Name A Better Animated Film

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Boom, fuck you OP

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based fernposter

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I think I just realised why I found Monica the hottest friend.

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Found. Past tense of find. I didn't say it was still the case.
Obviously Matt LeBlanc is the objective hottest of them all now.

This ain't Ghoul School


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Disney's Chicken Little

My dad loved this movie more than i did as a kid. Guess it was the mushrooms he took as a preteen

Now I want it to be Halloween again.

Ninja Scroll

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Good movie but secret of nihm
Kill yourself
This is also acceptable



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Now we’re talkin

Never forget that this was animated by Japan and Yas Forums's favorite movie is anime

Batman Under the Red Hood

Scooby-Doo is some other shit. I can't name a franchise it's age that hit's as hard as it does.

Toy story

that scene where the ghost penetrated velma was nuts. how did they get away with that shit?

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The 90s were a simpler time senpai

She was trying to hide her dick.

Ok, now the party is really getting started.

It really is one of the best animated films of all time

Absolute fucking slut. God I love it

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how do get smol fary gf

weren't there hot girls in this or something? I vaguely remember daphne getting all jealous and bitchy because fred was flirting with roasties

It's not pornographic if all the sexual things are invisible.

there was cat people

Hello, Based Department?

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Oh you got recommended that video essay too huh?

based sinbadposter

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Eris unironically looks like a tranny

Yeah one of the girls on the island was a babe and flirted with Fred

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>now you're pregnant

esmerelda looking bitch. on another note, look at the shadowing disney did on her body. they literally gave her panties

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I rewatched this in adulthood and have to say it really was one of the best things in the Scooby Doo media empire. I was worried that it wouldn't hold up.

Did they really retcon the zombies?

This film was legitimately scary as a kid. Took the scoob franchise to a whole other level


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Daphne was also pretty fine in Zombie Island, and can't forget the Hex Girls of course

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Don't mind me, just posting the best animated film ever made.

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this absolutely. The story, the acting, the music, all in service of fantastic animation.

the best ghibli movie imo and the best disney anime dub. gillian anderson should voice act more

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The Hex Girls were where it was at. Then there was that time Daphne became one.

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>and can't forget the Hex Girls of course
How could I forget?

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Where's Scoob?

The animation and worldbuilding was great but the story is hot garbage. The manga is the times better


GUNS BAD: the film

Probably eating something in the kitchen

Quads have spoken.

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what a DAWG

>there are people on this board who legitimately haven't seen The Iron Giant

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Yes brother

>Missing the point of the movie this hard
Has to be b8