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why was madtv so kino

pat kilbane was the best


its sad how all those mad tv guys who were funnier than 90% of the SNL fags went into obscurity while the SNL fags became superstars

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even sadder Jordan Peele is more famous than anyone on MadTV now

funny enough when he was on mad he was one of the ones who wasnt very memorable, he was more like the less funny black guy while key did all the funny shit. Artie was probably the most successful for a good 10 years before he ruined every opportunity he ever had with drugs

damn that nigga tall

There was never a bad Spishak skit

For me it's Marvin Tikvah, the best MadTV character.

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ahh madtv.... the racist snl

(i miss it!)

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These days Will Sasso's Steven Seagal impression seems more like a documentary than a comedy sketch.

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Please, Mad TV was definitely better than SNL but we all know what the best sketch comedy show was...

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Except for that godawful last season.

Well of course. Just like Mad TV, the last season was so goddam awful I couldn't watch it. It was almost like I wanted to remember it for how it was and not what it had became.


Isn't one a talk show host? also Alex plays lions on family guy.

No, not Spoony!

yeah fuck that last season where the wayans quit and they brought in all these nonames. there was still some kino jim carrey stuff in the last season but all those new fucks were so bad

thats not will sasso

best MAD TV cast member after Sasso

also holy fuck, is Aries really that fat now?? or is this photoshop?

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Not the heckin Spoonerino!

I still watch every pod cast sasso is on, he's hilarious.

I watched some of his somewhat recent standup, he's pretty fat, and not very funny.

sasso is great

his impressions were funny on mad. but yeah i dont think he mustve wrote his skits because everything ive seen him in off mad and his standup is godawful

The last time I heard anything about Aires Spears was when he got beat up on a radio show.

damn he turned into Huell from Breaking Bad

when jim carey isn't even the best guy in the group you know it's gotta be great

Damon > David Alan Grier > Tommy Davidson > Jim

Have to disagree his standup is funny as shit. Cultural references maybe went over youze guys heads a little. I lmao

I completely agree, all the original cast was at least pretty good
weird how a few of the biggest names in voice acting came from this show


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mo collins aged surprisingly well

did debra wilson get cancer? whats wit the bald head?

Her fappening leaks are pretty nice too

The guy who played Marvin and Vamp has had a very successful career although it is in voice acting

Crista was most based mad tv girl for posing for playboy and showing them titties

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Yeah but Borstein has the highest net worth thanks to dat family guy money

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damn I literally cant believe they asked her she looks good though

i hate all these chinee hollywood is pushing lately, but lets not forget the only chinaman whos actually funny

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I'm probably missing a joke but that dude is Korean

i call all ching chongers chinese whether they from japan korea whatever. chinese has always been my catch-all word for asian lol

Have you ever dealt with black hair?

He had sex with a man afflicted with down syndrome.

Can you post a picture of Will Sasso as Steven Seagal for comparison?

End of the day In Living Color and MadTV nearly transition from the former to the latter.

Wat? Tell me there's clips.

but thats not Mr. Show

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It was a different time for one but MadTV had no pretensions of class, tradition, or artistic expression like SNL. It always just tried to make you laugh whether it succeeded or failed.

based madtv thread.

i always liked lorraine, and anything will sasso did

How’s the state hold up? Haven’t watched in a long time but have had that dvd set for years once I heard they had to take out all the original songs from the 90s because licensing issues it always bummed me out and not be as excited for it. A lot of them skits wouldn’t be the same with generic soundalike shit

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it fucking finally happened Yas Forums the school here got suspended because 1 student tested positive for the chink virus. i live 15 meters from high school. there's hazmat soldiers and doctors everywhere. they're setting up tents and mobile command center. how fucked am I?

it happened 40 minutes ago.

>11 member sketch group, not one person of color

last time I watched the State I realized Kevin Allison was the one i found funniest. Weird how hes one of the few from the group who never became successful in showbiz after. was it cuz hes a redhead gay? what went wrong?

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You say that like it isn't hilarious

The State holds up really well.

It is pretty funny. Still, who gets tricked into getting fucked in the ass by a retard?

its called nepotism

The same guy who would suck people's dicks at parties as a "joke". Bobby Lee is absolutely fucked and 100% shameless
