My favorite bit is that everyone is posting like they are an expert, yet everyone is postnig different info. So basically, nobody knows shit. as usual. What's the worst that happens? I and millions more die? Ok. There are too many people on this planet anyways
Its almost like the news and reddit report facts from health professionals instead of shitposting wojack like it means anything
I got my info directly from WHO
>its another ‘the retard boomers bought all the toilet paper at the slightest hint of something going wrong...again’ episode
redditors should be hanged, they are all pseudo-intellectual brainwashed sheep
Imagine being this contrarian solely because you have yourself convinced anything outside this chamber of autism is normie nonsense
Whats it like to dismiss certified facts so easily just because they were re-posted on a website you've been told you should hate?
If reddit told you that jumping off a bridge was dangerous, would you jump off a bridge just to be contrarian?
>china bad
Go back to *eddit
>mfw all Republicans die of coronavirus just to spite its existence
you don't need to be an expert to understand that something that spreads as easily as the common cold but kills 1-2 orders of magnitude more people is a problem. This has been obvious for literally months now. Once Wuhan was shut down the rest of the world should have realized it was serious, but somehow not a single country seems to have responded appropriately. For a time I thought that Western governments had decided it was just better to keep the economy running than worry about containment, but now that cases are spreading rapidly we see Italy on lockdown, the US closing its borders to the EU, etc. So they do want to contain it, yet they somehow didn't realize they had to do this at least 2 months ago?
I honestly do not understand how it's possible for every single government to be this dumb, these are people who have access to experts that should have been able to tell them what was up. Hordes of uneducated retards on Yas Forums could still make the basic observation that this was going to spread way back in December and January. Something seriously does not add up.
wish it would kill everyone above 50
boomers are holding the world back
>Tfw put all my money is toilet paper stocks
>you've been told you should hate?
I quit going on there because the people are insufferable liberal faggots, not because an anime image board that is basically the same thing without upvotes and blatantly pushed propaganda told me too...what’s it like being a brain dead retard that needs an echo chamber to confirm every doubt you have?
Corporations make the decisions, stupid.
A ploy by Big Pharma as usual
SARS was treated as a global pandemic for less
Has that memphis trash bag lady thing gone viral yet? Goddamn that was hillarious
>This just in: Reddit says autistic social rejects desperately trying to fit in with anonymous internet posters who pretend they don't use reddit daily shouldn't kill themselves
>Yas Forums becomes a barren wasteland overnight
Honestly Ive been going to all the foxnews comment sections and any trump stuff and spewing out misinformation. They think it just kills the elderly and children, but it kills the obese at the same right.
Its perfect. Any time some liberal trues to help them I go after them.
We can end them
cope more and more and you might wind up killing yourself from the anxiety
>literally dismissing facts from health experts because another website you don't like also posted them
>I am braindead
trannies dropping the nothing burger argument already, Sad!
how obese is obese? Asking for a friend
the CDC, the press, and WHO downplayed this virus for months, I have no idea why you'd trust them for a second.
How is it coping? It clearly is working. Spreading. Elderly, obese, poor boom. Guess which states are the poorest with the fattest people. Guess who eldely vote for.
Republican voters are going to die in way higher perfentages and have huge medical bills if they dont die
So, it has a lower mortality rate than the flu and you can go to work with it
>I know that its not a big deal because Trump said it would go away when it gets warmer
because that’s what redditors do, hence the OP
Right wing comment sections are like going to the zoo. Sure you're watching simians throw their shit around, but it's still entertaining as long as you keep your distance.
its a virus which conveniently kills everyone that is a burdern on the healthcare system
all that is left is zoomers with impressionable minds for the new zog hivemind
>mfw trump loses the election because all of his supporters died from corona because he told them it's a "nothing burger"
Cdc said in december it was in the united states and we should prepare. Trump shit on them and said china was keeping it contained
You dont get to rewrtitten history especially in a age of tweets and the internet
I fucking give up on all of you. You don't believe anything until your meme authority figures tell you to think something for political reasons.
>fuck over the rust belt with a trade war with China
>finally get them to concede on onions bean trade, get a potentially good deal
>Chink flu completely fucks the economy
You can't make this shit up. Makes them gutting the CDC even funnier.
>howse italy doing
>no one says on f ou d
common misconception, in fact 3rd worlder immigrants and soilent consumers often have the weakest immune systems
No they did not. Link to them saying that
holy kek
>I fucking give up on all of you
Good, now go back to whatever coastie shithole you crawled out of and let the men handle business
What are you a fucking child? Google that shit
its so easy to get banned from those subs
libnigs get pissed the second you voice a contrary opinion
>the CDC, the press, and WHO downplayed this virus for months
Did you misspell Trump's name three times?
oh sorry, I meant to say trannies, niggers and jews.
I honestly can't believe how fucking stupid you are.
a month ago Leftists were telling me I was racist and indoctrinated by fake news for thinking the virus was a problem. Now dumbass Trump supporters are telling me Im a leftist for caring about it
you are FUCKING RETARDS, all of you
>a month ago Leftists were telling me I was racist and indoctrinated by fake news for thinking the virus was a problem.
This never happened.
>orange man bad
nice samefag
nobody was actually reading that, simp
Yeah you can't do it, because they refused to take it seriously for months and criticized Trump for wanting to shut down flights from China.
poo poo pee pee lol
Man, all I want to do is go to a convention with my friends in April. Why is everyone making this so fucking hard. Just wash your hands you dipshits.
Two or three months from now, the coronavirus will likely be gone. But this is not just a public health issue. This is an issue of racism in Canada. “The best thing to come from this – the best impact – would be people collectively learning that we can do better.”
based and toddlerpilled
January officially public december directly to president
You got blown the fuck out trumptard
Rewrite history
>Trump literally tells people Coronavirus is fake news until he's forced to act
>"nobody believed him when he tried to save us all"
>“Air pollution and the proliferation of SUVs are far greater public health risk to my kids than the coronavirus right now – it’s being completely blown out of proportion,” she said. The total death toll of Sars in Canada was 44, she said. “Last year in Toronto, 41 people got hit by cars.”
Oh so when you said leftists were telling you that you were a racist, you meant you got offended by some rag opinion piece you read somewhere which allowed you to play the victim card.
Fucking moron.
> why yes, I do post on my cellular device
God I can't wait for this virus to raze through america like a fucking wildfire. All those sheltered mutts dropping like flies. China could barely contain this thing and that's with the entire state apparatus thrown behind it. Boomers screeching about fake news are about to find out how serious this really is.
Don't sign your posts.
lol just admit you were wrong. This shit was everywhere
>ruins your virus kino
Nothing personal doomer retards
What a limpdick response. What I'd expect from a Guardian reader.
>The President said at the rally in South Carolina Friday that Democrats are now "politicizing" the virus. "Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," Trump said. "They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa."
>"This is their new hoax," Trump added.
What did he mean by this?