
So who is getting the boot, tonight?

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it all depends how the swap shakes out but probably an old school player
smart money is on yul, sophie, tony, or controverchelle for the win based on edit so far

poor kim and parv are barely playing by the looks of things

Boston Rob

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first for wife

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Based russell

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stream where?

Preemptive rip to Based Rob.

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inb4 Sandra idols Rob out

Any more survivor edits?

had to lie to my friends and say i was going out to dinner and couldn't hang with them. no one must ever know i enjoy Survivor kino

Based Michele

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lmao nearly back to back "obama thinks I'm great" ads from biden and bernie

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>Refused to vote for Fishbach to win because he was a Jew

Absolutely based.

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>Jonathan Penner handed me a million dollars, I like him

thanks for the update bud

non bmx stream

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The show will suffer if the Robfather gets booted.

literally scripted scene no one cares

eh I don't think he's as in control as the show wants us to think. probably production just wants him to look good as a farewell

how fast will it take parv and michelle to make wendell simp and vote out yul?

fuck rob

took 4 tries to win

bros I fear for Parv

red tribe is based

>adam and ben want rob out
>sophie and sarah are probably in the mentality of anyone but me

rip rob if they lose

5 minutes, tops

>Rob with Adam and Ben


>rob gets booted
>he runs edge with ambuh
could be worse

is nick gonna spill his spaghetti around parv?

sophie no doubt has more testosterone pumping through her than adam


was that bitch chewing on a sock?

and just like that, all my favorite players are in danger on every tribe

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jfc there should have been a warning before that shit


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fuck parvati and not in the sexual way

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>Blue tribe: Michele, Wendell, Nick, Parv, Yul
>Red tribe: Tony, Sandra, Jeremy, Kim, Denise
>Green tribe: Sophie, Rob, Ben, Adam, Sarah

Thank you. Couldn't watch from the beginning.

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kim is definitely flipping
tony or sandra gone

Jeremy is a good player

her and denise are an easy 2 and I can't see jeremy wanting to keep tony or sandra around unless he really risks them as a shield

I Love cierra it sucks all the hate she got from the cast

poor Kim is not used to playing with above average players

He's fun to watch but it must be frustrating for him out there. He's a smart guy but it's hard to do anything when basically everybody comes in suspicious of you.


Checked and Based

Also his cast for the win was so retarted

lmao no way

>Kim in a situation where she has options

She's back, baby.

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Cast member here parv gets sent to extinction tonight

I think everyone was just super wary of her coming into the game and she couldn't find footing fast enough


called it

Holy shit it's happening lol

CLASSIC kim keeping her options open

how old is parv? still a sexpot

Wendell got all the bitches on his dick

Burn the coal pay the toll

Nick is all of us

NIck be simping for parv

Wait what's going on?

my god parvati is so graceful and charming


why is wendell getting the bad edit?

The two white whores are trying to find a simp in the Nick/Yul/Wendell alliance

Based Nick dropping spaghetti. /ourguy/

>"Let's give them something to drool over, Parv."

boner activated

>New season, who dis?
Omg Michelle, YAAAASSSSS.

I'm gay. I'm just saying how she responded to Nick contrasted with her confessional "so that was awkward"

The Chad Simp

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believe ALL WOMEN

douche chills

even the "cool" people on survivor are so cringe

she's inauthentic


>so who voted out AMBAH

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it's a game. was she supposed to cringe to his face?

>Yeah, I was gonna go out and dance with some cute women but I can't miss this season of Survivor!

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Well she's a woman that goes without saying but she handled herself in an awkward situation well and that much better than your average Yas Forums sperg

I want to fuck Sophie

not sure why she thought it was cringe. a highschool boy thought you were hot. the fuck is wrong with women

it's looking rough for rob so he's not getting booted tonight

her personality is inauthentic
regardless of the game

you probably don't need to say it out loud when you just met her, also low key calling her old


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>girl power episode

so that's all there is to that bree larson ad that is making incels seethe?

"you got my teenage peepee hard" "uh... thanks?"
you literally must not know any women if you think that's a perfectly fine thing to say

I can't blame Nick desu

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Why do they have to give half their idol away all the time?

if his tribe loses he is gone
Sarah would be crazy not to play her advantage and they are not going to vote out Ben or Adam over him
and that's not even counting high likelihood of Ben or Adam flipping

Meh it's like watching a zoo

would get on my hands and knees just to get a whiff of those feet desu

desu because producers want other people to know about idols and advantages so people don't just sit on them until the F6. Their wet dream is probably that it causes some drama, like the other player refuses to give their half back.

it encourages strategizing/trust building and means someone else HAS to know you have it. if one of the boys had found it who would they have gone to? each other or one of the girls?

forced drama/interactions

I would parvati her shallows if you know what I mean

>advertising most automatic safety features
>woman driver

Fair enough, if Adam found it he's going to one of the girls for sure. It's actually the boring outcome that a girl found it.

>sandra cant sit this one out
i bet they lose