It's my birthday today

>It's my birthday today
>at work we have a team meeting
>boss brings a cake to the meeting
>think to myself "wow they remembered my birthday, so sweet of them!"
>jitter in anticipation for them to recognize it
>the cake ends up not being for me but for my coworker who became a designated accountant

It hurts bros...

Any kino's you'd recommend for this feel?

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Happy birthday, user.

Happy birthday user

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Happy Birthday OP

i have a question
did you ever tell them your birthday?

i would hate it if my coworkers got me a cake for my birthday....

Do all of your other coworkers get cakes brought in for them on their birthdays? If the answer is 'no' then shut up. Bring in your own cake if you want to celebrate your birthday with your coworkers. Happy birthday, as well.

I can count on one hand the amount of times somebody outside of my mom has remembered my birthday

Happybirthday user

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falling down

lmao. fucking kill yourself aspie

last month I did because they specifically went around the meeting and asked everyone when their birthday was. Everyone gets a cake on their birthday.

I obviously kept my mouth shut to avoid embarrassment when I found out it wasn't for me.

what television program or film is this from?

aw well, that's genuinely quite sad, sorry user and happy birthday.

Hope you had an okay birthday otherwise user. My fav movie is HER, maybe you'll enjoy it for your bday. People can be so thoughtless and cruel. Cunts as my dead grandmother would say

Happy birthday fellow sperg

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Happy Birthday, user. Here's your cake.

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Do they celebrate other birthdays?

>Everyone gets a cake on their birthday.
Sounds like your boss just dabbed on you, friend.

Kill yourself faggot

Yes they do

hey my birthday is today too
some of my co-workers said happy birthday throughout the past week as i didnt work today
I also got a text from my dad, old brother and cousin and some messages on my facebook wall. and my family that i live with all said happy birthday too
but i am still mentally ill and have a terrible life because i went crazy and became a modern day aristocratic surrealist

>girl at work asks my birthday
>tell her
>says she wants to get me something
>2 weeks later birthday
>girl shows up to work even though it's her day off
>didn't get me anything, didnt even acknowledge me.

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The only thing you became was a faggot.

i herd u like blue so i found sum rocks. hope u like it

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for me.

Happy birthday frenmp

Happy birthday


Happy birthday frogposter
Unless you're a fibber... Then I say have a nice day

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Oh, damn. Sorry for ragging on you earlier, hope you have a good birthday.

Why would you care if your colleagues know it's your birthday? Your family and friends have all got gifts for you, right user????

happy birthday btw fa󠛡m

kill yourself gay

It's basically company policy to celebrate birthdays and they still forgot his lmao

Maybe you shouldnt act like a creepy incel

>coworker birthday today
>he buys himself a cake and buys everyone popeyes for lunch
>we have a nice 2 hour lunch together

you wish you were as cool as the creepy incel

me on the right

Chad move tbqh

spotted the reddit nigger

Happy 311 day faggot

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>i would hate it if my coworkers got me a cake for my birthday....

This. Nothing worse then annoying "work friends" making a fuss and making you the centre of attention.
Last job I had when I handed in my resignation, they said they were organising a goodbye party for my last day. So I just didn't turn up to work on my last day.
Its probably autism, but I just didn't want a fuss and wanted to leave quietly.

>that one 5/10 in the front office makes you a cake for your birthday
>it tastes like shit
don't know what to do about this one

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Who gives a shit about birthdays. Grow up faggot

''thank you for the cake it was thoughtful''
you ungrateful shit

Be kind and honest with her. Thank her for the cake and do something nice in return. What else?

why is there always one sperg that never had a nice birthday so wants people to not care about birthdays?

go back tourist.

spergs been used for years, sperg.

Based boss dabbing on an incel

>modern day aristocratic surrealist
what did he mean by this?



happy birthday, user.
have some dubs.

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Why do you even let your work do birthday stuff for you? It's shameful

uhhh he's a human being? This makes you feel valued.

Don't even want to know what shithole you come from

Count yourself lucky, OP.

The insincere forced camaraderie of an office birthday party is truly cringe, and being the subject of such a party is a fate worse than ten thousand deaths by torture.

Ah yes the illusion of value.
Upstate NY lol. Don't worry, my employers have a secretary send a card every year addressed to my legal name instead of my preferred name.
My boss handed it to me without any fanfare, this was the week it happened, and so the day came and went without any fuss.
I also tell my family not to bother doing anything for mine. I prefer to rest and relax

I literally actively avoid people I know on my birthday and make sure as less people as possible know about it, be it at work or anywhere else.

Just leave me alone

Is this because deep down you know you won’t get the recognition you crave so you have a defense mechanism against it?

Why would I crave recognition. I avoid people all my life.

When I see someone I even vaguely know coming my way in public I cross the street just so I avoid that obligatory time wasting small talk interaction that one "should" have.

Are you me? Actually don’t answer that, I don’t care and have no desire to converse with you.


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Have you tried to kill yourself on your birthday? No? Dont cry then,you dont deserve to be sad.

We'd be good friends, but I'd never wanna hang out because I don't like "hanging out" with people. I do admire your resistance to social time wasting.