Are vampires supposed to be super ugly and vile? Or super put together and seductive...

Are vampires supposed to be super ugly and vile? Or super put together and seductive? Different movies have different takes on it but I’m interested in this.

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Both. Seduce you with their whoreish ways, then turn vile. Basically your average western woman & thot culture.

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True medieval aristocracy vampires (Dracula) > monstrous but intelligent vampires (Nosferatu) > hobo vampires who feed off and look like low-lifes (Near-Dark/Lost Boys) > faggy "aristocrat" artistic vampires (Interview)>>>>>> vampires that are just mindless monsters akin to zombies

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Beautiful to mortals but fundamentally inhuman, which can be disturbing. I subscribe to the Anne Rice lore.

I can't believe you'd put hobo vampires over Anne Rice vampires. Disgusting.

Vampires should be alluring enough to be able to get a stranger alone with them to feed, but they are an undead corpse so it's okay to have look a bit fucked up. You can do what want as long as you make a decent lore reason for it.

I don't mind monstrous vampires but it's more a visual effect to dehumanize them more so you don't empathize with their character.

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h0w get a vampire gf? haha

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Depends on the clan. Are we talking Ventrue or Nosferatu?

Bill Paxton vampire alone would absolutely wreck any Anne Rice shitter.

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Are you serious my dude, do you even? Anne Rice vampires would torch this guy.

The only thing that makes Anne Rice vampires unique is that they are all insanely depressed. Which isnt that interesting.
I much prefer the Vampire as a parasite and reflective of parasitical systems. Although perhaps Anne Rice vampires are simply not well-written.
This scene is one of my favorite scenes in any vampire media and it portrays Count Orlock as depressed from his ancient age and the fact he is unable to connect with humans. That is perhaps also core to Vampires. They are neither living nor are they dead between natural life and the great alien, unknowable death. They must act human but they are not human. They are imposters and it must weigh heavy on their mind.

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They'd be too busy lusting after his big dick energy to do anything.

nah, anne rice vampires have the whole "move faster than the eye can follow" thing going. near dark they aren't much faster or stronger than regular people.

I'd just like to remind you that vampires don't have any reason to engage in intercourse. They only do it on TV because sex sells

They're not all depressed. Several POV characters have problems with killing people though. Everyone here has seen Interview; Louis is the biggest whiner in the entire Anne Rice universe.

They have basically nothing to do but look for fun things to do to pass the time

In the original Dracula novel, it's implied some attractive young women were vampires at Dracula's house but later another young female becomes a vampire and she still has her looks but looks skinny and unwell. So yeah, they are ugly in their true form but they can retain their human form from the age they were bitten.

It depends on the depiction.
Most don't because vampires are corpses.
I liked V:TM's depiction of it in that feeding is a pleasure far greater then sex and most vampires only ever use sex as a way to seduce mortals they will feed upon. But some extreme degenerates continue to fuck even though they barely feel anything. Because every society has its perverts

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30 days of night was underrated

most are super seductive no old grandma vampire with her harem of young vamp boys or anything like that

iirc there is a line from Interview about how most vampires end up killing themselves after a couple centuries. Not said by Louis but Armand I think?


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I agree that this is how vampires should be. They literally reproduce by infecting other people, and their immortality means they don't even need to reproduce at all.
They'd have zero need to have sexual instincts or urges, and probably think sex is grotesque, like a dog eating its own shit.
At most, they'd probably just seduce a human to get them somewhere alone, and then drain their blood the second they were able. Not even a makeout session, just the second the door closed.

I think V:TM mostly has sex being a (relatively) recently embraced thing, with the Methuselahs doing shit like slowly losing the normal unconscious movements that people make and not giving a shit about any of that stuff

Plebeian clans.

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Many do; Lestat mandates feeding on "evildoers" as a method of avoiding the crushing despair of taking innocent life. Some vampires like his mom and Pandora don't care and will eat anybody remorselessly.

Oh boy, he better hope no Anne Rice vampire can drive a damn truck

Jeanette is an exception because she's well, a bat shit fucking insane nympho. You're definitely right about them using it to manipulate mortals, though.

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Name a better scene

Anyone have any recommendations for media where vampires are portrayed as the apex predator they are?

>super strength
>super speed
>enhanced senses
>most likely attractive, easier to lure prey
>very specific and limited weaknesses
>limited psychic abilities like minor telepathy

If there was no sun, they’d rule the entire world.

sure, the ennui of immortality thing goes right back to og dracula. the bram stoker film played with that idea pretty heavily too.

