Summer Islanders are only 13% of the population of Qarth but commit more than 50% of the violent crime - why?
Summer Islanders are only 13% of the population of Qarth but commit more than 50% of the violent crime - why?
We get it, you're scared
socioeconomic factor and westeros men holding them down
because blacks are violent
No more than anyone else when subjected to extreme poverty and discrimination.
>We get it, you're scared
>Westerosi men
>In Qarth
>Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho, an exile prince from the Summer Isles
From AGOT, Sansa’s chapter at the hand’s tourney
>No more than anyone else when subjected to extreme poverty and discrimination.
One thing people never talked about is that the slavers are all big-nosed curly-haired Ghiscari
>who is daenerys
She is only there for the BSIC
so then how is the asian population on the complete opposite end of the spectrum while also having gone through that
activetes the almonds
poor whites commit less crime by far and suffer nearly as much discrimination
>implying she was from targaryen dynasty and not hot bard who cucked king Aegon dynasty
Why do the poorest white neighborhoods have less crime than the richest black neighborhoods?
Post ends with
Holy shit, blessed thread. Black people have a low IQ, they are to white people what white people are to jews and asians.
Evidenced in adoption studies and simply by looking at the distribution of success across the globe AND within literally ANY country.
Dumb stones sink to the bottom.
To clarify I'm talking about black people in GoT not real life, I'm just using real world analogues and stereotypes to prove a point
Despite the myth of Targaryan racial purity, Daenarys is at least 75% First Men.
Aegon V was half Dayne, and his wife was a Blackwood, meaning his kids were 1/4 Targ and 3/4 First Men. But Aegon’s father Maekar was half Rhoynar!
There’s no new genetic material because of two sibling marriages in a row. Daenarys is 1/8 Valyrian at most.
why did they have to turn almost every major foreign character black?
well in appearance the Daynes do resemble Valyrians as they have purple eyes and some have fair hair
Actually poor whites commit less violent crimes than poor blacks.
remember when they just let greyworm sail off into a plague without telling him kek
>but they are NOT discriminated!
But this applies in all countries
And you seem to forget other minorities
Who don't need to whine
Whenever they commit crime
Because they don't need gibs from some dumb NPCs
(that's a limerick btw)
calm down leftypol
why are you all bitching about niggers eating dirt for five thousand years? it's a good thing the race has an iq of a sunny winter day
can you imagine what literally any other race could have done with africa? they'd control the entire world today
The Asian population has gone through absolutely NOTHING like the African American population, pull your head out of your ass.
One, the idea that whites "suffer nearly as much discrimination" is asinine. Get off Yas Forums, open up a book, and maybe learn about things like "slavery", "jim crow", voter disenfranchisement, police brutality, cultural erasure, etc.
Two, poor whites commit crime at or exceeding the rates of poor African Americans. This country is currently engulfed in a mass shooting crisis, and that crime is nearly EXCLUSIVE to white folk.
They don't. Watch the news one day, read a book some other day, and trust Yas Forums infographics never. Endlessly repeating racist fantasies and fallacies won't make either come true.
Actually they don't, but you're an uneducated bigot who takes Yas Forums infographics and made up statistics for fact if he reads them ten times, so you wouldn't know.
>hundreds of years of manchu oppression of the han people
>literally considered a lesser race by sociopathic emperors
>economy always putting war and imperial households first
>open up a book
Where did you buy your copy of "Erroneous Things to Claim Without Offering Proof"?
>Yas Forums infographics
FBI crime statistics. Stop lying.Theyre available to everyone.
stop posting here. kill yourself
>replying to /leftypol/
This would be a good place to start, but we both know you won't read it, because you aren't interested in facts or expertise, only what conforms to your already formed-and-biased worldview.
>In more than twenty years of running diversity-training and cultural-competency workshops for American companies, the academic and educator Robin DiAngelo has noticed that white people are sensationally, histrionically bad at discussing racism. Like waves on sand, their reactions form predictable patterns: they will insist that they “were taught to treat everyone the same,” that they are “color-blind,” that they “don’t care if you are pink, purple, or polka-dotted.” They will point to friends and family members of color, a history of civil-rights activism, or a more “salient” issue, such as class or gender. They will shout and bluster. They will cry. In 2011, DiAngelo coined the term “white fragility” to describe the disbelieving defensiveness that white people exhibit when their ideas about race and racism are challenged—and particularly when they feel implicated in white supremacy. Why, she wondered, did her feedback prompt such resistance, as if the mention of racism were more offensive than the fact or practice of it?
I love that your definition of slavery implies it's an american thing while saying someone should educate themselves by reading a book
Not a soul:
You: "inter-asian conflict is totally the same thing as centuries long oppression and marginalization from white people towards African Americans!"
Spoiler: it isn't. It isn't even in the same ballpark.
stop posting here. kill yourself
post the real statistics please?
they were literally nuked twice...
>In more than twenty years of running diversity-training and cultural-competency workshops
You completely invalidated everything by referencing a book written by someone who admits to profiting off their race-baiting. Begone, tardo
>Spoiler: it isn't. It isn't even in the same ballpark.
You just hate White people. A Black could kill 1 million Blacks and you wouldn't blink twice, but a White says nigger and you lose your shit.
White people have every reason to hate blacks
>for bigots.jpg
xey're trolling me
Qarth characters
>Mask Lady
>Fat Guy
Xaro is 11% of the population.
Xaro commits 50% of the crime.
checks out
Here's a great one, and something to remember: "crime stats" are convictions, as obtained from a known racist and biased justice system, as reported by a known racist and biased policing culture. They're literally meaningless, and when you see your cute little "hurr black people do more hurr" numbers, maybe pull your head out of your ass and understand that this DOESN'T reflect a racial bias towards crime, but instead reflects bias TOWARDS a race in our policing.
the news doesn't report the real facts though
Kang constant exist in fictional universes too
Slavery existed before America. And nobody practiced slavery more brutally than America, and in many ways, continue to practice it today like America.
Arabs literally used to cut their negro slaves balls off....
Yes, any attempt by people more educated than you to blunt the impact of your knuckle dragging racist ranting is "race-baiting", go brush your tooth you sister fucking inbred. I'm so goddamn sick of people like you ruining this site, every thread on every board is nothing but bigot shit. FUCK. OFF.
Stop trolling. No one believes youre this stupid.
Why are you so hateful to whites? you should be thankful instead