Aspiring filmmaker

My team and I are hoping to begin filming a documentary that will track an HIV positive sex worker through London on an average day - visually, the documentary will be striking, and without revealing too much about it [so the idea can be stolen] it will not be like anything you've seen before. It certainly won't be your archetypical grey council estate kinda documentary. I understand a majority of the players on here are young men, like I was at one point, and probably don't have access to money [at least enough to donate] so please share this everywhere. Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook -- even slip it to your parents. Plase help us immortalize the lives of these guys.

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Bait. Just leave it alone.

How much to make it a snuff film?


sounds like shit, just apply for a grant if this is what you want to make. if you can learn to bullshit you wont have to beg faggot

>visually, the documentary will be striking
lost me there

Why are you giving a literal HIV-ridden junkie whore attention? I'd much rather see philosophy docs but you're probably too retarded to understand and create a digestible narrative out of anything deeper than the matrix

I don't want to say too much, if I explain why it will be, the entire premise will be given away.

is it filmed from the perspective of her pusy

I'm a published author and work at The Times newspaper. I mastered in philosophy. Just because something isn't your problem - that doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

>Plase help us immortalize the lives of these guys.

Why would we want to do that?

Sounds boring, sex and drugs are boring hippy bullshit.

Yes because I'm sure your doc will end drug use and illegal prostitution worldwide, how fucking dare I question a Times worker, the highest tier of society. Go get a job at Vice if you want to run around filming hookers.

>without revealing too much about it [so the idea can be stolen]

I think you're dramatically overestimating the market for documentaries about HIV positive sex workers.

Why the fuck are you asking for money in Yas Forums then? Get a grip

Ok...not the reception i was hoping for. gonna take this over to reddit...

Unbelievable cringe. You are a lucidity vacuum.

You can reply to people's posts by clicking on the post number. Look at the picture here.

I posted this thinking you were just making a thread with an inflammatory topic to bait people, but your ineptitude with this website makes me think you might be sincere.

How old are you and what is your filmmaking experience?

I'm not suggesting at all I'm in the 'highest tier of society' at all, just that there's no need for your arrogance, which is often not a banal mask for the cowardice that lurks within you. Rather than criticise me, do something yourself. I am established in my own right.

Forgot the picture.

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I'm well aware of how you reply to people. I've been using this website since I was in school, back in 2005. I'm completely serious, I didn't post in Yas Forums I posted somewhere where there is, on occasion, sensible people.

>Your contribution will aid changing the way we view hard drugs, such as heroin and crack cocaine. It seems as years go by, people look at them romantically, ignoring their devastating effect on our community; the death, the pain, and the misery. Your contribution will bring this to light on a larger scale.

Can you expand on this? Most people are very aware of these issues.

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Ok, you were just making responses to posts without actually replying to them.

Sounds like edgy ‘deep’ teen bullshit
Are you 16?

Unfortunately, the majority of documentaries that are catered toward the kind of audience that watch drug documentaries,focus on the drug dealers themselves. Not to say all of them do, but some. This is not your archetypical drug documentary, rather something completely unique that's never been made before.

I don't intend to tell you who I am because I'm not a retard, this is an anonymous website and anybody on here could dox anyone if they simply wanted to, and had enough info. I'm not famous but well-enough established that your career is irrelevant to me. We're having a conversation, talk to people as people if you want any fucking respect in your line of """work""". Now, why are you even doing this? I doubt you'll bring anything new to the conversation that isn't done every week on other news outlets. Maybe you're passionate about the subject, so here's a question with no right answer: Would it be more impactful on the issues you are presenting for me to give your documentary money and bring exposure to these issues, or just donate a sum of money to charities that actually try to help with similar issues?

Make this happen pls

Based Gaspar Noe user

But are you adding anything new to what most people already know regarding the public health concerns about hard drugs?

Also what's your filmmaking experience?

