Post kino moments in television
Post kino moments in television
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The Democrats are the black man's party. Sorry, Bernouts.
They only voting for him cause he Obama's butt buddy
What? Speak English dipshit
You wouldn’t say that to my face whiteboi
Probably not. I have a very developed sense of smell
Jewish guy here. I always said to my cringey bernie bro sister that black people would never go for a spergy tribe member. Joe Biden is a loveable southern gentile of course black people would prefer him.
Its funny seeing lefties get blown the fuck out by niggers in the bedroom and in politics
i hate black people and will never agree with them so im voting bernie
im based
No, it's literally just because he was Obama's VP
That's Michael.
the only people who know jews aren't white are jews and nazis
they realize that giving everyone gibs takes away from their gibs
Joe Biden seems like the worst possible candidate to run against Trump except maybe Kamala Harris. He's a transparent politician, a coward, an awful person, and he's going to get wrecked by Trump and his 95% approval rating.
I am willing to bet even Sanders would put up a bigger fight than Biden. But the Democrats love to lose.
niggers btfo
post sister
What voters do you think he could mobilize if he cant even get the nomination?
You think there are millions of swing-voters thinking "yeah paying for other peoples kids college and healthcare sure makes me wanna give more power to the government"?
based Biden is literally leading an army of inferior slaves to do his bidding and vote back the true White man in power
>I am willing to bet even Sanders would put up a bigger fight than Biden.
People forget that during the last primaries Bernie was the only Democrat candidate predicted to win against Trump. At the time however, no one cared who could do better than Trump because he wasn't considered a realistic candidate compared to Jeb or Cruz. How little did we know.
The only reason he didn't get the nomination was black people. Literally every other race prefered Sanders to Biden.
Really hope the democratic party is destroyed by this convention. Bernie would be doing a disservice to the people who support him by conceding. Trump is a very, VERY temporary impedement to progress. The transparent subversion of all opposition to the 1% and the establishment will be a much longer lasting blow to the cause of progres ti America than another 4 years of Trump.
Why are Burgers so obsessed with race?
Dumb niggers, hope they enjoy another four years of trump.
Haha, how are drumpfanzees going to get cheeto man elected now?
>Boomer Warboss leads an army of Orcs to the whitehouse
is youtube television? probably not but fuck you
>niggers voting for an old white guy who hates niggers
fucking kek
Biden only has the nom because the Obama campaign needed an old inoffensive white dude on the ticket.
Biden has regularly demonized the survivor of the car accident that killed his wife and infant daughter, claiming the man was drunk, which is a falsehood. The man died with this lie haunting him; his daughters begged Biden to stop slurring their father's name.
That's Biden.
Shots fired.
remember how he was vice president to the black president? we should all vote for him based on that MY NIGGAUHHHHHHHS
You're a fucking idiot
it should be in this day and age. ive watched more youtube than television for years. just makes sense since i can literally learn how to farm on youtube, or do plubming, etc.
I'll always ALWAYS giggle my ass off when I see this.
By having Biden tell people to vote for Trump
The most kino thing to ever happen on MSNBC was 2016 election meltdown, this is undisputed.
I dont understand why democrats put so much fucking weight on the black vote.
With barely over 50% of the white vote total Trump beat Hillary, who had upwards of 70% of every other ethnic group.
People can meme about le 56% all they want but most latinos who arent white are illegal immigrants so they cant fucking vote anyway, and if they could they cant anymore because like the blacks they're in jail for selling drugs.
Trump proved that you can win an election without even trying to appeal to non white people, and in some cases he even actively discouraged non white people from supporting him, and he still fucking won.
Why are berniefags worried about biden losing to trump? You fags spam your orange man is a low IQ idiot that has dementia everyday.
>the Democrats love to lose
you sound deluded when you say nonsensical things like this
>not posting the full picture
were you even conscious in 2008
>americans have no culture so they get emotionally invested in a (((predetermined))) election to determine who will "lead" their country
They nominated a woman embroiled in scandal because it was her turn. Their DNC itself is riddled with scandals and questions of ethical violations.
Imagine being a white man and pulling the lever for a Democrat.
I guess you think American society is perfect?
It's even more hilarious when you realize Bernie used to attend Black civil right rallies, got arrested for pro-Black activism and and watched MLK deliver his "I have a dream" speech. All while /ourboomer/ Biden thought of them as the gamer word.
Really shows how unpredictable the Black vote is and what a fucking waste of time it is to try appease them, unless you know Obama.
Feels good man.
And here you are talking about it.
post her milkers
Collectively blacks are the dumbest fucking race on earth do this is not surprising.
He also had leg hairs that the little children would rub because it reminded them of spider webs.
>tfw lean more towards the left ideologically but reds have better memes
I don't get it...
When Biden shows up to the pool party and starts proselytizing
Based Glendale never forgets what happens if you put a T*rk in power.
Everyone knew the blaggs were gonna vote Biden. They always tow the party line because theyre either fraudulent votes or bussed out by their shitty DNC churches.