Why the fuck do women prefer left than right?

Why the fuck do women prefer left than right?

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Right sits around on his computer playing video games and bigging up macho shit, left appreciates feminity

cause he's hot you moron, right looks like some fisting bara faggots wetdream

left isn't a woman?

They don't

Who da fuck cares what woman want?

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Left is cute

Holy shit that image made me gay

they unequivocally do not

why should they be more attracted to right?

girls have different things they like in men holy fuck nigger some guys like fat chicks holy shit dude are you so stupid you can't comprehend opinions? Dear god man.

Because the left is easier to keep wrapped around a finger. It’s like men preferring mediocre girls over babes or angels, it’s because they might have a chance with mediocres and don’t have to worry about unfaithfulness because “lol as if they could do better than me”

older women will go for right


The right has body dysmoprhia. Just look at Yas Forums. It's as mentally ill as /lgbt/.

He's a real man.

physical strength isn't very useful in western life
beauty carries more currency.

I like both

you gay, son.

They don't.

your left or my left?

and a true scotsman


its this. also theres a distinction between proper women and children in adult female bodies

>fallacy fallacy

do you prefer right, OP? are you more attracted to right than left? why are you gay, OP?

the attractive ones do, yeah

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misusing the fallacy fallacy
oof, what fallacy is that?

Women prefer levft when they are not on their periods, so not looking to breed.
They prefer right when they are on their periods and seeking a mate to have strong offspring with.

Left is safe and your mother will like him, right might not be safe, but obviously would make good children which left will probably raise.

This, women are meant to be wed and bred, not coddled like children or put on a pedestal

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both maybe, but right appeals more to gays than hetero women, they like some muscles but looks too tryhard

No idea and I look like the guy on the right.
When I was 17 and emo it was way easier to get girls to fuck me.

I consider myself heterosexual but i really want to take a bath with left

What if the guy on the right was gay and liked fucking men who dress up as women? Or if the guy on the right was born a woman and had a vagina?

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Nigger you didn't even know what the "fallacy fallacy" was until I used it, and you googled it. Stay pleb.

there really is just no hope for some people

left doesnt have shrunken balls

funny image but these guys have more confidence and probably are more successful dating because they aren't shut-in losers on Yas Forums who spend hours scrounging up pictures to make a meme that makes them feel better about themselves for 10 minutes. also NEVER IMPROVE


muscular dudes are the biggest simps, left would bag and never call back. Right would arrive next day with roses and wine

>What if the guy on the right was gay and liked fucking men who dress up as women?
He would be a real man that fell for Jew propaganda. Homosexuality as it is known today is a construct created by Jewish psychologists in the 1940s.
>Or if the guy on the right was born a woman and had a vagina?
If you are born with a vagina, and female chromosomes, you're a woman.

Beard and body is insecure men's make up. Face >>> body.

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they objectively don't. the studies have been done. women literally rate men in attractiveness who work out in the gym higher the more they could lift. it was such a significant correlation it was laughable.


And you used it without even knowing what it is. You just got desperate to come back with something to pretend like you didn't get btfo and you made a fool of yourself.

Left appearls to straight guys too

Because left is what a woman is actually attracted to while right is what men want women to be attracted to.

Deal with it user. The only reason you ever believed the "chicks dig muscle" was because it was something you could change.

NORDIC GENES -- bottom of the gene pool > highest of goblins

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But men overwhelmingly don't prefer ordinary girls over babes.

"What we found was that, indeed, women who are with less facially masculine men — so more feminine men — they're the ones showing a shift toward men other than their partner," Gangestad said. For instance, while ovulating, women were more likely to have sexual fantasies about a non-partner."


Learn to google, simp.

They like an effeminate faggot that they can dominate, makes them feel empowered. But when they grow older they look for a guy who actually can protect her because she realized she's not the strong woman feminists told her, she's weak and a weak effeminate faggot won't stand up to her so she'll be looking for a chad.
Basically the faggot on the left is not long term bf material, just there to boost her female ego and then get dumped like a used condom

Billie Eilish cut her hair?

>women literally rate men in attractiveness who work out in the gym higher the more they could lift.
reminder that twink related is fucking your gf when you are at the gym

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There are still things you can do to become more like left. Get lean, fast, do cardio, use skincare.

If they are it's because he has a more handsome face. Women aren't typically attracted to muscles as big as that right guy's anyway.

How do you explain the popularity of kpop bands?

Younger girls like the pretty boy look and older women like more manly men.

young adolescent/barely post-adolescent women prefer left
they will eventually prefer right unless their brain is literally incorrect
less neoteny and androgyny = more attractive man

because women are fags

teen girls want femme boys
slut women want muscle chads
women looking to settle down want porky betas with a stable income.

IDK bro but I look exactly like the on on the right and I cant get a gf WTF bros?

Teenage girls like dudes who look like teenagers

very true. look at arnie. only guys ever talk about his looks and the only side chick he managed to land was some 2/10 hobgoblin from squatemala.

face>body and it's not even close

The absolute amount of cope ITT. It feels like some people just cant accept the truth because if they did they would kill themselves

a man can be beautiful and masculine
stop posting extremes on the spectrum

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Why do men who want to fuck left pretend to still be straight?

Bill Hicks already explained this. Making shitty music accessible to teenage girls gave said teenage girls the power to run chart music, as a result you get boy bands and kpop bullshit of non-threatening males that appeal to a prepubescent / early teen female demographic because they think the boys in the band are just like them.

laugh my ass off

right is a gay model fyi

Nigga, I'm sorry but you just can't lift pretty boy.