Would it be impactful. Yes, very much so. There is a depth to which a filmmaker can take a documentary of this nature, a depth that has not been witnessed before. The harsh reality of the lives of these users, emphasis on reality. There is 1,000,001 documentaries out there that are all based around this topic, but show little in the way of reality. The reality is, she wakes up in the morning and gets fucked, then she injects heroin into a hole beside her vagina. She gave birth to a still born baby a few months ago, she has been clean for about five years -- she's flat out on it again. Her boyfriend got murdered, stabbed in the neck and killed, less than six months ago. She was a model once, too. The documentary will be filmed in a way that is completely unique. Where it will be filmed, I will not go into. This will bring awareness to the reality of her life, and the lives of those around her. This, mainly, is directed toward the British government -- it will be submitted to multiple film festivals and a group I'm in touch with will have it plastered all over politicans social medias. I hope that answered your question, if not, I misunderstood the question -- in addition: if you donate to a charity, the users themselves seldom get a penny, and if they did it'd go on drugs - they're not short on food, they get donated food 1,000,0001 a day. So, ordinarily, charities of that nature are counterproductive.

Throughout my years at university I made countless short films and documentaries, and have been doing so since I was a young man. I'm sure this is a very cliche subject to most of you, but, for those who live it -- it isn't at all.

How long do you think it'll be?

About half an hour. There's no narrator, just her talking. It's unique in that sense, as well. The audience will hear nothing other than her.

>This, mainly, is directed toward the British government -- it will be submitted to multiple film festivals and a group I'm in touch with will have it plastered all over politicans social medias.

What response do you hope for?

lmao why are you even asking for money then. huge fucking scam. giving attention to a junkie whore isn't gonna help anyone dumbass

That's unique at all, it's called observational cinema.

This idiot should be arrested for conspiracy to commit attemped murder.


*not unique at all

That's your opinion, and thankfully you don't represent our key demographic.

Hopefully reform on stringent drugs policies in Britain. Britain's laws around drugs are extremely antiquated, we are pushing for a similar system to Switzerland.

you didn't answer his question

What do you think about the Portugal model?

Wtf, a libtard trying to promote degeneracy on my based and redpilled MAGA board? Let's go, Yas Forums hackers. You know what do do ;)

Ok, I did. What next?

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you clearly failed like eveything else you've ever tried

I'm not aware of the reality of her life but I can imagine it's terrible and it's largely her fault

>Ok...not the reception i was hoping for. gonna take this over to reddit...

Attached: le marty face.jpg (233x217, 8.84K)

>film about faggots, unsafe sex and drugs
woah, what a totally unique idea!
fuck off

Ok, I'll try checking your dubs. Maybe something will go right for once.

There will be too many on-site on screen and behind the camera. No thanks.

Ill call in The Wolfpack.

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What do you about the Phillipines' laws around drugs?

think about*

>implying there's anything positive about HIV

How fucking arrogant must you be to think your shitty film is going to do more than actual charity. Did you actually try to help this person solve their problems or did you just record her talking about them? Re-evaluate your life, people don't watch these subjects because they want to help. They watch them and then they want to watch more of them. And that's IF yours is even somewhat decent.

It's my sister. She lives in my spare bedroom.

I’ll give it to you, this is a pretty interesting thread
Honestly If you’re being authentic about all of this seek out funding elsewhere, Yas Forums is the bottom of the bottom of the barrel. It’s really not professional and pretty lazy to try to get funding from here.

My brothers of the screen, I'd rather have you fund me than any audience of thousands. Let no man forget how good my filmmaking is, I am a lion! Do you know what's there, waiting in that indiegogo? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!

Unfortunately, all of the grants are closed at the moment.

Investors, companies, private businessmen also invest in arts. Idk how it is in Britain but there is a certain amount they must legally invest in culture each year.

How will relaxing the laws around drugs get people off the streets and out of sex work?

If your drugs are free, you don't need to work to get them.

Give free narcotics to everybody?