
Peace in our time edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


I am Nomad. All biological impurities ITT will be sterilized

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Space, final frontier

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>tfw no romulan sister-gf

Attached: romulan wincest.webm (1280x533, 2.99M)

Why is the guy who beat up leonardo dicaprio on that ship in charge of the Klingon Empire?


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How many ears did Captain Kirk have?

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Alright /trek/ yeah!

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This thread has the love, it has the digits.
It will bring peace in our time and end the discordal cold war user.

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/trek/, if you are seeing this comment, it means you attempted to post non-canon series while the generals' self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted.

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Hail the bastards

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For me its Irish Vulcan Oedipus Bait getting gangraped and ritually decapitated

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Not this time Kell.
This thread is bump limit correct, to the letter.

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For me, it's the man who did nothing wrong - Gul Dukat

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Kill all Romulans! One Supernova wasn't enough!

3. A left ear, a right ear, and a final front ear.

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based and federationpilled

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This thread is perfect. 310th post, and quads for the win.

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This sequence is so fucking stupid. How did he fly through with the Shields off. Alternatively not the Shields were off for him to be able to fly through he wouldn't even need to fly thorough as one torpedo from a distance could habe destroyed the ship


Why do people hate the blight episode so much?

did u get this dad joke shit off a laffy taffy wrapper

Different week, same question.

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Shields sometimes work as a huge bubble over the entire ship and sometimes as a thin layer right over the hull.
Look at the difference between Enterprise shields in First Contact and Nemesis.

There are no shit memes either here in the undiscovered country user.
It's a new age of enlightened posting for /trek/, you'll see.

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Um, I never mentioned bumping. I said non-canon posts. Which STP and STD are.

The Cardassians, now part of the Federation, threatened to secede if Starfleet rescued the Romulan Star Empire solely to spite the Romulans. Because of this the federation president, Kathryn Janeway, staged a falseflag on Mars using synths. This gave her just cause to refocus the Federation's resources. Of course, the public don't know that the new section 31 orchestrated the entire affair. The Romulan "Free State" will be annexed into the Federation within one generation.

Will there be more thicc representation in future treks? Not this one obviously, because it sucks vulcan micropeen, but future ones?

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RIP Star Trek 1969-2005.

There's a rigorous fitness exam to get into Starfleet, however they could have some thicc autocrat who rules over a different society, a Queen or Empress. Maybe the Romulan Empress is a saucy cow.

Captain, I'm detecting trace particles of fat shits in this sector.

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yes. YES

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Back in the day they sure knew how to treat women.

Since this is the peace in our time edition, we will live and let live on this misunderstanding.

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>There's a rigorous fitness exam to get into Starfleet

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Kek kek kek

Check 'em!

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You're now aware that nurse Christina from TOS is Lawaxana Troi from TNG. Also you read this In her voice since she's the voice of all computers in ST.

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I really do hate STD shit posting hours.

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You don't get to decide that, faggot.

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>yellow alert
>full spectral shit analysis.

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We're living in the age of quads /trek/ it's a good omen.

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>Federation starts the war with Dominion
>Cardassian Union is completely destroyed
>Dominion is almost wiped out with a biological weapon
>Klingons are fucked for decades
>Ferengi are fucked with progressive values supported by Federation agent Grand Nagus Rom
>Borg are probably wiped out by Insaneway
>Romulus "accidentally" explodes, Federation promises to help but leaves them hanging, crippling the Empire forever
>Federation can just annex them all in a few decades.
Post your face when Federation are actually the bad guys of Star Trek.

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>are you saying that bird is the voice of de compjuuah?

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ngl, I would grind on her thighs.

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>Kiss my fupa, user, and I might let you live.

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>You and all of your friends are moving in with him Kestra, go find your compass.

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Looks like she has cum dribbling down her thigh


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I need some coffee to go with these dubs.

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They got to you. You watched too much current shit.

>romulan sister gf
>ass deep
>sheer fucking hubris
>neck twitch
>for me it's romulan irish detective blah blah blah

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Not today Insaneway



no bait

it happens

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>no u.

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Is she getting molested by Crandall?

/trek/ is about

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... and faggotry and diversity

The point of the shitomer accords is peace user.
Between the boomers, spergs, and nufags alike.
Do your part to facilitate the bold new era.

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It's dead, Jim.

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spore drives into the thread

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I'm so glad we can make fun of std in a good humored way without it getting ugly.

user, that is not how the power of math works.

based on my definition of the prime directive I got dubs.

Tell me, Commanders, if /trek/ is so great, how come you post STD and Pukeard images?

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t. starfleet admiral

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Because we're insecure about meeting girls.