This shit scared me more than any horror movie.
This shit scared me more than any horror movie
He was fear mongering to shill his book. Even admitted he was trying to scare people.
He was trying to you scare you INTO your wits user.
You should be scared.
If you ran up on a grizzley before winter would not be scared? Fear is healthy.
>muh corona's gonna kill us all!!!
did you even watch it? he even said the whole point of it was to scare people
wow really? That's crazy, you're so unique thinking that way
hope it scares people into closed borders, more spending on health care instead of military and bringing manufacturing back home.
pandemics like this offer the best case against globalization as a whole.
our fucking economy is tanking due to shit we didn't even do.
>It's just the flu.
this image combined with that opinion makes no sense, the media is going mental over this
Normalfags and the most media has been head in the sand for months.
even if that's true, who is even quoting?
>the media is going mental over this
I see this line everywhere. Do you people read anything from msm sources or just what reddit says? Since day one it has been absolutely nothing to worry about according to them, they are just now only starting to be a bit more worried now that economies are in freefall and first world countries starting mass quanatines and lockdowns.
The anons claiming the infectious disease expert is just a fear mongering shill.
Most people on here have been saying it's just the flu.
You'd have to be a legitimate boomer to be scared of corona
what is exponential growth
I read the official news in my country, which has laid out transparent facts
but when did they say it's just a flu?
People are worrying because of the economy, not because of the health ramifications of the virus.
Corona has a .02% fatality rate in healthy adults.
It doesn't kill kids either.
It's literally the best thing to happen to us guys. It's the boomer eradicator.
>Corona has a .02% fatality rate in healthy adults.
>Corona has a .02% fatality rate in healthy adults.
That's not what Michael Osterholm said.
Doomer-anons just trying to convince you their end-times fetish is finally coming to fruition. Just be sure you don't get sick in the coming months and wash your hands (with soap) regularily and you'll be fine (unless you're +60 old)
Why should I care if it literally only kills 80 years old people and it's already getting stabilized?
as good as this solution to the demographic change seems to be; i kinda like my grandmother
it is literally a strong strain of flu
>and it's already getting stabilized
Look mate you have to at least make an attempt to seem honest.
It literally is already stabilized in China though.
Yesterday you didn't know who Michael Osterholm was.
Now you site him as an authority.
>it's already getting stabilized?
it's stabilizing in china, a dictatorship. it's just getting started everywhere else
No it's a coronavirus so a bad cold.
>it’s already stabilised
>source: my ass
In the video he states it's only because of the strict crowd control and once they open it up it will come right back.
>lock down 1/2 your population
>ban social gatherings
>ban large gathering of people
>infection spread begins to tail off
I wonder if those things are related
not him but he's probably talking about the symptoms. it's not a flu, but it's very similar, just stronger and more contagious
>bunch of third world countries can't handle the flu
It's not the body count that's scary, it's the disruption and mayhem it causes in it's wake.
If everybody's sick, who will do shit, user? Who will collect your garbage? Who will harvest the produce? Slaughter animals for meat? Deliver supplies?
>Believing a communist dictatorship of insect people
If you accept their figures then sure. Now if you want to stabilise it everywhere else you will have to accept the same conditions. Tell me how much food do you have?
Western countries aren't going to weld people into their homes, it's not slowing down any time soon faggot.
Hey I know america is garbage but c'mon China is not a third world country.
Italy is a better country than yours fat fuck.
>Now you site him as an authority.
Because he is an authority lol.
>Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota and a Regents Professor
>From 1975 to 1999, Osterholm served in various roles at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), including as state epidemiologist and Chief of the Acute Disease Epidemiology Section from 1984 to 1999.
>From 2001 through early 2005, Osterholm, in addition to his role at CIDRAP, served as a Special Advisor to then–HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on issues related to bioterrorism and public health preparedness.
>In April 2002, Osterholm was appointed to the interim management team to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
we don't have a grip at all here in Norway either, way too naive. it would've been under control if we just took measures early
italy is poorer than mississippi lmao. seethe more giuseppe
By living Standards? Yes it fucking is. People like to forget that most of the population in China is living below the poverty line. A wealthy state doesn't mean a wealthy population.
>anyone who insults me on Yas Forums is american
think of your own country. for once. i know it's hard.
yea but he's not famous so he's not an authority. I'll wait to panic until John Cena tells me what to think.
i thought cold was rhinovirus
People simply are too stupid to understand risk, exponential growth and 2nd/3rd order effects.
We are seeing this all over the world. It could have been contained but politicians have no skin in the game, now we pay the price.
Global economic meltdown to come.
