they do. Yeah, I'm sure that your "form" is going to save you in an exercise where one small balance mistake can cripple you. Crosshitters are literal retards.
Look up kipping pull-ups, for example.
>Yeah, I'm sure that your "form" is going to save you in an exercise where one small balance mistake can cripple you
You mean like during a squat, or a deadlift? Oh shit, I just messed my bench form up and the weight crashed onto my chest, lemme just do the roll of shame with a busted sternum.
>just want an athletic gf with big tits
>they don't exist irl
Not fair, bros.
This. First get your diet in order and just move more, go on daily walks.
While I agree that kipping, in general, is stupid the way crossfaggots do it, but if you kip at the end of pullups set to get just a little more out of your body then it's good. Think of it like push press vs. strick OHP.
Those are far less dangerous than anything crossfags come up with.
there are any number of videos about it, look it up
Nah you cant.
Someobe post that webm om a fit woman and man arm wrestling and the woman breaking her arm
Obviously the stupid meme things they do are dangerous, just like regular lifting. The real argument you should use next time is how things are as many reps as possible in a given amount of time, or trying to get a fast time. While experienced crossfaggots don't do the dangerous meme exercises, some still sacrifice form to get their reps/time. This for example.
For Time
30 Snatches (135)
With a running clock, perform 30 Snatches as fast as possible. Any type of snatch is acceptable (power snatch, full/squat snatch, split snatch).
Score is the time it takes to complete all 30 reps.
You know I could find non-crossfit videos being unsafe right? Not an argument.
Are you seriously defending cross fit
It's no coincidence that everyone I know who does it irl has had back injuries
getting pregnant
Like heavy squatters and their knees
a true angel of the gym.
females are weak
Best Korea disagrees.
She's getting too massive, somebody stop her!