
STFU Edition


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Please identify this ship
It's subtly different than a Sovereign

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Looks like Avenger or Destiny from Star Trek Online (the original names, can't remember what they are now). I have one of these. It's called a Star Cruiser or Assault Cruiser or some shit.

It's probably nuTrek's take on Sovereign-class or maybe Odyssey class. It looks somewhat different because most everything has to look somewhat different in nuTrek for some reason.

she has a potty mouth


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She's a literal potato with aids.

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I wish Picard had some nice girls instead of all the mean ladies.

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how's the new ep lads?

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Pretty bad, apparently

>how's the new ep lads?
Pretty good. They force characters to watch flashes of scenes from STD and the idea is that they literally drive people insane because of how mind-blowingly awful they are. I'm not even making that up. It's part of the plot now.

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Tune in next time to see minorities and women yell at the white male again

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Good bit of Rios and his holograms which is fun and makes the episode a lot better than the show normally is. Admiral Fuck comes back, pic related. Elnor is useless and there's no real point to him and 7's plot. Picard and Soji don't do much but do some talking about data until near the end of the episode, where everybody gets together and gives a bunch of exposition so that the mystery box is less mysterious before heading to the final two episodes. A bunch of Romulan ships were shown leaving the Borg cube so I would guess the last ep is another Kurtzmann 50 gorillion ships on screen final battle.
Also Jurati wakes up and says sorry and then everything's ok, I literally cannot believe they did it, the madmen

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All the borg getting sucked out into space is the funniest cgi I've seen in a while

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I'm only 3 episodes into Picard but I'm honestly impressed. Patrick Stewart is really an incredible actor and the rest of the cast is not bad at all. About the story, I don't know what's next but the borg and the Romulans were always my favorite antagonists. and for the synthetics, it's a classic SF plot but always very interesting.

nicely done. can't wait to finish the 2x2

Same here. It started off slow but built up momentum. Rios is cool, Seven apparently will be on the Crew same with Databait.

For a first season a trek series its gotten good fast

why was seven of nine so sad/mad about that?

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>Elnor is useless and there's no real point to him
Yeah, personally, I probably wouldn't pick an autist with a samurai sword as my muscle. That's a bit silly. You now, swords are obsolete already.

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I wonder what flaw they give to datagirl. Romulan sister is incest, seven is dead inside, agnes is a traitor killer, raffi is a drug addict, admiral was an ignorant ass, vulcan chick is a traitor.

Robo vagina is not a weakness

You know if you have a borg ship full of drones flying around and you dont want them to escape, youd probably make it so they couldnt survive in space. Just saying

actually more star trek discussion than in /trek/

alison pill more like alison ill

>Just saying
maybe the show should have said it if that's the case

>Hey Picard, I know I just killed Maddox and tried to kill myself but uhhhh, can you leave the room and let me talk to Soji for a bit? I promise I won't try anything haha

It's shit like always

This show is the most stupidly written big budget streaming show on any platform. Even Altered Carbon had promising writing before episode 7.

Every single plot point is written like a rough draft from a junior, with no thought to how any of this even flies in the face of a single brain cell let alone the giant franchise they had to work with.

>nuSue, I luv u

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Hey! Thanks, user. Laying in a course now.

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Fair enough

I think elnor is picards kid

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does picard take place in the battlestar galactica universe?

an unmitigated disaster

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Nah nigga.

Bsg was set like 150 k ago
Star trek 175years for you in the future 150 for me
Star wars 150 k in the past in the andromeda galaxy

>the zhat vash were created by a group of romulan women

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The worst thing is, we haven't even hit rock bottom yet.

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What the fuck is wrong with the lighting and set dressing in this shit show?

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>All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.

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>Section 31
That shit is happening like JJTrek 4 is happening....

They're trying to copy the aesthetic of the Rocinante from The Expanse.

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This "i'm an adorkable murderer" shit is really beginning to grind my gears.

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Booted up Star Trek Online and checked every ship, it doesn't appear to be exactly 100% any of them, but the closest cousin is the Sovereign. It looks like you can also the shape of the housing for the impulse engines that the Sovereign uses.


>Ah, don't worry about that horrifying, mind-shattering, suicide-inducing mind-meld vision that compelled me to murder my former lover in cold blood, you're an awesome work of art. I ain't afraided of robuts aaaaaanymore, tee-hee!

Girls can bond over stuff, ok incel?

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I liked it a lot. Captain Rios' gimmick with his holograms actually works really well - his personality is spread across the EMH, ENH, ETH, EHH and EEH, and they use it to deconstruct his character and reveal stuff about his past. The ENH is a cute.

I like the fact that the 'big secret' isn't that he Romulans built the Borg or something dumb like that. It's a message left by an ancient civilisation that was immensely powerful, its very TOS. Romulans were behind the synth uprising - but the novel also indicates that there was foul play in the Romulan supernova itself, so I wonder if they're building up to a big reveal of the Iconians or something. The idea that the singularity is something to be feared, not because of what it creates but of whose attention you draw - that's a pretty neat idea.

The worst actor is still Patrick Stewart. Some of his reactions to lines are like theatre-student level. Is he senile?

Seven of Nine taking over the Borg cube should have had more impact. Narissa could have held the ex-Borgs hostage before spacing everyone, maybe forcing Seven to go full Borg Queen and fuck the Romulans up. As it was, it was kind of weak and Seven was OK by the end, and the Borgs seem like they're no longer a threat. They never even used those patches on the shirts they kept talking about.

