Tom Hanks has been tested positive for Coronavirus
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Statistically improbably that so many politicians, officials, and now celebrities have this thing.
They are lying about how many people have it. It's much, much more common than they say.
Was he plowing Chinese hookers or something?
Medical tests are the opposite of what you think so testing positive is good. Like when they test for HIV you want to hear negative.... Oh shit he got corona.
>Statistically improbably that so many politicians, officials, and now celebrities have this thing.
those are the very people who are traveling around the world and shaking hands with dozens of people every day.
There goes the neighborhood.
a positive result means you have A result. Positive = real. You can't have -1 of a tangible thing, negatives aren't applicable. So if you have results, results are positive.
Even with that included it's still astronomical odds that so many of them would come into contact with a carrier and for it to also pass to them going by the currently released number of infected.
wow guess coronavirus is cool now
yeah, there's tens of thousands in the US. A lot of the recent diagnoses in Australia are recent travelors returning from the LA area in the US. This is the same thing that happened before SHTF in Italy and Iran. The US hasn't tested shit compared to every other OECD country
keep getting this nigga mixed up with that guy who hanged himself. can anyone give me a quick rundown on the differences so i can remember?
Tom is forrest gump
Robin was in a million classics.
Why did the other thread got nuked?
>Greyhound comes out in 3 months.
Now that's what I call viral marketing.
Why? They are people, and they people who are in constant contact with people from all over the world. If anything they have a higher chance of getting it than your average person.
karma rears its beautiful head again
You make no sense. They being politicians and celebrities means they come across many more people a day than the average person does in a week.
But its only 2 celebrities who have it no?
And now Trump has suspended travel from the EU for 30 days.
Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump.
Robin Williams was that tranny dad.
Check Facebook. This news unironically triggers normie boomers
>Statistically improbably
You are retarded.
Fuck boomers, they are the ones who actually think the coronavirus is a lie and spread that shit left and right. Ironically they are the most susceptible to die for this virus.
No that's a logical fallacy. You're basis is wrong. It's you either have a result that's positive for what you're testing or a result but comes back negative for what was thought you might have had.
politicians, officials, and celebrities are actually some of the people most likely to get it actually
Tom Hanks is in Australia and probably got it while transiting through international airports like almost all the current confirmed cases in Australia
Epstein was outed a long time ago, Hanks is yet to be outed
Ooh no...
The Terminal: Coronavirus Boogaloo
>They are lying about how many people have it. It's much, much more common than they say.
it's not so much lying as Americans are poor and can't afford to take days off or get tested
The symptoms can be mild and flu-like and delayed so people wont' bother getting tested
Ton is gonna be fine. You’re all a bunch of drama queens; this virus is just the flu but with a beer name
Tom Hanks is the fucking turning point of this whole thing, I'm calling it right now.
If he lives, people are going to calm down and things are going to open up again.
If he dies, well, let's be honest none of us want to see that happen.
The panic starts tonight.
Here's how this will go:
>authorities take all the same extreme measures that are recommended by EVERY SINGLE HEALTH ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD
>disease doesn't spread as much
>the number of people sick or dead is minimized
>everyone: "See? Nothing happened! It was all hoax! They made us all worry and do all this for nothing. Thanks Democratic Media!"
tom hanks got it because he voted for trump
karma's a bitch. VOTE BERNIE.
They only count directly tested cases and the test rate topped out and will never catch up with actual infection rates, it's not lies but rather an intentionally limited evaluation.
there are a lot of politicians, officials, and celebrities. Also they are more exposed because they travel and meet more people than the common folk.
It’s ok user I’m here
Right after the last thread got deleted for many misconceptions and outright doomposting it picks up here
Who says you have to die?
Join the Nurgle club and Corona-chan won't hurt you.
>Dude this 2019-2020 flu pandemic is crazy, thousands have died and millions have been infected
>We need to shut everything down
>No? Oh alright
>Dude this Coronavirus pandemic is crazy, hundreds have died and thousands have been infected!
>We need to shut everything down
The economy is going down the trash right now. We're overreacting and in the coming months we're going to pay dearly. There will be food shortages and people will die.
Not the heckin Hankerino am I gonna coom?
Coronachan is ruining my life.
