Did he deserve it?

Did he deserve it?

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All day, bro

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Why would an eight year old helpless child deserve being beaten to death

You believe everything the media tells you? How sad...

Might help putting that's it's from a documentary in the OP. Jannies are dumb and will delete the thread.

Is that a cigarette burn on his arm? Poor fucker looks like he gets his ass whooped every day.

Here's a handy flowchart for you.

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t. cop that thought the bruised kid was lying and spoiled

Fucking no, he didn't deserve it. Nobody that age deserves that treatment.


No. Going bald at such a young age must be brutal.

looks like a shitskin so yeah without a doubt

I hate to do this but .....Nothing of Value was Lost

>mother gets custody of child for welfare benefits
>her and her boyfriend beat him, force him to eat rotten food and his own vomit, shoot him with pellet guns, tie him up and stick him in boxes, and all sorts of other atrocities
>all because he is "gay" for simply playing with toys and crying when hit
>school calls CPS but they do nothing for him
>eventually dies when his ribs are broken, skull cracked, and body filled with pellets

Mami liked to pull his hair out. It was documented at his school he often had bald spots.

Based newfags who cant resist reverse virtue signalling to try and fit in

lmao what a fag, good riddance, now lets carpet bomb the parents house too for being niggers

I dont often get emotional towards media but the documentary fucking killed me. Especially around episode 3 when his teacher was talking about how he still loved his mother and made her crafts at school on mothers day.

first of all, the death was incidental, second, they thought he was gay.

Sesame Street: EXTREME!!!

>reverse virtue signalling
Plebbitor tourist , get off my Image mongol BOARD


You must feel pretty big right now. You should go punch an 8 year old to prove how masculine you are.

>why can’t everyone just be wholesome here? they are so nice over on reddit

Hah no picture of him

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I have trouble finding a gf that likes any of the same shit as me. This couple somehow met while both enjoying the abuse of young innocent kids. It seems like the odds are so low for that.

listen cholo kids would ass rape you pleb , so drop the shock /upset one less raper on the streets , no big fucking deal ok

this literally happens when you combine american education + aztec savagery + spanish moor heritage
the mutt meme is not actually a meme it is very real

shitskins love torturing things though, it's in their nature

>8 times the school called child protective services
>nothing was none
>none of the white people cared enough
>he even wrote a suicide note
>half of his teeth were missing missing
>he couldn't grow hair because his head was burned so many times
>fractured bones
>20+ open wounds
>50 scars
>aged 8
>even wrote a suicide note because the pain was too much

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The teacher who ignored his fucking black eye and cigarette burns?

>be a tranny
>see politically incorrect posts
>get triggered
>flip his list of Yas Forums slangs
Damn, you really showed them

This is how I know you are one of the faggot tourist that has been infecting the board. Instead of telling the person to kill themselves, calling them a nigger, or something along those lines, you passive aggressively insult him like a weak bitch.

are you a darkie if not black up you win /win killing filth then


Thought he played a bit too rough in the school yard.

>mexican psychos kill their son
>fucking wypipo!

>>even wrote a suicide note because the pain was too much
No broken fingers wtf .. First thing you do user snap those digits back like he a 90 yo old fag

Is that one of those tard kids from that tard commercial?

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Its because he looked like babby yoda so his mom reenacted this webm.

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I didn't know kids smoked or had enough strength to leave black eyes


I grew up around spics, I know how they are. That doesn't mean a child's suffering brings me joy. He had no say in his situation and genuinely did not deserve the pain and terror he experienced.

You can always spot the 2016 redditor who came here because they were tired of woke bullshit by how they do the exact same thing as the faggots on twitter, the only difference is they say "why are white me so x" for retweets and you say "why are niggers so y" for (You)'s. Chill out, stop trying so hard.

smug shitbag needs a good beating for assuming he has t. Easy life in wheels

He had scars all over his legs and a huge gaping wound on his arm. He had splotches of burn marks all over his head and he was unable to grow any hair due to scars.

It's common for kids to have these injuries when playing corner ball bro.

No. He was a child. Even if he was a shitskin, he hadn’t joined the statistics yet and his family hadn’t let him live long enough to corrupt him and turn him into a stereotypical nigger.

WOW LOVE THAT , thanks user

>dude the kid look fine bro
>we visited him 8 times and saw that he lived out of a cardboard box and was fed his own feces
>blood was all over the carpet and walls and who could honestly say their children's rooms weren't like this?

