How will coronavirus affect tv and movies?

How will coronavirus affect tv and movies?

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no movies will be made ever again

i still won't watch them and i will continue to shitpost on Yas Forums - Television & Film all day

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I'll break it down for you over a 10 paragraph essay, it will take me about 20 minutes to type up but it will definitely be an insightful read. I just hope this thread isn't deleted before I finish.

It literally fucking won't. This shot will fizzle out by the summer, mark my words. Coronavirus is all cock and no balls, I'm a healthy young man of the age of 28, bring it on.

wwow ''based'

E3 got canceled so Yas Forumsedditors and zoomers on suicide watch. All Yas Forums's awards shows have happened for a while, so the only thing that could be canceled for us are movie premieres. Bond already got delayed. Hopefully this shit will be over with and the government or Hollywood will have finished whatever they wanted to be diverted from by the virus, so we can get kino back on the menu.

do this

Are you joking? I would read it, if you're sincere.

Make your peace OP
the west you love is officially coming to an end

haha why is that frog riding a duck but doing an unimpressed face haha what

and not a single thing of value was lost

The age of capeshit nears it end

This. It's literally just a fucking flu.

bro, I have frogs doing all sorts of crazy things haha look out here they come hahaahaha

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Jews will die

>E3 got canceled
so did anime japan 2020 plus pic related

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>muh summer. Flu season bros
>India, Australia, and Singapore(the last two places were still in summer mind you) all have had cases
Just a coof bro. Everything is cancelled over a... coof

i will read and reply if you are actually doing this

>E3 cancelled
Not quite. Microsoft is still saying they'll do it unless shit gets really real.

If only the world was so based

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You think it's safe to go to the cinema?

between corona virus, shootings and machete incidents i say yes

movie theaters are fucked for at least 2 years
expect every movie to bomb this year

and thats even if this is just a strong flu
no parent will risk their childs life over capeshot and cartoons
disney is so fucked, from the movie going side and the theme park side


Good thing I don't live in America or in the UK.

>Yas Forums losing its shit over a flu that probably wont even infect more than 10,000 americans

Guys i just touched my face, am i going to die?

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Janjans, please don't delete this thread until he posts this.

The worst has yet to come. Keep being naive.

the worst is always yet to come pussy. get a life before you die.

It already delayed several major summer blockbusters, so you’re wrong.

>ignores growth statistic rates
Its already over in China. Even if we reached those levels its still a nothing burger


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Less theatre sells. Big win for streaming sites like Amazon movies.


It's amazing how many retards don't realize viruses like this come back worse in the fall and winter. Doubt the vaccine will be ready by then. Bring on the crash baby

>trusting China

I trust China over you /x/ schizos.

>E3 got canceled so Yas Forumsedditors and zoomers on suicide watch.
>implying ANYONE cares about E3

It's a giant corporate circle-jerk. Literally the only reason it matters is that it serves as a platform/date to release new trailers and announce new games, which can just be released onto the Internet whether the actual E3 event occurs or not.


Tfw this was all planned by the state. By closing the borders we'll get a new economic crisis. Then living and work conditions get worse.
And finally WW3

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If I had the virus I'd do whatever I can to spread it.

ah yes, the old ww3 nuclear holocaust scheme, those sneaky jews

spread it to the mexican cartels by sneezing on them while they cut your arms off please, thanks.

I'm worried for my mum and nan but I couldn't give a fuck if I catch it or even die from it.

Barely, if at all. Certainly won't trump the WGA strike.

Lmao triggered man child detected. Every little bitch is whinging about E3s cancellation. Just look at Yas Forums

Guys if i keep my eyes open for too long they get kinda dry... i think i have it, i think this is the end

based rub your eyes on lots of children

Drink water and sleep, dope

You should worry more bro. It's not just a flu

Why do you think Trump is so well acquainted with Israel!?

the jews know global warming will end humanity within 50 years
the only way to stop it is to kill 80% of the worlds goys
this is only the beginning

If all the italians die does that mean no more pizza and spaghetti?

>tfw no more mama's friday spagoot

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When Italians stop existing so does pizza

Ok now im panicking

that frog gets around.
check this out, what a goof

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Don't worry, Apu. I have the spagoot recipe, I will make it for you every Friday.

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he’s a Yas Forumstard who hates his own worthless life so he prays for the downfall of society as payback for being an ugly unloveable piece of shit.
it’s a tale as old as time.