When will we get movies with aro/ace main characters?

When will we get movies with aro/ace main characters?

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yeah im aromantic so i just gotta stick in your puss and leave, im so sorry about this but its my cross to bear

aro and ace faggots don't exist, if they got a chance to have a sexual and romantic relationship with an attractive person who cares about them, they would jump at it.

soz lemme fugh dis puss real quick an be out.


That's a weird way to spell "sociopathy"

100% chance the people with these identities are teens/young adults.


I agree. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure everyone who's unlike me, in any sense, is just pretending.

I too hate women


neither of those is a thing that exists

its called autism

You think women aren't real?

are you saying all women are asexual and aromantic or something along those lines?

How the hell do even people IN the LBTQ+Knuckles spectrum even keep all these acronymns straight?

There seem to be fucking hundreds of sub sub sub species and climbing

Women aren't capable of love.

Nice cope retard

You mean massive coomer

Isn't that just psychopathy?

Women are parasitic worms inhabiting evil rotting flesh golems covered in microscopic flies that psychically project an attractive appearance. They were made from male corpses through dark Jewish rituals that stole our ability to reproduce. In every conceivable way a woman is not a human being.

>person claims to be asexual
>still base who they date and approach on sexual attraction and characteristics
Asexual and aromantic are used because saying "I'm a huge a fucking narcissist" isn't subtle.

someone once called me aromantic. thought it was just a word they were making up. but little did they know how much i love my waifu (pic related).

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I knew a person who told me they was 'grace' ie graysexual, which meant that they fluctuate between asexual and sexual

What a pleb-tier waifu.

>Women are parasitic worms inhabiting evil rotting flesh golems covered in microscopic flies that psychically project an attractive appearance. They were made from male corpses through dark Jewish rituals that stole our ability to reproduce. In every conceivable way a woman is not a human being.

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more like claism to be asexual but jerks off to gay shit every single day but is too repressed to even consciously acknowledge it and prefers to pretend to be an even faggier "asexual" faggot than he would've been if he openly started taking it in his mouth and ass

my waifu is heather from silent hill 3


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Nice post genius.

she might be ubiquitous, but she's still a total goddess so you better watch your whore mouth.

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Maybe they called you a romantic

When will we get movies with chuck/fuck main characters?

given the context, i don't think so


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Its because they have a pathological need to have a defined and categorized name for their individual personality quirks. True asexual people literally don't give a shit about romantic anything at all because it doesn't make sense to them to want anything beyond platonic relationships. Some will develop really close friendships but this is closer to a platonic life partner then a romantic relationship. Some people just have extremely low libidos and think that makes them asexual w/o ever actually going to a neurologist or endocrinologist to check that something else isn't the culprit. If you think you are asexual or hyper-sexual, immediately get checked by a neurologist or endocrinologist. Extreme sexual behaviors or the lack of them in adults, are so rare that it can actually be an indicator for other mental issues, severe hormone problems, neurological issues, or brain injury/cancers. But of course then they can't just be a special snowflake socially anymore and actually have to deal with doctors and medications. True asexuality is really rare, less then a single digit percent of the population rare.

Stop pretending to disagree with me you phony.

Sort of like a tripcode?

aro/ace sounds like me

I just thought I'm too lazy to date and play the "let me misrepresent myself to appear better than I actually am while pretending you're not doing the same" game

None. They have no story to tell. They will pass on no lessons, no genes, no history. They are defective beyond redemption- they are incapable of love or attraction, and thus cannot even be pitied. People with brittle bone disease or are missing multiple limbs can still find love and pass on their memories and genetics. These scum will not.

Well in the very least they aren't people.

holy based

If only.

Len is better.

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pretty easy to be asexual when all the broads are either fat smug bitches or single moms with niglets in tow.

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>fucking is all that matters in life
What a sad existence you must have.

keep dreaming mr. homosex

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you're fucking retarded

that is what prostitutes are for
that is what mental illness is for

Wish I could remove my sex drive from my brain desu

Holy shit I see it so clearly now. All this sjw, mental illness, hyper liberal stuff is just a huge cope.

Most interpretations of Sherlock Holmes fit at least one of the categories (either that or he just has assburgers).

Arguably, The Driver from Drive may be asexual, since he clearly has romantic feelings but doesn't act on them.

Aromantic is real, all people are. Asexual is not real

The people that constantly brag about having a girlfriend, whose usually fat and ugly, only do it because they have nothing else going for them in their life

There are 3 options: Gay,straight and i guess bi(gay)
Literally everything else is special snowflake faggots

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Is incel a sexual orientation?

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Take anti depressants

I don't get it you made fun of low sexual drive, but you also make fun of coomers, so what is it Yas Forums?

How can you say no to this?

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100% chance the people with these identities are in denial and would immediately feel romantic and sexual given the right partner who loved them

Have considered it but I'm not a fan of big pharma

Yeaaah I'm thinkin that's based

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Friendly reminder that asexuals can totally experience sexual attraction, and that they are valid.

Very good taste. Len is so adorable

The only person I want to fuck and marry is my sister. That's basically aro/ace, right?

No, it means you're based

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I wish I had a sister I was in love with

u guys ever fooled aroun?

Make a move on her faggot before it's too late

Why not both?

oh no ma'am please don't put your pussy on my dick and your boobies in my face, i am asexual after all.

Eunuch Quest?

>Yas Forums is a single person

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