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Queen of the Damned (the book) is mostly about this. The movie is dreadful, but I guess if you don't read the book it's worth a watch.

so what, like anne rice vampires? yes.

that isn't even really the "apex predator" vampire though. I'd give that to the ones in the vein (ha) of the herzog nosferatu, where the vampire is just basically an unstoppable force of nature that humans can at best hope to slow down a little

Aaliyah singlehandedly carried that shitflick. It's astounding how well she performed that role.

Literally Twilight.
Hear me out. If you watch it with Robert Pattinson's commentary, it's an infinitely better experience. Dude hated everything about the movie and makes fun of it the entire time.

That's the Anne rice vampire in a nutshell.
Sadly, they seemed to get off more on sexual shit than Anne liked to admit, and that cheapened them for me.

Could have been a good movie if they'd been less retarded about it. It deviates from the books in ways that trigger my autism.

Wait, he did a feature length commentary of Twilight exclusively shitting all over it?
All I know about is his interviews.

What cospalying insta Slut is this?

Her vampires can't have sex. They lack bodily fluids except blood and feel no pleasure from their genitals. The only time they ever do it, it's for mortal benefit. As far as I know this only happens in one book, Armand. Some of the other books feature human sex.

>very specific and limited weaknesses
probably the creepiest version of this is the ones where the vampire admits that they don't even know if they could die, even if they wanted to

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I hadn't gotten into the Rice books yet, but for me it was largely the casting (with Alaliyah being a very notable exception) and shitty fight scenes that fucked it up for me. No way Stuart Townsend was going to hold a candle to fucking Tom Cruise giving his A game. Even Rice herself imagined Tom as Lestat ever since she saw Interview, and she hated the idea of him playing the part until he actually did it.

Believe me, I know. The books just tend to focus on sexual shit even from a vampire's perspective, and the vampires, despite the fact that they should obviously be indifferent to it, seem to be enjoying it because Anne happened to get horny while writing it. I seem to remember one of Armand's familiars getting a boner and she just wouldn't fucking shut up about it.

Some of them love mortals and a big part of the mortal experience is sex. She wrote an entire erotica series, obviously it was important to her in major ways.Vampires get off when they feed, but they also get off in their own exchange of fluids, the mutual feeding thing.

tiny and sad and super creepy

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See, that's the shit that doesn't do it for me. The whole getting off bit. It's like people being obnoxious about how good food tastes.

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My favorite thing about Stoker's Dracula is that Coppola made their powers completely surreal and it made them feel wholly otherworldly.
Surreal vampires need to make a fucking comeback.

>tell me how you would harm me when even I do not know how I would harm myself

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They're supposed to be superhumanly attractive and seductive. Charming in a way that's basically magic, if they were super ugly and vile they'd have trouble luring their prey.

>This is the End of Time

Watch Theresa & Allison, it's on Prime. at first it seems to be just a simple low budget softcore lesbian porn movie with Vampire seasoning but if you want to see a totally dominate vampire community I can't think of a better movie

It was accurate to the novel outside the romance stuff.
Dracula is nocturnal but that does not mean he burns in the sun only that he is diminished during it.
He is a shape-shifter and in connection with the animals and wild forces of the land.
He might have weird satan stuff going on.

It's probably less a physical experience and something like emotional transcendence. The physical effects of feeding are warmth and "color" that offsets their pallid, statue-like physicality. They remain entirely sterile creatures though, no matter how much blood they take.

In a later book she goes full pulp and has the scientist vampire devise a method for Lestat to be human long enough to bust another nut, via a total blood transfusion, resulting in a human child.

>Dracula is nocturnal but that does not mean he burns in the sun only that he is diminished during it.
Speaking of that scene that established his weakness during the day followed immediately by Dracula busting out of his coffin was kino. You immediately understood that a weak vampire is still goddamned superhuman.

good flick by the Interview guy. Guess the concept got under his skin.

Ventrue and Nosferatu are equally revolting in two different ways
Toreador is where it's at

got under mine too. as another user was saying, there's something cool about vampires having an incomprehensible supernatural element to them. too often the mechanics are all laid out for you.

Also Arterton was a fucking 20/10 in tha tmovie.

They are literal bloated corpses that feed off the blood and flesh of the living

some vampires are just too cool to survive

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