Right from where said and here they come again
I'm worried about my parents, not myself.
So he stopped it for the Corona Virus but not AIDS?
>Black Death
>Spanish Flu
Why the fuck everything has to come from China?
I went to the doctor today for unrelated reasons. Looks like I'm a walking dead man, bros. Been nice knowing you
Coronavirus spreads more easily and kills at higher rates than the flu. The flu kills more people overall because it has infected more people, but if we don't get coronavirus under control it has the potential to be much more deadly. That's why we're taking drastic action now.
And I trust the CDC approximately 10 billion times more than some dumb cunt on Yas Forums.
>my mom just turned 50
>she's taking a trip to key west next month
Oh fuck I didnt even think about the risk until now.
Where'd you get your medical degree from?
my mom is coofing
Black death didnt come from china.
Read a book.
They are though. Some people have even accused them of doing this deliberately.
>schizo ranting using fuzzy math
The flu pandemics in the last couple of years were in fact crazy and had improper responses to deal with it, it's a constant pandemic virus though so limiting travel makes no sense.
The CDC isn't even trying to completely stop the spread of the virus because something like that is impossible. All they're trying to do is reduce the number of cases they get at a time so hospitals and doctors aren't overwhelmed.
People panicking about getting the coronavirus are stupid, because the CDC isn't going to help you with that. You're going to be exposed to it at some point within the next 18 months before a vaccine comes out.
If this ends up eradicating all boomers once and for all, then it might actually be pretty good
they're just following Daddy Trump's insistence that there is no crisis because that could affect the market which could affect his reelection
Rita Hayworth died?? No way!
Uh Trump literally just banned Yuropoors from the US. Might want to update your NPC programming there, buddy.
So the question is are YOU panicking because I'm not because it's going to die down significantly once the warmer weather starts, no excuses because it's been proven to actually do that. Worrying don't help btw
>You're going to be exposed to it at some point within the next 18 months before a vaccine comes out.
Where did you read this?
Tom no!
inb4 he dies before the pedophile allegations come out to the public
All those people are constantly traveling and interacting with people. Johnny the Neet or your average wagie commuting to work and back are far less likely to have it yet.
Uhh hello? Based department?
That's because the flu doesn't cause mass closures of factories in china, unlike COVID-19. The economy tanking has nothing to with overreaction or not. The government could ban news media from talking about COVID-19 and the markets would still crash, due to companies can't import shit from china.
Also the reason countries like Italy and China shut their economies down is because their hospitals couldn't handle anymore COVID-19 patients, if they didn't shut everything down and the virus kept spreading the hospitals would overflow then a lot more people would die.
not my heckin tom hanxerino! my forrest gumperwumper
This virus tends to kill older people the most.
Tom Hanks is 63. Will he be ok?
The future is e-celeb influencers.
The sooner these old pedos die the better.
We don't need them.
he's diabetic too
who gives a fuck, he hasnt been in anything worthwhile in ages
Forrest Gump will get through this. He got through Nam and the passing of his friend Bubba and his wife
he's going to have access to medical care that others won't have access to, so he's very likely going to be fine
>The economy is going down the trash right now. We're overreacting and in the coming months we're going to pay dearly. There will be food shortages and people will die.
Good. Normalfaggots need to suffer like the rest of us for a change.
He's in Australia
>mom is 60 and lives outside NYC
I'm living in the basement of her house
jesus christ
>I'm not because it's going to die down significantly once the warmer weather starts
Tom Hanks was in Australia when he caught it. There's little evidence that warmer weather has any affect.
Just google "Flatten the curve"
have you never heard of 6 degrees of separation, son?
he didnt die on route 66, nor did he accuse tom and spieleberg of doing anything
>63 years old
So what's his chances of surviving this shit?
he must have eaten a chinese child that didn't agree with him...
>Food shortages
>Implying neets will get their neetbux then
Why the fuck did I major nursing during this shit?
he's over 40, so larger than most
>significantly once the warmer weather starts
Even if this was true then it would just come back in the fall and nothing would stop it since it'll take years to create a vaccine.
But it isn't true since this virus is already spreading in warm climate countries. This isn't influenza, SARS and MERS didn't spread more or less depending on the temperature of the weather.