Are all jewesses prone to fully greying in their early 30s?

are all jewesses prone to fully greying in their early 30s?

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Yeah they turn to ash not soon after that

it looks good on her

Some people just go grey very early. I have had gray hairs since I was like 17.

It's not natural. She literally dyes it grey like that on purpose.

I've known a few Jewish people to start greying in the first half of their 30s yes

>Bagel bites
Why has the series gone down the sitter? Oh wow she put sauce and cheese on a bagel

why would someone willingly want to look like this?

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>tfw hair going grey in my 20s

Eat shit e-celeb faggot

To scare off vampires?

his husband has a granny fetish

better going gray than going bald

It used to be jet black, but my guess is that when Conde Nast told them they were going to be making an aggressive push into video content she started dyeing it in an effort to not get hyper sexualized on the internet.
it didn't work

Women rarely rarely ever go bald or balding, this is the worst thing for them

bagel bites have that distinct flavour of depressing and bad. of course, she didn't replicate it at all and when asked she just started crying and saying she worked real hard.

I think it looks cool. Like Rogue from the X-Men.

The Indians in my high school are started greying around that time too.

They're married and not looking

have you seen yourself?

About as real as that grey streak Tulsi Gabbard had for 2 weeks

Why does everybody on that show bite everything like this, just eat you stupid pretentious faggots

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she suits it and i wish mommy claire would bake for me

dot or teepee?

A lot of chicks dig it.

t. have a crown of gray hair


my grandma is turning 70 this year and she literally has this amount of grey hair or less

touch of grey

Jewish people are just Italians who mixed with Northern Europeans

damn your granny sounds hot dude

the Dan guy filming? these is getting obnoxious with his random input in videos

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she looks good neck up for a granny

She didn't have it in the early videos she appeared in. I think she probably did it to stand out and be more unique. She just looked like any random mid 30s kitchen wench with pitch black hair and lipstick.

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she made herself look worse wtf

I think it looks like shit but I know a lot of women who like this look on women. Never heard a man say he likes it on a woman though.

it's also been like 5 years

She needed her own thing to stand out in the kitchen instead of looking like a background character. Brad has his hat and stutter. The one fat dude has his nails painted blue. Molly has the tits. Gabi is the token beaner. Chris is the effeminate fag. etc

Maybe she was dying her gray hair and decided to stop.

Doesn’t Tulsi Gabbard do that too

teepee ones probably have the best hair genes in the world
seen a lot of homeless alcoholic 50 year olds with terrible skin, but a full head of shinny black hear

Half hebe over here, I got some grey on my beard. I think we just age like milk.

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You do realize she dyes it, right? No one goes grey only in one long streak in front.

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they require the blood of children for moloch..this one likes cakes



lot of women grey right after 30 due to the wall, they just color their hair
>now its more in style to let some grey show

Bc it's hot

The Jewess is accomplished in the ways of deception.

Chris has a wife and two children.

Although I suppose that doesn't mean he's not a fag.

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>early 30s


she's 33

>2 hours for a thread that would have been deleted within 5 minutes for any other image
More and more proof everyday that these guys have paid of redditlord


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>he doesnt know that 90% of women do too and dye their hair

Until you met me

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Isn't that redundant?

Wait, no, one of them obviously don't know about teepee

want a lazy handjob from that jewish slut

I did. It eventually spread out after a few of years, though.

Solha a CUTE, a CUTEEE

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What show is this from? I see it posted pretty often

are they related?

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Because it's an instantly recognizable affectation and endears her the audience in a young version of grandma baking cookies sort of way. Stellar way to develop her brand.