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Suck a fart out of my ass, beaner. I've been here twelve years now. God forbid I don't spew the same recycled drivel for once, right?

I think even if he did that we would see it as hiding behind board culture, nobody who been here long enough even feel anything when anyone dies.

>This whole thread

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They thought it was part of their culture and didn't wanned to whitesplain them.

I set this bbs shit up ex Mod so watch your shit Dickhead OK
And if you cannot tell me Moots other BBs inb4 this you the new fag cunt hook ok

Poor minorities love power

Has Netflix ever made a documentary about someone who didn’t either do tons of drugs or murder people?

This documentary is pure shit. The first two eps are basically just one big commercial over and over and don't even talk about shit. Whoever made this piece of shit documentary should never be allowed to work in the industry again, it is incoherent garbage and not worth anyone's time.

>everyone who stays here becomes a psycho like me!
Kys please

women love macabre shit, there's something wrong with them. like deeply.

The oral ental girl grew up to be hot except the one hand, she should be assigned to an American veteran who lost two limbs because even one handed OralEntal girls deserve big white cock

Now you’re trying too hard. GO BACK!!!

>no u'ing this hard
man trannies are just hopeless.

You can find anyone that's into anything you like if you have the right drugs around.


To where? I grew up here. Why don't you go back to digg, queer.

Need to put his mom and her boyfriend through it on live television though

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yeah bro this is Yas Forums in 2006
dead spic kid is an EPIC WIN id say

Why is building a wall and enacting travel bans equivalent to execution?

people won't watch things that aren't extreme

can confirm this shit
my sisters are literally obsessed with shit like the zodiac or ted bundy

>not getting emotional when strangers die makes you a psycho.
Aren't you a special one.

what the fuck is wrong with americans

So every other weapon you had was countered by locals now you switch to irony haha.
your tears seed my boners


STFU an go back pleb hell libtard fag cunt ok , Glad spc kids deaded like the countless an heroes here , who cares fuck them , an Fuck your outraged Morales that mean dog shit

I feel sorry for the moron who wasted time on this ridiculous strawman

How long have you been here? You don't fit in at all.

Sadness and shock are no different than laughter, how many times can the same joke make you laugh? not many that is, how many times the same tragedy can make you sad? or even shock you? not many times, after a while here you indeed see enough atrocities to just detach and feel nothing and that will never be a bad thing.

>not getting emotional when strangers die
Not what the original comment said, fag
>feel anything when anyone dies.

Have no idea who it is and i rarely watch tv any links

Correct, I watched it passively while doing other shit and half paying attention I didn't miss jackshit.


Men deserve every punishment in the book. Women deserve everything and are all queens

Have you seen Dear Zachary? It fucked me up and made me wary of Canadians.

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oh gee, i am not at that level yet, i still have some humanity down there somewhere.

not him, your posts were just that obnoxious
locals? seed your boners? this is pathetic shit and nobody is buying it lad

O is for OUCHIE

>Tired of this world meme comment
You must watch Rick & Morty for sure.

some spic kid with shit beaters , he Never stood a chance like 70% of ethnic scum kids , Only the niggers seem to fair Better why is that ? Both in filth an with scum families , wait its Blacks who fair Better not Niggers

>waaa waaa my beaner kid waaaa
>no u are the newfag
get fucked

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I spit on all adults involved. It was obvious the little guy was mistreated.
I was once in his shoes, not in horror of that magnitude, but still.
The school director and the social worker called my grandparents and told them to kidnap me and take me and my sisters to some vacations. It would be illegal, but they would support their action, and everyone involved could be sued. But they did it. Without them, I am not sure i would be alive today.

>carpet bombing a single structure
You’re a fucking dumbshit who even fails at edgy Yas Forums posts lol

It’s the “oh I’ll just call someone” lazy culture. Plus the lack of community that has infected society.

I love how spic turd tried the suicide note , like they will save him afterwards kek, but seriously we should all weep a River for some future cartel gangbanger .

It's pretty funny how Yas Forums went from consisting of edgy teens, to gradually making fun of edgy teens and telling them to go back to Yas Forums in the early 10s, to absorbing new edgy teens from reddit during the 2016 election and coming full circle.
I wonder what the average age of Yas Forums is.