Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Tom Hanks

I____ E___


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Karl Wiedergott


why the fuck do chinks eat rodents? who the fuck looks at that thing and thinks yeah that looks delicious

idriz elbasani

Uma Delicia

Attached: bats.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Reminder a bat bit a snake and it was eating the infected snake that made it transferable to chinese

>nooo pls dont eat me hoomin youll catch a virus :(

Attached: 1436534523164.webm (640x360, 2.49M)

>who the fuck looks at that thing and thinks yeah that looks delicious
hundreds of millions of starving rural bugmen

seriously, chinese cities might be shit but they are nothing compared to the villages

thank you for making me laugh i needed it

if you find this gross you're racist

>tens of millions of people about to die because some fucking moron across the globe ate a fucking bat
Thanks again China

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he eate grap :-)

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It's a woefully backwards culture.
Modern, scientifically-literate societies have harsh taboos against eating insects and vermin for a reason. Leftists call this "racism" but shit like the Wuhan Flu is proving the "racists" right.

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Crazy how one guy eating soup can literally cause human extinction.

holy fuck, chinks deserve actually deserve the coronoavirus and more.

I just fucking CAN'T. I try to laugh in this site but everytime I see that orange megachud I just grind my teeth

This BR/China crossover meme is pretty gud

Steve Buscemi

But there's no fucking meat on those bones. Literally just eat cockroaches if this is the standard.

Pol Pot didn't go far enough.

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Peter Stormaire, because he's a red herring


They have all mini computers in their pockets but still eat like medieval peasants

have sex

So how long before the CPC start to use historical revision on their populace to try and save face and say that the initial outbreak started in Iran?

Eat this, before it eats you.

Attached: Megabat.gif (500x281, 1.92M)

It's not from a bat. It's man made. It's designed to affect older people more severely because it was made to deter these old white people from going out and voting for Trump. I'm taking a huge risk telling you this.


Daily reminder that the Global Warming-obsessed Eco-Fascists want the Western World to transition to a diet based on eating bugs and vermin and are currently doing their best to normalize among the Western populous through mass media.

Attached: EAT THE BUGS, PEASANT.jpg (2286x1612, 1M)

at least boil the fur off you fucking animals

While I'm not that scared of Corona itself, since it's mostly dangerous to the elderly, the speed and gigantic widespread of it bodes very badly for our future.
What if it was some other strain, just as transmitable but far more deadly?
We really aren't prepared for apocalyptic stuff like that. Look at Italy.

Wanted to call you schizo but it actually makes sense. China is sick of tariffs and sanctions and a president that doesn't play ball so they have to try and help to remove him.

corona cured my yellow fever bros
just can't look at any zipperheads the same way

>that scene in Blade Runner 2077 where Dave Bautista answers that he is a protein farmer and puts down a jar of maggots
It may take another century or so but eventually we will be in a planet devoid of plants and regular animals due to the sheer scale of human population and over-breeding.
Except Blade Runner got one thing wrong.
All this over-breeding wont happen in L.A. but Asia and Africa.

>Got it wrong
> Implying they arent trying to virtue signal without naming the dindu and yellow menace

>It may take another century or so but eventually we will be in a planet devoid of plants and regular animals due to the sheer scale of human population and over-breeding.

Within a century human populations will have expanded into space and alternative forms of resource-production will have already appeared.
It's the time BETWEEN now and then we need to be worried about.

he lieks grapes

>Within a century human populations will have expanded into space
niggers and other brownies will never allow this

>China is already recovering from the epidemic and is now releasing more people than finding new cases.
How the fuck did they do it

this but unironically. started to move onto chocolate bitches

>niggers and other brownies will never allow this
You mean kikes. Their puppets only hog resources.

That shit is super gross, my dude

t. Chink with small dick


By coming together and facing the disaster head-on as one people.

That or they are lying cause Western pig rumours are that the government told factory owners to keep the factories running undermanned to give the illusion of everything is alright and stabilize the market.

Adam Sandler

>China is already recovering from the epidemic and is now releasing more people than finding new cases.
According to who? China Daily?

Why does the flying dog eat grape

The fact man himself, Ben Shapiro.

Yes, according to WHO.

China deserves to be nuked honestly

I hope the world at large will finally learn to stop trusting China so much and get manufacturing the fuck out of that totalitarian shithole.

Literally WHO?

Please dilate before your wound closes shut.

You mean pic related? Fixed that for you.

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gonna have to ask you to take it to Yas Forums if you want to be this racist

Literally WHO.


uma dericia

I mean, even independent thinkers can pretty well see he's doing an absolute shit job in this case.

all of the world did a shit job

Back to your hole, hon.

>dude orange man isnt bad
>he is actually bad
okay buddy

They don't "trust" China, they just have a huge supply of slave goyim that will work in squalid, dehumanizing conditions that white goyim won't do.

This, every country needs to take a fucking lap.

>It's man made
you don't seem to understand how analyzing the coronavirus genome works now that it's out there world wide. Maybe if this was just in china then they could gov control it's DNA marker info, you can't on any level once it's out there world wide.
If this was man made world govs everywhere would be acting like it was an act of war.
>b...but everyone is in on it
>every county, every health org, every viral scientist, world wide..
you are an idiot...

That's forgivable. They are fed. They are happy. Meanwhile American can't get their shit together and think they survive only on toilet paper.

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They probably do eat cockroaches

but i read its actually expensive and considered luxury food

clearly made by the jews and jews control the world and narrative

>according to the WHO
Wow it's fuckin' nothing.
The Wuhan Health Organization has spent two straight months destroying its own credibility.

Have trump followers fallen this far

We got a plague burning through the country... and they are still deflecting


Why would you do that.

You seem to forget China hasn't been straightforward about anything regarding this virus. It's fucking obvious it was man made because it originated from a biolab 8 miles away from the Wuhan wet market, ground fucking zero.

"Independent thinkers" like Jon Oliver, right?

rent free