I'm not saying you're american, I'm just saying it's a third world country and some countries like China and Italy which have corona are far from being as underdeveloped as USA
>in NY
>last 2 week Gov Cuomo saying ITS JUST A FLU
>now hes saying they didnt have the testing equipment to gauge how bad this was
>might be worse than he thought
lmao its like a house burning in the background and he just looks at the camera and goes its ok everythings fine
Remember that all of your countries will overlook this, no matter how bad it gets, because they can't afford to sever ties with us
Good. The world could use a mild reset. Conservatives values will probably gain a hell of a lot more sympathy amongst the sheeple (yes, I use that word unironically) once hunger hits in and you can't simply get whatever item of convenience around the street corner anymore.
>conservative values
yeah dumbass Communism was so good at creating food. I'm sure everyone wants to go back to it. Fucking retard.
>Even admitted he was trying to scare people.
>he even said the whole point of it was to scare people
These are the brainless chimps who watch rogaine.
His point was that it’s literally not “just the flu” and that it won’t be contained. Almost everyone will get corona it’s just a matter of how fast it spreads. It kills roughly 2-3% which is millions of people once it’s over. Most of those will be the already at risk. Diabetes, lung disease and obesity can kick the fatality rate up to 10% and that’s assuming the healthcare system works.
All western nations have more old people than young people.
Obesity rates up to 30%.
Diabetes is common.
You are very likely to have an extended family member or friend die from this before the year is over.
Is that “the end of the world”? No. It’s obviously not nothing. It’s not “just the flu”. Even just the economic shutdown will kill people. The boomers savings are gone. They can’t retire so if they live they’ll be crowding out zoomers and millennials for another 20 years until they literally all drop dead.
This will be a chapter in the history book.
Mild reset it is not. An economic meltdown will be ten times worse than what happened in 2008. The fall is so much bigger now.
36 cases, not bad but not terrible
Imagine being this retarded
Conservatives will be the first one to get the bullet for not taking free healthcare, vaccination and the virus seriously. Also there will be no reset you fucking Qboomer.
>It could have been contained
It actually couldn’t have been. All simulations show once you get something this transmissible it’s going to circle the globe eventually. You just can’t identify and lock it down when there are just sub 10 people infected.
Even with the draconian city lockdowns and flight bans we’re just slowing the spread and hoping healthcare services can keep up.
In some ways it’s better to get it early as you have maximal resources to treat you. In the bottleneck people will die for want of basic healthcare services.
>It kills roughly 2-3%
More like 0.3% in first world countries.
>the media are just shills and propagandists for NPCs bro
>but they're really right about something this time!
Pick one.
kek really though its double talk for boomers who believe anything you tell them those are the cases where they had equipment to actually tell if they had it what he doesnt say is barely any hospitals have said equipment so the number could be way higher
>there will be no reset you fucking Qboomer.
Don’t worry he’ll probably die from it. Facebook polacks are screeching or in full denial.
yeah but they don't have sex and bitch about Disney movies so surely that will help them
No, there just aren’t enough cases yet. And there are so many people who are obese and diabetic in the west. The low numbers are a brief respite.
It kills fat people 1/20
So? Worst case scenario, you lose your job (you won't) and the electricity goes out for a couple of weeks (it won't). It's not the end of the world. We have nearly infinite amounts of food items in stock in first world countries, we will recover before you even have the chance to starve to death.
It also goes after smokers and old people which there are more of in first world countries as well.
It actually could have been by closing the borders. But no country did this until it was too late. China and Korea has proven that draconian measures to control public space is working.
Now it's already too late, and we see European healthcare collapsing already and we haven even gotten started on the epidemic.
Worse case scenario we're in a financial crisis ten times worse than that of 2008.
Why? Are you obese? Worry about your vulnerable family members and get on with your life
>Even just the economic shutdown will kill people.
I work at a university, there's a good chance I'm not getting paid for like the next 2 months lmao gonna starve to death
>there just aren’t enough cases yet
Okay retard.
UK is 8 people out of >450 that’s almost 2%
Just stock up on bottled water and rice.
My suspicion of why Italy has so many deaths is because they're a nation of smokers. I suspect this is nature's way of culling out the fat smokers
10% of all patients need mechanical ventilation
The virus spreads like wdfire
Do the math now imbecile
he said first world countries
Why are people getting as worked up about something they can't control
>the official numbers can't be trusted dude, only 10% of cases have been registered
>ignore what I said earlier the official numbers are totally accurate
So what is it?
>not controllable
Numbers can't be trusted.
The Cdc in america told trump to start preparing and shut down all travel in January. He also fired the pandemic response team in 2018. He also proposed a budget slashing health for seniors 2 months ago. He also lied about its containment
Its morality rate
Told people you could go to work with it
Attacked the cdc and who in january and February
Then told the nation it was a democrat hoax
This is all recorded