How do we improve our status as a board, lads?
How do we improve our status as a board, lads?
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Ah I remember this picture. Used to post this on Yas Forums in 2016 to piss off all the election tourists. Good times.
seems accurate for most parts but i would move Yas Forums lower
Well first we round up and exterminate the yids and then we do the same to the ethnics and anyone who opposes us and then uhhhnmm that is about it, I guess. Idk
I don't remember being tested.
somebody made this chart out of guessing.
Who gives a fuck. Dude this thread is a joke. Why signal your heterosexuality like that and say what you would really do?
Why so serious? As my favorite character, the JOKER would say. He's my favorite character because he resembles me psychologically.
Learn to laugh. Learn to troll. Learn to play with your posts. This is Yas Forums bitch, it's not ducking rebbit.
Welcome to the madhouse. Nothing is what it seems around here.
It was an upset Yas Forums tourist that came here for bane and thought everyone was Yas Forums
>/tg/ that low
somebody was molested by a TRPGplaying uncle I see
same, been here since 08 and on across 5-6 boards and I have never seen any organized data-collection effort on IQ. Yas Forums is too high and /tg/ is too low
>Yas Forums
It does look like it.
I'm a /lit/ resident, so whenever I come here I'm just helping you guys
This chart is wrong. I go to /lit/ sometimes. Those dudes are circlejerking retards.
>Yas Forums that high up
>Yas Forums that high
So this pretty much confirms that neuroscience report about fatties having diminished brain power and have a harder time processing information compared to your average Yas Forumsizen.
/g/ here. No way our average IQ is above 80.
Which type of threads make us lose points?
the fact you looked at this meme and bought it makes you sub 90 IQ
where's r9k
Reminder IQ is basically ancient pseudoscience
>b-but psychology is a meme!
So is IQ then
>Yas Forums
How the fuck did they gather this data anyway? And how could they be sure no-one took the test more than once?
It’s because gay people are statistically smarter than straights.
Mine is 130+. I'm helping us out bros. Love Yas Forums, hate non white, non male, working for free individuals. Simple as.
t. Steve Assanti
c*peshit/st*r w*rs
>/lit/ at nearly 150
kek, those retards can barely string a sentence together
Anything posted more than twice.
That score is the only thing correct on the chart, place is filled with tumblrites and other low IQ subhumans way back at 2012
holy shit based
>Yas Forums above the weighted average
The average cunnyposter is 200 IQ so it must be the capeshitters and netflix shills bringing us down.
>people who can read a book are geniuses
/his/> /lit/
why the fuck is Yas Forums so low then?
>all these utter newfags
The worst part? They're not just new to Yas Forums, but the entire site since the upset Yas Forums pleb that made this spammed it across the site for months
>tranny attempt to gatekeep memes #3515989
Anyone who believes the average iq of lit is 147 is a fucking dumbass
>but the entire site since the upset Yas Forums pleb that made this spammed it across the site for months
when? I agreed with you that the chart is trash but I have been on this site non-stop for 10+ years and this is literally the first time I saw this chart.
I know. Yas Forums was my first home board. I enjoyed the Samurai Jack threads and Voting Poll threads. It was cool to see people who enjoyed animation as much as I. Once those threads stopped though, I become increasingly aware that most of the posters were unironic pedos and fetishists. I was so disgusted that I moved to Yas Forums.
Now I post here.
Only REAL gay men. Trannies and twinks are low IQ.
attack Soijak
post a coomer meme
Good, you are welcome.
Not really, i post them both.
coomer though has to be the original, the wojaks are funny but nothing beats that horrendous stare the original one has.
None of the edits captured it efficiently.
Honest answer without rectal trauma: Our webm threads that are just sex scenes/fap bait. We'd be 130's, easily, without the horny tweens in general.
I also like how that disclaimer at the top regarding IQ and correctitude of ideas takes a job at Yas Forums while at the same agreeing that there are differences between IQs of humans and thus their subsequent worth. Leave it to retarded lefties to think they are intelligent but fail to see how their only logical arguments counteract their own beliefs kek.
these ones
>think they are intelligent but fail to see how their only logical arguments counteract their own beliefs kek.
This is the ultimate de-leftfying argument ever, even the most lefty of lefts will start to recognize the patern once he gets mugged by the 30th nigger.
What do you think the average IQ actually is on Yas Forums in 2020?
Remember it's full of non-whites and zoomers now
I kind of agree.
Get your head checked you absolute robot.
Alright faggots, prove you are smart enough to understand kino and browse this board:
>even the most lefty of lefts will start to recognize the patern once he gets mugged by the 30th nigger.
You are really, really giving too much credit to these people.
this was his son's thesis btw
Nice try glow in the dark, but i am not doing anything for you.
Go fuck yourself.
Is that the one where the schizo white rapist foiled the attack?
>/w/ that low
>/wg/ that high
I smell bullshit
Sounds right. Definitely made by an autist.
Oh boy.
I meant what i said by personal experience, i was (technically am) a lefty but modern cancer moved so far left that they call me a conservative.
i cannot in good sanity defend this shit anymore, but yeah this guy you posted, should be used as example of belief vs reality.
Cognitive dissonance is one helluva drug. Although I don't think it's even that. They just choose to ignore certain proven beliefs when they are threatening towards their world view.
>global warming is real anti science nazi!
>chinese air, indian sea, african demographic pollution? never heard of those!
If the concept that you can think that both niggers and Yas Forums are low IQ is somehow difficult for you to grasp, it's because you are in either of those two sets. Sorry that you're a mental midget
but I got that test from a thread on Yas Forums
>people posting wiki battle stats are geniuses
>If the concept that you can think
>you are in either of those two sets
Low IQ mutt please go. You can't defend your retarded blackies and trash talk Yas Forums at the same time, doublethink victim.
>Yas Forums that high
maybe five years ago, but once the crytpo shitposting took over completely, that board is certainly in the bottom 5
niggers lol
Why did you weirdly quote bits from my post? And however was I defending them? The median Yas Forumstard is a high school dropout or blue collar worker, placing them in the 90-100 range, which means the disparity between the IQ of a Yas Forumstard and a black is less than the disparity between the former and a based /sci/ chad. You are literally more a nigger to me than a nigger is a nigger to you
>he thinks Yas Forums is dumb
Yas Forums is so dumb it managed to derail big corporations who hire highly educated individuals to get together to to elect a leader who had guaranteed chance of winning according to all high iq liberals from all the biggest most famous news publications.
How can they win so hard if they are so dumb?
>Yas Forums
i'm at 138 nigger
You can hide behind board culture and post smug frog jpeg but hating Yas Forums automatically makes you an outsider.
They accomplished a lot and they are and always will be welcome here,
now dial 8.
Because you can't even write proper English, regardless if you'll state that you know speak 2 other languages, like I do also. And sorry to dissapoint you bub, but I'm in the 98th percentile. Your subversionist kikish centrist approach leave me unphased.
imagine not placing Yas Forums at the very bottom
nigger Yas Forums kiddo false flagging tranny cuck midget faggot kike kys
if real /sci/ would be below 100, since the board is 75% people who didn't finish middle school
Wow, you niggers really believe that? You got played for fools by kike bankers, elected the most pro-Israel president in history, and you still brag about it?
So you hate jews now?
the pro aids direction of your complaints will always blow your cover.
you hate Yas Forums and you are reacting in defense of niggers, you are done kiddo.