Movies about Boomer genocide?

Movies about Boomer genocide?

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Daniels said absolutely nothing wrong

No, let them be forgotten.

Based, fuck atheists

Old people are always dying lmao, I can't wait for the millenials to be old and dying when they find out pandering to little kids won't stop them from becoming the same hated elderly people

COVID-19 is literally a gift from god just like AIDS, divine judgment for the sinners and reprobates

Settle down, okay?

>lazy zoomers absolutely seething
The absolute irony of a younger generation mocking an older generation will never cease to amaze me.


You sound like you smell of elder berries.

If you said any STD you'd have some semblance of a point you fucking autist.

No it just said typical zoomer shit
>y-yeah I got a shitty degree in Harry Potter BUT ITS THE BOOMERS FAULT BECAUSE THEY WONT PAY FOR IT
I can't wait for boomers to die so millenials and then zoomers get to be the old fucks

You smell like a rotting front hole zoomie tranny lmao

can you repeat that in english?

I'll write it in zoomer for you


Kill them all. I don't care.

Limbaugh and Hannity saying the Coronavirus is a hoax manufactured by the media and deep state is fucking beautiful when their audience is the demographic most likely to get killed by it

Shut the fuck up and die. Just kill yourself and fucking die.

wow that's heckin edgy as fuck, boomers BTFO by jobless incels online
They may have families and spread their genetics but they died of a virus while in their 80s haha losers

simping 4 boomers

Boomers are the idiots who defend trannies though.

Why are you zoomers so hateful all the time? Why do you blame your problems on everyone else?

My parents are boomers and they worked really hard to give me a nice life. Sort out your mommy and daddy issues mmm'kay, sweaty?

>implying he wont and doesnt do the same thing

I was hoping candida auris from last year would do something, but Corona is fine.

DUDE BOOMERS BTFO BY FACTS AND LOGIC!! This is how Bernie can still win!

To be fair to zoomers blaming other people and bitching all day is just so much easier than actually doing anything at all. Between boomers and mental health they have an assortment of excuses to go to that Twitter will happily validate them for.

>deny deny deny, no u
Lmao, Zoomers and Millenials are the ones defending and being trannies, you are the tranny generations. You're all gonna kill yourselves before the boomers keel over lol

how is it ironic?

check your blood pressure you anemic faggot

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Why incel? The boomers are BTFO! Haha they lived full lives and almost a full century! This is what they get for those tide pod memes!

yeah I sure am glad my parents and grandparents could die

This has now been disproven as people in their 40s and younger are contracting it.

Boomers are such little baby bitches. You wanna go to college get a fucking job and pay for it. It ain't my job to pay for your sociology degree with my tax money

They lived in the golden age and are in their 90s but they are gonna die of a flu! LMAO we won bros

Are you serious? Are you not aware that every single one of us is aging right this second?

No fucking shit but it is old people who are dying from it.

>f2f too old to be a zoomed but realize how fucked zoomed are based off boomer choices.
It's like setting the house on fire and saying it's the zoomed choice to grow up around the flames

Old people that would have died from a normal cold. BOOMIES BTFO!! Now we can get free college bros!!

thats right

Yup yup. They had almost a full century living in the golden age with easy lives. They are so BTFO! Finally we get revenge on the evil old people that told me to get a good degree

ok boomer

That's not irony dumb dumb

Imagine a culture so afraid of aging that they shame their predecessors for staying alive to remind them of their own mortality. What a sick fucking country.

I'm from the US but I have to ask, how is a country so obsessed with discrimination so hateful towards old people?

>get a good degree
>cant afford it

hhaha lol xd bazina

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>mocking people for being old when I'll some day also be old isn't irony
Congrats genius.

>shame their predecessors for staying alive
no, it probably has more to do with the whole "selling the future of the country down the toilet" thing

What the news doesn't tell you is that most people getting it are Chinese.

>its a random old guys fault I took out loans to pursue gender studies and it's also his fault I dropped out of the classes and just work at starbucks

When can we finally kill our dumb boomer family members, my parents are getting annoying with this "get a job" shit.

explain why it is

Zoomies can't afford their degrees in Harry Potter and Seinfeld, that never stopped them before!

>hates old people
>votes for Bernie

>y-yeah I got a degree in Harry Potter studies with student loans b-but I'm only poor because the boomers sold my country!

You wouldn't understand, Bernie gets the youth .

More proof that millennials and zoomers are sociopaths

Because he lies to them and tells them what they want to hear
>yes my generation is evil! I will give you free college!!
He's failed everytime he's tried but maybe when he's 99 he'll finally get something done. The important part is he wants to give zoomers free shit and that makes him good to them

Is it 'ironic' and foolish to mock zoomers for tiktok and liberal arts degrees because you were once that age and did similiar stupid things? Or do you think zoomers are uniquely retarded, and at that age you were different, and so you're not really mocking yourself, and it's not ironic?

I'd just like to apologize for the Harry Potter fan that bullied you and/or fucked your crush in high school
But it would just be healthy for you to let it go

So, it's shaming for not being progressive enough... I imagine future generations will be more forgiving because of their """forward thinking""" predecessors. Smart people we've cultivated. I'm sure the gallows will look more kindly on them.

I thought this guy was pretty funny, didn't know he was such a spiteful cunt.

Just wait 4-6 more years for generation alpha to grow up some more

take your diabetes medicine boomer

Why do class traitors defend the interests of the wealthy?

You are never going to be rich lmaoo.

You have to hand it to the elites. You don't have to pay social security if all the boomers are dead.

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A global recession and a lethal virus is the double blow to end the boomer menace. Their assets lose their value while their bodies break down.

This is the future they chose, self-absorbed bastards.

I, personally, do not want my parents to die desu

Because they pay us zoom zoom. You'll get it someday

>the 1% of boomers have controlled the entire course of the Western world
Ok then

Not him, but I hate the poor even more than I hate the rich. Kill everyone except for the middle class.

I'm sure this is honest and on the level and it definitely isnt a misquote or taking statements wildly out of context

How much money do you make? Honestly.

Too bad, boomer sympathizer.


It's not and you can look it up yourself. He walked it back but he said it and meant it. Bernie will never ever be president btw :)

As little as possible that they can get away with. A lot of people ARENT getting paid enough to live, hence the outrage

He said that verbatim.

Bernie revealed himself to be a pussy and honestly hes gonna get what he fuckin deserves. I just hope he drags the democratic party down with him as one last act of defiance

Btw you didnt answer, how much money do you make?

If I worked at McDonald's and maxed out all my credit cards I'd be outraged too. Sorry zombie revolution has been canceled.

I wasn't mocking either generation retard, I was simply pointing out it was ironic to mock based on age since it's something we are all guaranteed to experience.