>zombie film
>characters have no idea what a zombie is and just gives them different names
Zombie film
Other urls found in this thread:
>characters come up with a really lame name for the zombies
If the characters are aware of what "zombies" are it instantly becomes meta and ironic. This is a lazy way to avoid that self referential trap, by having the events take place in a universe where there is no pop culture saturation of "zombies."
>zombie film
>man is true monster after all
>zombie film
>religious guy is overly paranoid and deluded thinking its God's punishment
Then do something interesting with the zombies that changes the rules from what would be expected. That way it won't be "meta and ironic".
>the infected
>the undead
>the rot trot
>brain munchers
>the undead formerly known as alive
>zombie film set somewhere in North America
>Food is somehow really fucking hard to get
>People kill each other over cans of beans
>outbreak is never explained
The fucking first zombie movies did it. Why can't they do it nowadays?
Why waste 2 minutes of valuable movie time setting up some explanation? We've got 2,225 lines of awkward teen romance to squeeze into 2 hours.
>zombie film presents itself as gritty and realistic
>there's not a single femzomb walking around with her tits out
The mystery is appealing. Although it's probably done out of laziness.
you've never killed a man for a can of beans?
>Black Ops 1
>macnamara: sir the pentagon has been breached!
>jfk: zombies
Kino desu
>zombie film
>only hope for a cure is blood from a little girl who learned she was immune after being bitten
>Black Ops 3 ported every single black ops maps
>except Defcon
>characters know about zombies from movies
>none of the tropes help them survive
>They're not zombies in this tv show/movie, they're called Shamblers™
>zombiez dripping blood everywhere
>choking on blood noises
>not once are we shown a zombie brothel where femzombs are gussied up with make-up and wigs and restrained so men can fuck them
500 bucks its the overzealous ones that says this
>zombies are shown to be easy to kill
>however they managed to spread all over the place even with military around
I mean the power behind zombies are their numbers. Depending on the viral infection, it could reach pandemic levels
>zombie can't even walk and trip over themselves
>limbs falling off
>but somehow when they grab onto a person they have the strength of Hercules to overpower the human
if a couple of schmucks with pistols can take down dozens of them why cant soldiers with bigger guns just mow them down?
>zombie ontop of character leaking his salvia and blood all over his face, until he gets shot and even more fluids splatter all over protag
>oh good he didnt bite you, you would have been infected
Seriously why does nobody in zombiemovies even bother to wear hazmat suits or such? They could fucking lick the zombies off all day and not get infected, but fuck, one bite and its over.
>Infected people fall ill
>All get rounded up at first
>They die en masse and come back relatively quickly
>They bit some healthy people
>Process repeats
In the retarded book thats World War Z its because "the Militaries were fighting them like regular enemies, not aiming for the head" or some such horseshit. As if a tankround wouldnt explode their brains just fine
>Seriously why does nobody in zombiemovies even bother to wear hazmat suits or such?
It's even more stupider in TWD. Apparently everyone has the zombie virus but you don't turn into a zombie until you die. But a scratch or a bite from a zombie will kill you (even a tiny scratch on the arm means you're dead). Makes no sense.
I hate that shit too. The only zombie movie I can think of that acknowledges that is 28 Days Later.
>inb4 some autist says they're not really zombies
I think it makes more sense if the zombies spawned from a large concentration of dead people like a morgue or graveyard but some movies all it takes is one person infected for everything to go to shit
No, that's Five
>we cant shoot the fat wellzombie cause that would infect the well the fat zombie has been marinating in for weeks now
Almost as dumb as Pacific Rims "No we cant just orbbital bomb the Monsters, their blood will destroy the oceans" so they instead fucking punch and chainsaw them.
Corona started with one guy eating bat soup or something right? Look how nuts thing are about a month in already.
>obvious trope in movie
>pull this face at the stranger sitting next to me for the remainder of the movie
Because it doesn't always matter. Including superfluous material in fiction is how retards write. Everything should have a purpose. In The Last of Us, it's explained because it connects to the climax of the game and informed the character and world design (fungus everywhere). In The Walking Cringe, the story is really about the drama and conflict between the living people, so explaining what caused the plague isn't really relevant.
Which zombie maps are most kino?
>call of the dead
>mob of the dead
>der rise
>Nobody ever chains up a zombie and sucks on it's zombie penis
>watch translated zombie movie
>in the original some peopel call zombies "geeks" after the freakshow act
>dumb translators only know the word in the "i'm a geek lol" sense
>so in the translation characters are calling zombies "brainies"
kinda works, but still
>mob of the dead
>zombie film
>the military ends up being the bad guy psychos
I've done it lots of times. In DayZ
>zombie film
>no Paladin hero to smite the undead
If they were competent, it would ruin the tension.
>smite first always
>detect evil second never
>token retard keeps a pack of zombies who are people he previously knew because he believes they might cure them
>he either intentionally betrays the main cast or they get loose somehow
what ps3 game is this?
That's something I've always wanted to see in a Zombie movie.
You barely ever hear about the Church's involvement in the whole thing.
looks like metro 2033 or one of the sequels
what are they going to do? throw holy water at them?
>throw holy water at them?
Couldn't hurt to try.
You were sitting next to me in Blood Father
Besides Rhodes abandoning his men at the end he wasn't ever wrong. Just in a shit situation doing the best he could manage with the little he had.
You headshot 10k people in a day and let me know how it goes. There’s 312k people in my city and probably 150 dudes on the air base. Also about a thousand firefighters, police officers, swat, and armed security guards. Discounting home guns (which is a huge fucking discount) that’s a FUCK ton of people to kill. AND you’re gonna be poppin a lot of people you know. Plus pets can probably be infected so you’re gonna have a bunch of rampaging dogs too. I don’t know why you think it’s easy to shoot a bunch of people in the head.
That’s different tho. Mode of infection is direct via aerosols. Zombies have to fuckin run at you and bite/scratch you. WAY easier to cough on someone
That's a nice idea if it's not le reddit ironic. Zombie outbreak happens, people figure out they're weak against holy water, and priests everywhere rise up and start taking them down with the power of christ and h2o.
>implying it wasn't the viral lab in Wuhan fucking up thanks to China's already abysmal safety standards allowing an outbreak to occur.
Manageable due to slow movement and weak strength. Power in numbers alone means nothing with guaranteed air superiority.
If they can starve (28 days style) it can be quarantined and fixed. If they can't low chances of survival even with military forces.
>Resident evil B.O.W.
Manageable if military, civilian losses beyond count.
>Return of the Living Dead scenario
Incinerate yourself completely the first chance you get. No hope of victory.
>CoD Zombies
Oof. Here's a real list
>No Mercy
>Dead Air
>Death Toll
>Dead Center
>Hard Rain
>The Parish
>West London
>Moon Base
>New Austin
Extremely based.
Yes. Viral zombies are boring and completely played out at this point. Give me some evil necromancy zombies and a chad Paladin hero who has been given righteous powers straight from God to smite the wicked and rid the world of evil undead and/or demonic monstrosities.