>I'm Amanda Myewird
I'm Amanda Myewird
>It's simple. We, uh, kill Debatmen
>Ewan, your friends are dead
Did the bank director know Joker?
ha, so funny guys. lets do this again in 24 hours
>I'm not Warren Horkeypads
well duh we knew he was bruce wayne the whole time did he think this was a big reveal?
Who was Deb Atman anyway? One of Harvey's old squeezes?
>Somebody get Dissot Ted out of here!
What was Dissot's problem?
ha, so funny guys. lets do this again in 24 hours
The pretending to be retarded meme has never been funny or interesting. Please kys for your family's sake if nothing else.
>Please kys, Forya Senpai Lee Seikh, if nothing else
But my name is David.
im crying thanks for the autism
>I'm putting Dewerd out!
And then he never makes an appearance in the movie. How was Joker so fooled?
Along Timago. What was he doing in Burma?
Ha-ha. I get it. Isn’t this a hoot?
>Haso Funigise, lets do this again in 24 hours
What is the significance of Funigise? Is he being blackmailed?
I really wish you guys were as funny as you think you are
500 grand for Theiss Klaun dead, a million Al Ive
>Do I look like Agai Wivaplan?
Well, no.
I remember when i used to make jokes like this as a kid. Nobody thought they were funny.
>Ewan, your friends are dead
Oh good, he thinks we're zombies, he'll leave us alone
ha, so funny guys. lets do this again in 24 hours
>Some men just want to watch Diwold Burn
Sounds like a great movie.
Sounds good.
>The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists:
>Dr Pavelier
>Button Lee
>Juan Aviéu
>"Fast Owen" Tattaq
>Gitstus Taeion
>Maier Kraft
>Hugh Pediéu
>Tughrab di Qatar
>Heidi Dinn
>Flass O'Goode
>Howance Tàuterai
>Tillmie á Bouté
>Veidoû Sïwere
>Allah Dalai al-Teih
>Frau Haìrdegon
>Atlee Sioux
>Hugh Aeiou
>Irfah Boulte
>Willy Uday
>Yuri Bigaev
>Voss Göeting
>Partov Īplaan
>Will Khäng
>Roche U.
>"Lesions" Yagat
>Hieselv Kòutê
>Nâvou Watts
>Dan Echsteppe
>Auvia Masze
>"Tupple" Anne
Who are all these guys? We didn't even see most of them in the plane.
I think I had a stroke trying to translate this
ha, so funny guys. lets do this again in 24 hours
See I’m not Amon Strerr, I’m just Ahed Oda’curv
These double meanings and names are really hard to keep track of. what was Nolan thinking?
You aren't invited to the next thread, sorry user.
I bet Joe Kerr told you to kill me once we finished
No no no, I kill Debus Ryver.
>Be PTSD war veteran
>Expert in psychological warfare
>Emotionally broken from things you did/saw
>Come home to city overrun with crime and corruption
>See the city surrender itself to a lawless vigilante
>Said vigilante won't even go far enough to actually stamp out the mob and corrupt city officials.
>Batman doesn't even realize his style will only invite ever more escalation where ever crazier and more dangerous freaks will rise up to challenge him.
>Decide that you're going to clean up Gotham once and for all before things get out of hand.
>Rob the mob for enough money to fund your operation, trick heartless bank robbers into killing eachother to clean up the mess.
>endear yourself to mafiosos by predicting how their corrupt Chinese banker would try to steal their money
>make sure Dent and Gordon lock up most of the town's gangsters before you enact your plan
>Kill gangsters and corrupt city officials
>Kill copycat batman to ward off future copycat batmen
>Threaten Batman and Harvey dent to test them to see if they are men of will who can do what it takes to save Gotham.
>Punish Dent's lie by making Batman choose between Gotham keeping the "White Knight" it needs or the woman batman loves.
>When Batman makes the selfish choice, you've eliminated his one weakness and tested Harvey to his limit as well.
>Now you've reached the endgame. The people in who's hands you might leave the city have been brought low.
>you Kill the corrupt chinese banker, burn the mob's life savings
>Threaten the hospitals so you can see if Harvey is still noble and high minded after experiencing terror and loss. Set him free to pursue his vendettas, this time "without rules".
>In one final act, you prove that there's enough good left in the souls of Gotham, even in the "most wanted scumbag collection" with your ferry boat dilemma.
>Retire to jail secure in knowing that you've tested the defenders of Gotham to the limit and only now are they ready to do what's necessary.
>Senpai Lee Seikh
>Isn't this Ahewt?
No, but we do look alike.
>Why hello, Beau T. Fool
Literally fuckin gwho??
Are you retarded? He literally addresses the person you’re talking about
Doesn't look like a Beau to me
haha, am i fitting in yet?
>haha, am i Phitt Ingyaet?
Well, are you?
>He told me to kill Dabus Dryver
Who the fuck was this?
Why do you get so worked up over a harmless meme?
>The pretending to be retarded meme has never been funny or interesting. Please kys for your family's sake if nothing else.
I dunno if Hahamai Fett is in yet. I'm not sure when he usually gets home.
Fucking kek
The real question is whether Tan Garines was a big guy or not.
No no, it was "we kill the Bateman". No idea why the left in a clearly flubbed scene where Ledger refers to a totally different Bale character though.
Holy fuck you guys are just sad.
Getting Thomas Pynchon to write TDKR was a bold decision
Her name was Maggy not Beau you fucking mongoloid.
But he was counting on the boats blowing oneanother up to prove that nobody was decent or moral when their lives were on the line.
this is so funny to watch the scene along with
Hi David :)
These are autist containment threads.
Who is Geiser Jussed?
this is so retarded because of how funny it is
Hauphani Ettes is not retarded, user. That's mean.
>You are a big guy
>For you
What did he mean by this
so why did amanda kill luke attmee?
ok reddit
Abby Gai was a Japanese hapa whose parents were killed. It was the inspiration for the classical opera “madame butterfly”
I love how a joke so simple and innofensive like this makes redditors seethe so fucking much, LOL