Redpill me on Colbert

I never watched Colbert, was he always this extremely left-leaning? I thought his show was about political humor and taking jabs at both sides of the spectrum, but everytime someone links me a clip it just feels like a Orwellian "two minute hate" section against Trump.

Attached: colbert.jpg (1280x720, 208.74K)



Dubs and DRRRRRUMPF will lose the election.

1) they are not neutral. There is a difference between saying what you are, and being what you are. Your father may say he is present in your life, but the facts of the situation say otherwise. 2) They have this superiority complex. Where they feel they are like journalists. But, you cannot criticise them. They are silly comedy show when they are called out. And serious worthwhile analysis helping the nation when being praised. Double think as always. Can you imagine this is a good environment for improvement, or feedback?
I've been viewing since 2015, before Trump came in and changed everything. Colbert is a slimey unfeeling upper class weirdo. Who like the rest of the late night mob, get repetitive soon enough. Anyone who keeps watching is a idiot with no taste. Nothing changed, people only knew him better.
So when Trump comes around. The show becomes a meeting spot for these idiots to watch a nice funny haha lul report about how terrible Trump is. Soothing the minds of a stupid, antagonistic demographic. They became more and more reliant on this audience. When one of the other late night hosts tries to ignore this demographic, they lose ratings. The 'losers with nothing better to do' type. Colbert used to make content about people who weren't Donald Trump, shocking fact. It spiralled out from one report. To two. Then most were Trump, before the election came around.
Back when he was his persona. He made fun of people for saying the war on terror was worth it. Yet, he was mad when Trump pulled troops out of the middle east. Bitched about american involvement in the world. But now he's advocating for it. He sold out in every way. He is everything he mocked in the past. Nowadays late night shows aren't doing jokes, the propaganda is becoming more obvious by the day.
Also someone should throw that musician guy out the window, it would improve the show.

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>Colbert used to make content about people who weren't Donald Trump
I don't believe you.

Attached: colbert on trump.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

>Orwellian "two minute hate" section against Trump

I'm confident he'll be suitably chastened when he sees the one we conduct against him every day on Yas Forums.

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Colbert Report was good and I enjoyed Stephen Colbert during that period, but somehow even then he was unwatchable

dilating your twinkhole with my BBC

where's the orc colbert

Somebody told me you deserve a (You)

Attached: dubskat.png (448x336, 124.25K)

>They have this superiority complex. Where they feel they are like journalists. But, you cannot criticise them. They are silly comedy show when they are called out. And serious worthwhile analysis helping the nation when being praised. Double think as always. Can you imagine this is a good environment for improvement, or feedback?I've been viewing since 2015, before Trump came in and changed everything. Colbert is

To be fair this applies to most humans. Most people are fucking terrible with criticism and their idea of self-worth.

How the fuck do you still post this never funny meme. Colberts an unfunny hack nowadays but does he upset you that much?

he dont get his turn until i's finish dilatin user

the problem I have with Colbert is that he picks such an easy target. Trump's behavior and speech is retarded so even the driest high schooler can make a joke out of him.

>Colbert takes over tonight show
>people don’t get that it’s a character
>ratings start to shit the bed
>talk of canceling him or moving the show or changing the shows format
>Enter Trump
>Gondale Zump (audience laughs)
>ratings tick up from poors who only watch broadcast TV

Trump unironically saved his show.

>people expected the Tonight Show to become the Colbear rappoar
people really are fucking stupid now that you bring it up

Well that's political humour for you. Just mention the opposite party in a negative way - hardy har, instant laughs.

Isn't he one of the few openly religious celebrity? How can you be so liberal like friendly to homos if you are one? Is it all an act?

holy fuck are were u the result of inbreeding

No. The left shifted recently, and he went along for the ride. If you compare his old stuff, like Strangers With Candy, Colbert was making homophobic and transphobic and naughty no-no jokes years ago. Hell, he made a homophobic joke about Trump sucking Putin's penis recently, let his old self slip there.
Like, go back and look at George Carlin's shit. If he came back to life and did his old bits, he'd be called alt-right. There's a reason guys like Chris Rock and Seinfeld and shit disappeared: what was left is right now, and it's very, very wrong to be right right now.

how can we turn back the tide bros.....

he was funny in strangers with candy


Attached: base.jpg (660x371, 37.32K)

so what you're saying is all we need to do is create a group consists of only good looking people


Gobald Hlopmf

Would watching Colbert get Joker'd be the most satisfying on-air death ever?