This isn't true. There weren't "studies". I'm certain you're thinking of just one in particular which didn't even use pictures of men past ottermode. It also cut off their faces. Most women are going to choose a skinner, good-looking man over a dude with bigger muscles and a worse face.

They lift a lot?

Except my usage of it was in fact correct, and your ignorance of that fact is quite telling when revealing your ignorance. Just admit I put you in your place like a good boy. Alright? You're embarrassing yourself. I would recommend actually learning more before attempting to come up against an ACTUAL intellectual heavyweight, alright pal?

>the youngest/most fertile/horniest girls prefer left
so you're saying lifting is cope

Obviously, let Yas Forumscels cope though.

no we the people of Yas Forums are not

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Girls who like left literally want to be the man in the relationship, that's why they seek boys who be the wife basically. They aren't lesbians but they have a huge penis envy and feminists brainwashed them into thinking gender is a social construct, that they are on binary, like a male trapped in a female body. Sounds crazy but that's the thing you'll find them writing on reddit.

Discord trannies

>posts a pretty boy with a twink physique

>Neckless posts on this site too

I'm saying young girls prefer young men

they don't
social media aka "they" are brainwashing you

> Dolph motherfucking Lundgren
> Twink Physique

Ok, you have to be high.

They do. right has no attractive features. He's balding with poor facial structure and a dirty beard. His muscles look gay and intimidating and not aesthetic.

Face is everything to woman. Right simply looks "masculine" every ogre would mog him, yet you don't see woman fetishing the orcs from lord of the rings like they do with pretty boy vampires.

But male bands used to be muscular guys. Why the change to effeminate boys?

>dolph ludgren

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Yeah but you don't look like Dolph. Dude could weigh 150 pounds and still absolutely slay pussy, hes 6'6" and gorgeous.

rofl he's tiny

I feel like "pretty" is a very loaded word that has been associated with only women so long that males tend not to be deemed pretty if they have any shred of masculinity, and they just look like women (i.e. some male kpop idols) or are underage.

>ugly gymcel copelet upset at the fact that his gains don't translate into attention from women
leo fucks 10/10 models daily and has been doing so since before he was famous. how often do you think he goes to the gym?

yeah, regardless of the words used to describe there's no denying that beautiful/pretty men are more attractive than some roidbear with a gross beard and jew nose

The combination of these two is the most effective.

The demographic got younger. It's less offensive to watch twinky gayboys dance like gayboys over masculine men gyrate. Remember, the aim is to get stupid little girls with lazy parents hooked on shitty catchy music as young as possible to create a 'dont complain about music, wait for next music' fanbase.

They do. This is a massive cope. Woman don't like guys who look "old" they have no interest in people who looks like their dads social group unless they have severe pathologies. They always want guys who looks like they are in their teens or early 20s. Forever. When they are 9 years old or 50.

but also preferable to the borderline tranny on the left with more estrogen than a housewife


Because "he" can be easily pass as a woman despite being a feminine "man" so it doesn't make it gay whatsoever

You really need to stop mixing up the opinions on teenage girls and grown women

The one on the left likes it up the ass user

Is that the Golden One 3rd from bottom on the right?

yeahj you're a faggot lool

>search right image
>bara porn
Something you wanna 'fess up, (OP)?

Because you are still in High School/middle school and the only women you interact with are teenagers who like left that are feminine men. See: Fujoshit, Kingdom Farts, K-poop
Mods ban this underage now


They don’t. And you look like neither anyway.

Unironically so does the one on the right

Not really. Im also straight but do left in an instant. Id say youre gay if you find right attractive at all.

You're making up stuff, boys bands has always been a teenage girls thing. I believe the sudden change is directly linked to feminists pushing against 'toxic masculinity'.

Wouldn't you fuck both?

Right's got some tits on him.

in general, left is preferred by women younger than 30
right is preferred by women over 30

said shortly, there is innate need to have pretty children, pretty (and youthful) face implies quality genes, now muscular man on the right implies quality genes too kind of but face is more important in that regard; as a woman gets to the age of having children she gets to prefer the strong, masculine type of man who can protect her and them

all mentioned above is unknowing behaviour, they are not aware of this - not to confuse with knowing/calculated behaviour where the brain (youngest, cognitive part) is aware of the current state and reacts accordingly (i.e. seeking financial protector regardless of masculinity)

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There's a difference between young and girly. This guy doesn't look like a normal teenage boy, he looks like a sissy boy.

When a baluga whale feminist sees an attractive woman guys are drooling over
>"this is a representation of toxic masculinity. Real men like women with curves!"
When chouds see an attractice man women are drooling over
>"that guys a faggot!! He's a faggot cause I said so and I'm gonna beat him! Fuck me instead!"
Everyone in this thread is basically a male version of the bitches who complain about hot chicks on tv.

Just like how they cope saying men like women with curves and that the only reason dudes wanna fuck stacies is because of the media, you do the exact same thing, just replace tits with peca and a beard with mascara. Congratulations! You proved horseahoe theory! I now pronounce you man and wife, you two deserve to be miserable together.

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>liking femininity

I don't go to gym and neither i'm ugly, you're just a painfully obvious discord tranny
Also Leo fucks 10/10 because he's a millionaire world star

this si the real redpill
prerttyboy twunk

I'm seriously amazed at all the cope. People are amazingly bluepilled on woman if you think they like masculine caricatures over pretty boys. It's like thinking Guys genuinely prefer plastic 40 year old "blonde bombshells" over cute girls.

Only zoomer women prefer the guy on the left, but they sre still young. In five years they are going to be all about the guy on the right