That looks like a fucking furry shit.
Cringiest fucking shit I have seen in my life, holy fuck, how can someone be so autistic?
always when i see this picture i ask myself, how did Doug find this guy and decided "Yep, that's what i want for my The Wall parody, even though when i already have the guy from Slipknot"
How the fuck did he get Corey Taylor on his webshit? Three fucking times. And 1 Diamanda Hagan.
his autistic son is an NC fan
don't forget Mara Wilson and this master piece
fuck furfags
How can you fuck up so bad with these kind of connections.
inferority complex, he was a Janitor stuck in a dead end job and suddenly he got overnight sucess. And now he's trying to rekindle his former glory and fails miserably at it
you're no better
I'm no expert but I'm guessing the overnight success killed all of his desires to become better and just become succesful, he is the best no need to train more.
Behold, an unmasked furry. He likes to pretend to be a baby panda.
And here is his boyfriend in all his grossly fat depraved glory!
Oh that's wonderful
I wonder if their families know. Can they even look at each other?
Why does this exist?
This is it, we will never see cringe kino like this again
>enter your residence after a long hard day
>find this sitting on the floor
>'Goo goo gaga love me dada!' it says as you see a wet patch forming around the crotch area and it begins sucking the pacifier intensely
Shino's know he's a faggot and that's it.
How do you honestly respond to this?
Oh deary me, here's a better photo of the little cutie! Surely you would adopt him Yas Forums?
NSFW. Oh, and it has to be related to television and film. Alright, so basically images like this justify my desire to see a film documentary about said people. They are such odd freaks that I think it would be interesting to explore this freakish subculture, and pics like this are the best I can do to convince individuals of the need for one of these documentaries.
That's what I was thinking too
Based and floydpilled
god damn it user, i nearly threw up
Why is this allowed?
what did he mean by this
I would fuck this bitch in her every hole until she is inside-out and bleeds everywhere and dies screaming at Doug. And I'm not even a furry.
I still revisit some of the old Nostalgia Critic episodes from time to time. They're usually not as funny as you thought when you were younger, but it's much less cringe than his newer skit-based ones and they're good for killing half an hour or so
it looks diseased
because the allies won ww2.
Thanks for spoiling the the movie, you dip.
You're practically begging for someone to post a screencap of the crossdressing Nazis/Wehrmacht and furry preponderance in Germany.
you mean fake bullshit?
based smoothbrain
You mean made up shit like the 1 ball and how hitler was um akshully jewish
>I don't like it so it's faaaaaaaake!
>There are some bullshit claims about ze Nazis so anything bad claimed about them is faaaaaaake! I don't liek no no naughty things said about based Uncle Adolph! It's a faaaaaaaaaake.
I went through a pro-Nazi phase too where I thought The Greatest Story Never Told was amazing and an unironic Stormfag that literally visited that site. I got over it, and I hope you will too.
Anyone remember pamperchu?
>dumpster dived for used nappies
>heated them up in the same microwave he used for food
>insisted the heat killed the bacteria
>wore them
Bro i spent a fucking year at a Liberal University studying holocaust history. If there was literally any truth to this nazi treansvestism shit, believe me I would have studied it. My professor was an American Jew who got a processing number tattooed on his arm.
Absolutely no mention of this shit.
Its a spook.
this is physically painful
why has this guy not died yet
He's got cancer now lol
People were telling him for ages this his practices were highly carcinogeic and he shrugged them off every time
this but unironically
nobody wants to fuck the cat thing
what the fug
thoughts about the kivouachian world? also he's apparently going to do this for the entire book.