Has Netflix finally gone full retard?


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Sell me on the plot

Noooo COOMERBROS we got too cocky!

do people never get tired of this?

>cock destroyers
>talk about vagina

Can't free a fish from water. Sex drive is one of our basest needs.

>Co-founder and former CEO of Netflix
>One of Randolph’s paternal great-granduncles was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud. Another paternal great-uncle of Randolph was Edward Bernays, an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda.

really REALLY makes you think

i think my problem is that everything in american media is so fucking sexed up yet in real life everyone is such a prude or cuck

why watch this shit just go out and bang a bar slut or get a hooker dont obsess and surround yourself with this bullshit 24/7

I don't think a lot of people will actually end up watching it, aside from a few idiots watching it "ironically".

are you retarded?

Is this the power of nofap?

daily reminder there are faggots on this site who would rather fuck those two than a cute tranny

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A lot of people refuse to use sex workers because disease, cant pick women up at bars, etc.


Please stop, western civilization is already dead

Not Ella, though. He's terrible at faking sex.

do americans really?

what about good old fashioned rape?

Anyone who doesn't consider Ella Hollywood the sexiest person alive is literally brain dead.

Their eyebrows are so expressive, the point is its over the top.

>ywn live in Bongland and fuck the pornstar on the left for 400 euros (iirc).

way too expensive consider how horrid she looks

Why waste 400 euros on that when you could fuck 8x good looking eastern european girls for the same money

I never got hookers, never went to one, never even considered it, not even in jest - not only because I'm not desperate, nor a degenerate, but also WHO THE FUCK pays 300-500 FUCKING DOLLARS to get your dick wet for 10 minutes?

What the ACTUAL fuck, how any man be so fucking bad with money is beyond me.

>WHO THE FUCK pays 300-500 FUCKING DOLLARS to get your dick wet for 10 minutes?

In europe you dont a suck and fuck (15 Minutes) with a hot girl usually starts at 50 Bucks. A really hot one usually pushes for 30 Minutes and 100 bucks

Money/time wise still better than wasting my time at the club or having to waste money on a hotel room for a tinder hook up


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Is this another drag queen show?

>mutilated dick
>sexiest person alive

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I'm a coomer and I hate this shit. Sex, filth and all the rest should be for porn only.

I wanna know how netflix works internally. How things get funded, who the people are making decisions, money, etc.
This is is so overtly pozzed that any rational buisnessman or woman should see the title alone and say "no".

>how do company work

They literally make anything and everything so people will subscribe, that means pandering to gay and queer people. Literally anything a company does is to increase profit. While some polniggers might unsubscribe because of this shit they will gain at least 5-10 new subscribers because they create content for the lgbtq crowd.

See it this way: We're DEEP in cultural decline, and there's a good chance the West will collapse in the next 100 years. There's no stopping it, we might as well enjoy the show. This isn't defeatism or pessimism, I'm sure the world afterward will be stronger and better - it's a natural cycle for civilization. It happened before, it's happening now and will always happen, so we might as well just take joy out of what is give to us. Remember: Sexbots will be available in our lifetimes, and I sure as shit can't wait.

get woke go broke

>for that

Mate there are legit 8-9/10s in Germany and Netherlands you can have them for a couple of sessions for that. God bless eastern Europe and SEA.

thats just a boy dude theyre not even trying, fucking faggot

Reminder that there are ''people'' on this board who pay for Netflix

>Literally anything a company does is to increase profit.

Ah yes, the old debunked cannard of "I-I-It's all about the money!!!!!"

If it was true then Netflix wouldn't be hemorrhaging money and "get woke go broke" wouldn't be a thing.
They do this out of ideology. Rich leftists have dogma and that guides their decision-making. You don't want this to be true, because to you Leftism can't be the enemy; only Capitalism can.


for 400 you could literally bang a miss title or legit playboy girl in those countries

yeah its all about profit haha, thats it

only the trannies

>yet in real life everyone is such a prude or cuck
idk my co-workers frequently talk about some freaky shit they did

>rich leftists
mate the money doesnt come from people with any left right goy shit they control the whole fucking globe, politics and binary choices are for the morons

thank fuck for a moment i thought that was lichelle marie

Okay that's enough degeneracy for me today

>In American media
Euro shit is even more sexed up. Sex sells. Violence sells. People love to watch and partake in both. I don't understand why people are surprised by this.

>"that's enough degeneracy for me today"
>*continues to post on Yas Forums for the next six hours*

Why would you make 18+ sexual education?
Why would you choose ugly clowns to teach it?
Do they want to put us off sex?

for better or worse, morality is out of sync with human nature

Without all the makeup, angles and photoshop HE doesnt look very cute.

who's this semen demon

Let's not get bogged down over this, we all know who's really to blame.


"No agenda here, goy! You're just paranoid!"

If it was all about the money they would aim for the lowest common denominator everytime. They would be making cheap safe content that can be turned out quickly, such as reality tv.

Producing borderline porn for an small percent of a disloyal demographic is not the best use of funds.

why are you so afraid of sex?

This. Or they are just incredibly stupid and believe that shit is going to make money.

>While some polniggers might unsubscribe because of this shit they will gain at least 5-10 new subscribers because they create content for the lgbtq crowd.

But that's literally provably not true. Netflix isn't gaining any audience, and shit like this isn't helping turn this around.
You're repeating the same disingenuous lies all Leftists repeat.

the average Yas Forums sperg doesn't have the upper body strength for it, never lifted anything heavier than a mouse and keyboard

Wasn't that bad honestly, was expecting insane sjw cringe but it seemed ok, don't think I'd watch it seriously though. Also, as a bimbofag it's understandable why Yas Forums is outraged though, the place is filled with a bunch of trannies, faggots and underweight skinlet zoomlet beta cucks who'll cringe at anything.

she's basically Yas Forums in cute trans form

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Why are they yelling so much? Really grating and a real turnoff too.

those fucked up blowup doll lips

Do women actually think they are attractive?

literally /ourgirl/

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and this is why Netflix will still be on top in the streaming wars, they just have content that will have you wondering...what? I didn't know I needed this until I saw it....now give us more

I miss Sue Lightning. S/he was really cute, what happened to him/her?

this looks like another female "comedy" that these roasties eat up.. same repeated sex jokes that aren't even funny.
it's all so tiresome...

I cannot square the scrumpy West Counties accent with what I'm seeing, she's like a bimbofied Wurzel

I-isn't that Kiernan Shipka?

>it's all so tiresome...
like your porn browsing history

>But that's literally provably not true. Netflix isn't gaining any audience
autists keep saying this, I get curious, look it up and they've gained subs every quarter again over the last year. every fucking time.

disgusting... vile.

Natalie Mars bullied her out of the biz.

how about neither? fucking faggot

God everything they make is trash and they canned most of their decent originals.

look at this shitty roastie retort

Kiernan has a stronger jaw, ironically.

netflix is shit, at least amazon produces SOME kino series. jewflix is just cuck shit and degeneracy.

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Why can't I have all three? At once?

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