Why was he so calm?

Why was he so calm?

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You must be a woman

That is how gentlemen confront absolute defeat

Female hands typed this post

Because it's cgi not real

It was just good business.

You sunk my battleship!

High on opium.

He didn’t want to panic and cause a loss of consumer confidence

The better question is why didn't the fleet attack? They clearly outnumbered the pirates.

What is it about boats that makes the female brain give up in frustration?

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Is this Master and Commander?

You fucking deranged incel

because a piece of shrapnel pierced his brain and made him the retarded

Nothing better than dying on a boat/at sea.

American propaganda.
Can't have the navy of the British Empire be competent.

>You fucking deranged incel

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kino scene in a shit movie

>t. roastie

Boats are a litmus test for women. Watched master and commander with my mate and his gf, she was hooked for the whole movie. She now has multiple kids and they have a farm together, pretty jelly not gonna lie.

Why aren't there more boatkinos bros? Master and commander left a hole I can't fill.

how the fuck are you this mad

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There are a lot of holes you can't fill incel.

OK bro

How did the two ships that were cross-firing his also not blown the absolute fuck out of each other?

lmao no it's literally pirates of the Caribbean bro that's like one of the main antagonists

Boats represent a man's escape from the shackles of tyrants and civilization into the realm of adventure and camaraderie amongst like minded peers into seeking conquest or glory. Women, who are greed driven slaves and drones concerned only with their own comfort, naturally detest liberty and sacrifice and the unknown.

As such, boats and sailing and exploration awaken the highest ideals of man, which in turn awakens the lowest and most base instincts of women.

It's just good business.

has he ever had a chad role?

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The Flying Dutchman was practically invincible.

Awesome scene but that never should have happened.

Shes unironically hotter like this. What the fuck

>with rear wheel removed we've gained elevation
>but without recoil, we've limited to one shot and one shot only
>much will depend on your accuracy

Attached: jack.jpg (480x360, 9.08K)

seething and trembling female (male) hands typed this post

Check out Black Sails if you haven't already. The sound design on the ships is maximum comfy.

The Terror season 1 is TV Boat-kino.

They're on the boat for like 2 episodes and it's not even moving

Out of each other's range, maybe? Idk how cannons work

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wouldnt you be if you had the power to slow down time?

Kantai Collection

Definitely not. Also considering they're absolutely obliterating the deck, there's no reason that the deck of all three ships wouldn't be obliterated too.

Because he performed this on a greenscreen set.

I feel bad for Norrington desu desu. In a better movie he'd have been the protagonist not le epic wacky man. Instead he died like a simp.

Wow, that guy in the Silent Bob thread the other day was right. Looks like this is catching on as the new meme word. Well, at least it's not one of a million variations of "oomer". You guys got stuck on those for a LONG time.

cope, seethe and dare i say dilate

He played a fuckup know-nothing pretty well in In the Loop.
>I remember the day war was declared. I turned to the Minister and he said "that's that then".

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He literally died defending a woman who didn't give a shit about him.

Yeah, but there are words for that already. You don't have to make up a new one.

For some reason we're meant to see the pirates as the good guys.

They were. Pirates were paid by the British navy to stimulate the world's economy. They are good in all senses of the word.

Azur lane if you want to see actual ships

how the fuck did none of that wood hit him and cut up his face?

How fucking young are you?

There's your proof it's new.

In that case, Arpeggio of Blue Steel.

It's a movie

The word simp has been used more times in 2020 than in the previous 16 years

Now go back to twitter

>triggered by words
Back to your hugbox

>7 days nofap

>this stupid Disney blockbuster made for kids is a true depiction of masculinity
Millennials, everyone.

The stoic reserve of an old school Englishman, born in the days when the finest quality a sailor could have was a heart of pure oak.