How does it feel to watch movies with a girl?

How does it feel to watch movies with a girl?

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Like a bag of sand.

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Feels like watching a movie, but with a girl.

I hate sand

depends on the girl

Usually annoying because they never laugh at the things you find funny. They have the attention span of a fruit fly. They ask questions about the plot that if they just shut the fuck up and waiting for the story to unfold they'd get the answer. Should I go on?

They can't just chill and watch a movie, they are either incessantly talking over the film or just looking at their phone.

I passed out last time and when I woke up she was looking down on me like this

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"Omg what happened"
"Wait what?"
"Go back i missed"
"Let's cuddle, i'm sleepy"
It's annoying.

depends. can she shut the fuck up while the movie plays?

A waste of time. They can't appreciate cinema. You might get a blowjob if she gets bored enough so whatever. Don't waste real kino on them though.

These are unironically true. But they both forgot girls dont watch movies, they have it on in the background while browsing facebook/IG on their phone.

Need a jewish gf brehs ;____;

Comfy and kino if it’s with your gf and she cuddles up against you.

You are suddenly aware that you can't fart and it fucking sucks

Seriously, why can't they just fucking focus, what the fuck?

She usually don't get it. Watching GoT was fun though, mostly cuz she thought it was so boring we did other stuff all the time and I had already seen it

depens on the girl

if she is a broke fat bitch with a stinky pussy who can't drive then it's annoying as fuck and you want her to get the fuck out of your house

Kek Im just shittin around.
Unlike every incel post itt, its not that bad.
I enjoy explaining deeper meanings to the lesser sex while we watch a movie.
It gives you an opportunity to display your superior intellect, which most women find attractive.
Plus having a qt snuggle up to your neck and feeling her warm soft body against yours, her chest slowly expanding and contracting with each breath awakens a deep primal fire within, to protec and secks them.
Basically, it feels good man.


Annoying. Unless they fall asleep during the opening credits

Fattie cope.
Go run fattie.


This a million times. If it’s cuddly and quiet it’s great. If she’s looking at her phone and occasionally asks a dumb question about the movie it’s irritating

>How does it feel to watch movies with a girl?
Keep in mind that while you're watching a movie, there is a strong part of her psyche that is screaming inside her as to why you're staring at this glowing box. That's not to say she wants to fuck (although she might). It just means that she'll never be able to actually into the kino with you because she'd rather take your emotional temperature by doing something gay or work out how she feels about you by doing some stupid bullshit. It's like a slow drip reminder of how vapid they all are. Even the smart ones. It's like the perfect ~90 minutes or so for when you need to ponder if they in fact actually have souls or if they aren't in fact biological machines meant to extract things from you and who grow annoyed or bored when they aren't actively doing that.

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>millennials in charge of psychoanalysis

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It's funny how people say these are incel opinions, I only noticed how fucking brain-dead women are once I started dating, before then I used to think they are regular humans.

It depends. When you are close with her it is just like watching a movie by yourself only when something big/funny/cool happens you look over at each other and have a moment. Then she breaks your heart so the next time you watch it it reminds you of her so you never watch it again because it hurts too bad.

I think I've found the one (1) woman in the world who actually sits and watches a movie without going on her phone. She even got pissed off at my sister when we were watching a movie once because she was on her phone.

Humanity used to be smart because it was needed to survive.
Now it isn't, so people are stupid.
People are also terribly bored, and that boredom is the origin of the so called "culture war".

Humanity needs violence and war in order to stay normal.
Peace is the cultural equivalent of tuberculosis.

dubs confirms

i autistically laugh at certain words even when there is nothing funny but i could not do that if i was watching with a girl because she would ask me why am i laughing at i cant explain it

Why are people here so autistic.
Every single post is taken as an excuse to go
even though people here have no contact with that society and are, in fact, doing their best to destroy it.

Unless she's letting you touch her then it's pretty boring, since she most likely picked the movie

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Yes, everything that isn't something ultra mega post ironic shit like your ebin Marvel movies is "cringe", millennial.

watching a movie with a woman is the worst
since your attention isnt on them they will immediately either get bored and start looking at their phone or start being annoying cunts trying to get you to fuck them

Based and non-schizo pilled

>watching movies
What the fuck are you all even watching?
Movies nowadays are fucking garbage, they are only watchable if you want to mock them.

Ha ha, you quote movie

>why are people on this south pacific island stone statue head carving forum so uncool and not normal?
Do you have any idea where you are?

>zoomers who grow up with social media all their lives and think it's possible to be "cool" online, and thus act superior to those they deem "not cool" on Yas Forums

based narcissistic autist

Incels aren't very smart. They just repeat meme posts that were originally meant to be sarcastic trolling, but they do it unironically as if they're making some profound statement on society. It's pretty funny.

Idealists will never be "cool", they have been consistently the bottom of the barrel of society throughout human history.
They should be glad politicians have enough patience to not tell the police to just start shooting them whenever they go full retard.

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it sucks. they either wont stop talking, ignore the whole movie on their phone, or try to get physical when you're trying to watch the movie.

Like milk and salty coins

>Idealists will never be "cool"

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Damn, he's just like millennials fighting over the box office of superhero movies.

>tfw her English isn't so good so she needs korean subtitles
>tfw don't speak japanese so need English subtitles for animes
>tfw can't watch animes with her because of this
it sucks

What makes you think millennials are idealists instead of zealots, adherents to the cathedral?

>not downloading both Korean subtitles and English subtitles and using a program to put them together to create dual subs just for comfy watching for just the two of you

Also always on their phone.

>zealots, adherents to the cathedral
So, idealists?

I purchase my anime on bluray disc

It sucks unless she's not your typical thot and will pay attention to the movie. Otherwise, she'll be on her phone, moving around in her seat and will ask you a lot of fucking questions about what's going on.

just rape her

Depends on the girl really. My sister and I watch a lot movies together since she always trusts my recommendations and she usually gets really into them. If we're having a bit of a marathon of shitty horror flicks that we find on Netflix or stuff I remember off the top of my head, we're usually just talking about the movie throughout the entire thing just shooting shit.
So with her she makes it really fun and chill.
>tfw made her tear up from Mary and Max

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XD! So cute and random! Almost thought she was one of the guys for a sec.


Fuck off

Your post finally convinced me this shithole is beyond saving at this point
You did it ribbit.

>you wouldn't get it

If she shuts up and puts her head on your shoulder? Nice. If she keeps giving commentary ? makes you want to choke her until she goes limp