If incels wrote Picard, all the female characters would behave exactly the same.

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>Let's make the Romulan mythology expert her aunt so she has a flimsy reason to monologue to the audience about how and why the Romulans obtained the Borg cube while tying it in with our madness-inducing mystery box. Writing!

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>computer, simulate results of a month long diet of CHICKEN PAPRIKASH, CREOLE GUMBO, and TUB GRUBS on the digestive tract of an elderly human male
>"This diet will cause a 120% increase in flatulence."
>Make it 250%, and create a holographic simulation of Joseph Sisko's buttocks using latest measurements from the Sisko's Creole Kitchen data, increased 500 times in size.
>At regular intervals, expel flatulence at a rate proportional to the size of the replicated anus. When farting ceases, have simulation say "Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, what the hell has gotten into your head? You actually thought I was one of them, didn't you?"
>generate a lawn chair bolted to the floor and a set of goggles
>save file as "josephs_sweetest_perfume.holo"
>lock the holosuite door and broadcast footage to all view screens, including those on Bajor
>override all commands to cease broadcast or open doors for the next 12 hours
>Disable all safety protocols and engage on my mark

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How do I get a Romulan nazi gf bros?

>admiral picard, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

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REVEAL, not deconstruct. It was nothing more than exposition delivered in a forced, faux-quirky fashion. They even tried to convince you that the scene was fun and quirky by playing a jaunty little music number over the top,

Why are we supposed to like this again? Is it because they assume we're all edgy nihilists who like seeing cultural touchstones deconstructed and enjoy having our expectations subverted? I just don't understand why they think we would want to have this experience, much less pay for the privilege of having it.


Aren't they all based on his brain scan? Which means all of them represent a part of his personality. His drunk laziness, his professionalism, his willingness to please, his enthusiasm and his Scottishness (?????)

The warp tunnel only shows up on the main window. The visual effects team forgot to replace the marks on the window on the left.

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All I can see is Kim

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Hahaha imagine if she got prenant and was lactating and a tit dripped green milk in your mouth haha eww

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I think they said full body scan, not brain scan.

>can they be gassed?

>Hey everyone, just got finished watching the AWFUL Star Trek Picard. Don't listen to the ACCESS MEDIA - they accept free merch and favours in return for favourable coverage - TRUST INDEPENDENT CREATORS LIKE ME.

>Now, don't forget to buy the DVDs of Season 1 and 2 of The Orville, which I was flown first-class to the set of, and given a bunch of merch and exclusive props. And don't forget to TRUST me and not the ACCESS MEDIA

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>Captain Rios' gimmick with his holograms actually works really well - his personality is spread across the EMH, ENH, ETH, EHH and EEH, and they use it to deconstruct his character and reveal stuff about his past. The ENH is a cute.
This episode made me realize that if this were an episode of TNG (or a true follow up using the TOS/TNG formula) Rios would make for a great episode
>Enterprise follows distress beacon and finds sirena
>offers Rios assistance
>once onboard ship they realize he uses all hologram crew of himself
>digging through his ship while starting to repair it and getting bits and pieces of his past
>slowly coming to realize he's ex-starfleet
>left because his captain committed suicide (take out the synth false flag nonsense)
>uses holograms so he won't hurt anybody like he was hurt by his captain
>by end of episode he and an enterprise crew member have bonded and he sets out on his way bettered by what happened in the episode
Instead he's a regular on Picard and we'll get this one episode where he shines and shows potential, and next episode he'll be back to generic pilot guy who vaguely but not really resemble han solo because there's not enough there to be a full time character


Why are people in Star Trek cursing so much? They are supposed to be much more sophisticated than our current culture.

Thats just the front panel interior

Picard isn't nu-Trek, and both the Sovereign and Odyssey's have both appeared in Picard stuff already

Sorry, you fucking idiot, don't you realize we're living in the darkest times in human history? Star Trek has to be darker to reflect the real world, unlike TOS which was being made in the very peaceful 60's

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Don't forget that Tardigrades copyrighted black women AND STAR TREK IS INFRINGING ON COPYRIGHT

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We get it, AntiTrekker. You think the "fandom menace" are hypocrites and are content to judge them, despite nominally agreeing with them regarding the big picture, because the other side would cancel you in a heartbeat if you turned that blowhard contrarianism on them.

Don't watch Star Trek or know that much about it aside from some moments of Picard that I watched.

Is it true that the original Star Trek series or old movies didn't have any cussing? If so, why is Picard filled with cussing?

I can't believe the writers put in a character whose sole purpose is to show up and say fuck

Picard is obviously nuTrek as STD is nuTrek. It's the same universe.

Can't everyone just agree that Nerdrotic is the very shill he despises and move on though. Surely everyone can agree he's a grifter.

full a-fucking-head Mr cunting worf. we're on a twat five year faggot mission to shit up new dicks, turd around and fling our cocks around.
Tea, earl grey, cunt.

All of this just si they could turn Picard into a Bernie Sanders clone.

>Is it true that the original Star Trek series or old movies didn't have any cussing? If so, why is Picard filled with cussing?

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>Aooowhorrrr! Dis cyoot liddle hwite girrl wud nevvah buhtray us. Y-y-y-yur jus jumpin' ta conclewshuns, y-ya uppity liddle house negroe!

I don't get grifter vibes off the dude. I do get a lot of dry drunk, moody, I'm-coming-unglued-because-everything-i-like-sucks-and-i-have-to-youtube-about-it-every-fucking-day vibes from him though. He's doing a great service, though.