I know Yas Forums is 700% zoomers now but you guys know that he got famous from The Daily Show and The Colbert Report was a parody of the O'Reilly factor right?

I know it must have seemed strange and alien to you but in the 'before time' of the 2000's dabbing on conservatives was considered cool (even on Yas Forums)

Attached: dakka.jpg (1253x430, 88.8K)

Every single person working for the FBI should be exterminated


>was considered cool

Yeah, by millenial faggots and Democrats.
People with actual Testosterone in their bodies and IQ's above room-temperature found it tiresome and juvenile.

>Well that's political humour for you. Just mention the opposite party in a negative way - hardy har, instant laughs.
Not even laughs, just applause and hooting. Tina Fey called the Daily Show out on this in the 2000s and iirc Stewart & Colbert were VERY butthurt.

>OMG it's just SO EASY because Trump is SO DUMB xD

You're not fooling anybody, zoomer.

the colbert report was a good show and he was great in that character, but he's obviously just phoning it in now doing a 'real' late night show for the paycheck, which is fine I guess the money is ridiculous, but it feels like a bit of a waste of talent.

>wahhh why don't they make fun of each side equally and fairly
You people are whinier and more annoying than black people and feminists who take advantage. No question

It's incredibly strange that the Daily Show exploded in response to the Iraq War and wider war on terror and whenever Pres. Trump tries to scale down or end wars or not start them at all (Syria), Colbert and the rest go crazy. A few months ago The Kurds, The Kurds, what about the Kurds was completely insane. Every single public figure screamed about the Kurds for about a week

Fun fact: conservatives consistently score lower in cognitive tests and less than 9% of US scientists vote republican

Attached: Kanazawa Fig 3.jpg (627x502, 66.9K)

That's niggers and whores, redditor.

Republicans always seethe

You can suck more cock

Are these things even human?

Damn. The average black IQ is 85. The average Latino is 90. Were they included in your study? The more you know

Boomers* found Yas Forums. Every trailer park trash and antivax soccer mom now has Q stickers


Pick one.

Yeah I know, cletus, you're a badass for saying no no words

His Colbert Report LARP was good. He was always super wacky so it didn't matter if it was "his political enemy", he would ask zingers in a retarded way and they would save face. But with TRUMP its just mindless bashing akin to mainstream media. It loses its comfiness and seems repetitive/low-class/preachy.

>less than 9% of US scientists vote republican
Scientists don't vote for the party of religious nuts, big fuckign shocker!

It was 2008. Sarah Palin sent them over the edge, she became the avatar for average white Americans and the hatred went full bore. It was no longer jokes just political hectoring and fake outrage

Also, people who have enough money to remove themselves from the results of liberalism won't mind voting for it. Turn middle class neighborhood into a 3rd world enclave, just move. Turn local schools into gang plagued ESL center, just send the kid to private school.

I have to bother watching for that to happen

>enough money to remove themselves from the results of liberalism
Nigga, capitalism is a liberal doctrine.

A democratic Glenn Beck.

Attached: Beck.png (1050x549, 718.35K)

Shhh it's okay Americans literally don't know anything about political theory. They make up their own definitions for all of it to suit their narratives

Glenn Beck is a comedian? Man that makes so much sense now.

Religion is largely a joke in america, it changes to suit whatever you think is right on any given day.

You are arguing with a 96 or lower IQ conservative. They are not intelligent enough to understand basic science or economics.

>Boomers* found Yas Forums. Every trailer park trash and antivax soccer mom now has Q stickers
Q boomers don't actually visit imageboards they just see screencaps from 8ch

Used to be funny, then put his career on rails, total sellout. Sad and gay.