Episode one was not good
Episode one was not good
Other urls found in this thread:
episode 1, episode 3, episode 6, how bout I'm watching all of em'
Inb4 the shitpost that states you need Shakespearean knowledge to understand the phantom menace
This is now a Phantom Menace discussion thread.
Looks kino to me.
Based and Blue Velvet pilled
>Episode one was not good
Prove it
so this...is the power...of prequel hate....whoa
We literally knew this 20 years ago
episode 1 is a fun
an incoherent mess of a film but it's still better than 2 of the 3 prequels
As a kid I loved this movie. Rewatched it recently and still loved it. Never understood the backlash as I enjoyed the original trilogy multiple times before the prequels came out. The part when Maul kills Qui Gon legit made my jaw drop and traumatized me pretty bad for a while.
>epsiode 2 obi wan
What did they mean by this?
lmao he literally can't because he's a huge faggot, Phantom Menace is kino
Someone do this with all 6.
>Im a slave with a comfy house that just dusts around the office and makes racers under my bosses nose
>messa banned for being clusmy
>frong leader not even gungdom
>2vs1 loses fight
>Midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things.
>yoda power lvl now measured in Midi-chlorians
>pod racing was a shit
>gambling with slaves is the only way to get a engine for a central government ambassador in direct contact with ties to the Jedi council, zero other ships available?
>shitty victory scene a rib off of ANH
>6 year old kid wins the war by blowing up droid control ship
>ethic stereotype Mideastern jew and Chinese aliens.
>Rewrite to make Ani maybe 3 years older and thus less annoying
>Extend Maul intro in the desert to be a big chase back to the ship.
>Touch on Sheev and him killing his master.
>Remove pod race
>Reduce political talks by 10% (wasn't that bad honestly)
>Have scenario where Padme basically saves Ani's life.
>Redesign siege ships to not look like min death stars.
>Make Ani's slave job something with flying a ship on the planet to establish he is good at flying. Like cargo into fishy areas and getting out.
I think Anakin and Padme should have had a romantic moment before the celebration scene. Maybe they say goodbye and he says he likes her and she blushes.
Not it was not. But it had a few good qualities that at least contributed to the Star Wars universe.
Yeah, 9 years old, even for a force prodigy, is way too young, you would know this if you have ever been around 9 year old.
Its okay to introduce him but dont have him important in races or space battles, maybe have the movie span several years. Focus on the adult characters
Wrong, RoS was the result of TLJ hate.
>when you live long enough to see yourself become Darth Vader
I think the last hour of the movie should have been full shota porn representing hours of filming with their hair matted and skin dripping with sweat oils
The Copeklassa
It's better than the OT.
Boomers hate the Prequels out of envy
This but also replace the Gungans entirely with a less retarded design
image jar jar binks jerking off to calm his nerves onto r2dr
you reminded me of another retarded part of the movie,
>a droid getting a medal
to add to this
>thing is ______
Boy howdy I sure love these threads when people make a single claim and then just fucking bounce without supporting it or engaging in any discussion.
op here I have made several posts in the thread including
You just couldn't be fucked to support yourself in your first post?
The problem was in the prequels the humor went from character driven humor in the dialog the people quote 40 year later to slap stick about bantha poop every one wants to forget. And the convoluted politics went over kids heads and bored the adults. the rest around that was ok
TPM would actually be a decent movie if you took out all the shitty "kids" humor and replaced it with substance.
learn to Yas Forums faggot
>convoluted politics
that has always been an NPC answer trying to grasp at why their kids or them didn't like it without having critical thinking skills to have a good answer
the politics arent heavy at all
Do people who complain about politics in the prequels have actual brain damage? They make up such a small part of the plot yet people act like the entire movie is dedicated to intergalactic politics. The taxation of trade routes is barely mentioned and only acts as the inciting event of the action, and then the brief scenes showing Sheev taking control of the senate set up how good of a manipulator he is.
Agreed. It was great.
Lazer Sword Fights > Politics
>learn to Yas Forums faggot
You first "several posts = one post and my OP" double nigger. This site is fucking trash because all you zoomer cocksuckers can manage is listing claims at each others like the fucking youtube video essays and top ten lists you mainline into your face vaginas 24/7 teach you to.
>>convoluted politics
>politician lies to get power
wow so complex
>Do people who complain about politics in the prequels have actual brain damage?
Its NPC stuff. One media person said it at the time then a bunch of media outlets copied the line, so now NPCs just repeat it
what are you trying to say?
It was great
Agreed on the humor but the politics were extremely abridged and straightforward as hell and they had to be included to show how palps takes power and forms the empire.
That's not even the kenobi from episode 1
Portman made it good
I can see why Lucas sold it, I hope he's enjoying how much Disney fucked it and in doing so fucked all the whiners.
Hopefully he buys it back for a lower price and does more of what he wants to do.
You want the OT, just rewatch them, apparently George Lucas didn't want to make the same movie over and over again even though general audiences are retarded and will keep paying to watch Hero's Journey's as often as they can be pumped out.
you do.
Why do all criminals look like foreigners?
no christian god blessing
>didn't want to make the same movie over and over again
he has had like 5 deathstar like weapons go boom via ragtag attacks
This. Why do people think the politics in the prequels are difficult to understand? People have been saying they are for years but I don't get it. They may not be amazingly written, but they're simple enough for a child to get when watching the movies.
>still seething over the Phantom Kino 2 decades later
Jesus Christ, I know George raped your childhood but give it a rest manchildren
>5 deathstar like weapons
>you can only make one weapon go boom
Yeah and I'm sure you're a Star Trek fag that enjoys watching them rehash the same plots decade after decade, but god forbid the prequels somewhat resemble the OT!
I made this screenshot and I'm glad Based Velvet Charls still exists
Yeah, almost like it's a series motif or something.
episode one was not cute
lol retard
You're right. Blackface was never funny, they pretended it was for 100 years because of racism.
>shitty pacing
>mcguffin plot
>being back and ruin palpatine
>Fleet of Star Destroyers armed with Death Star lasers
>shitty ass lightsaber fights
>forced drama
>rapes the force even further
>shitty music thats mostly just Kylo Ren's theme rehashed
I just realized the sound would be deafening there
thats not epicode 1, the retard is you
You're right. It as GREAT.
it was kind of fun, and i could see why some people enjoy it. but it was not good.