Two episodes in

>Two episodes in
>”dude church evil”

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t. christcuck
t. retard who failed his history test

>Saves your season AND show.

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I failed history because I complain about a dull cliche in movies and tv?

Christians are the protagonists of history

>Dude church good lmao

Institutions become horribly corrupt as time progresses and must be cleansed through rebirth which requires death and destruction. Otherwise they should be replaced.

Besides, churches historically have undermined expression, political freedom, and spread wars of aggression far more than art, science, or public literacy. In fact, those latter three got undermined for quite some time in the early Medieval period by the Catholic Church especially with the banning of Futhark and the public teaching of the Roman script. Fortunately, oral-memory tradition continued, superficially Christian lords had the old metaphoric stories recorded, and repackaged many pagan celebrations. The Renaissance came and many ideas once thought of as heretical or sacrilegious returned and the Catholic Church reformed.

>the church was good in medieval times

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I have such bad anxiety about sex that this scene made my dick shrink, not get flowing. I'm not even kidding.

Thank god I discovered viagra.

So you dropped the show and then you decided to tell Yas Forums about how you’re a faggot? Good for you.

Funny how sex both ruined and "saved" this season.


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Is the new season more of the same half-hearted "banter" filling in for a fight scene once every 15 minutes or does it get moving?

Good luck with that narrative.

>Late 15th century

It's the same shit all over again. Fedoras really can't into writing

Right. Because the Catholic Church operated in Eastern Europe.

The church is depicted as good in the games. Their relationship with the Belmont clan is complicated but they helped establishing the Belnades clan and contributed to Dracula's defeat in four occasions.
I'm not even a christcuck, but rewriting the church into a comically evil corrupt organization makes no sense.

no worries, they added demons with human souls who died in various eras due to christian persecution

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Faith is fine but organized religion has systematically been a blight on mankind yes

The church IS wrong, they fucking genocided entire sects of isolationists impoverished protestants.

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Don't mind me, just blackwashing your character.
Did i also mention i'm a muslim and all the violence i cause isn't my fault?

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>Faith is fine but organized religion has systematically been a blight on mankind yes

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He's based

Aside from trevor, he's literally the only male character that did something this season.

shut the fuck up zoomer

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>implying that was something bad

They deserved it

>whites killing whites is good
shut up nigger

Prots are heretic

>Good luck with that narrative.

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What was Jared Leto's problem anyway?

I’m not even a Christian lmao. Keep seething atheistard

>War bad
Shut up hippy

The church is evil. Doesn't mean the religious people are, but the church is corrupt.

>The church is evil. Doesn't mean the religious people are, but the church is corrupt.

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Do redditors really think these bastard wojak derivatives are funny or creative

>traitors, cowards and heretics are white and humans
kek, neck yourself out of this world

Anything else you need to know about Church history? just ask, brother!

Didn't Sypha say something positive about Jesus? Why does nobody bring that up?

Jesus was a good man
The people who went on to pretend to speak the will of god and bastardized his claims and commit violence in the name of it are all revisionists perpetuating their own desire to rule and subjugate

cringe and yikes

Seems ok to me.
Why do you feel the Catholic church should be immune to any critical examination?

You dont happen to be american do you?

Even though Hector is a retard that falls for anything he honestly ended up in a decent position. Sure he's now a slave because of a magic ring but he got moved out of a cell to a comfy position and now gets to fuck a 10/10 cutie vampire whenever she wants to. Plus there seems to be part of her that does actually like him.

That's a strawman argument. I'm just saying that the church being made into comical villains is a tired cliche

So when is their DMC series happening? There's been no word on it for like 2 years now and they somehow said it's connected to Castlevania. I'm guessing it's gonna be connected via the infinite corridor?

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Well, anything being made into a comical villain is tired, but you don't make threads about all the other examples of weak writing. Neither do you specifically outline why you believe the writing is poor or the church is "comical". You just sound like a boring faggot with an axe to grind.

*protects the pedo cults*
Nothing personal

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The church is actually good (or neutral at worst) on every other piece of Castlevania lore.

How many people who say what OP is saying go to church?


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Pope Francis is such a cuck he has to dual rule with Benedict. What a fucking wimp, he should have used his election to completely push Benedict out.

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>nooooooooo why dont you make threads about ALL cliches you hypocrite
You are a retard

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Because when it comes to religionfags they're more contrarian than anything
Now that it's become canonically okay in the rest of the world to criticize the church they'll defend it without even being religious themselves
Likewise they'll shit on islam because it's not PC to critique it
I miss when athiests shit on all religions equally

Dude go away street shitter your shitty cartoon is not anime it fucking sucks weeb.

>religion is fine
based retard
>i am not even
yea, he already got you

they are perfect tools to point at retards

I don't mind this. His original design was so painfully gay that including it would have probably magnified the poz levels of the show even more than it already is.

>good morning, son

Her ballooning is tragic, she went from perfect to matronly (and only then started doing nudes)

life is cruel

He's literally the best character this season. He's not at all portrayed as a good dude and is likely insane so why wouldn't he have an excuse for the violence he causes?

It's okay. He doesn't look like a nig. More like a caucasian with dark skin.

>Jesus represents the church
Is this how deluded atheist cucks are?

Nice try samefag, it’s hilarious watching you get this upset over a hat meme lmao

>was an ultra mega faggot in the games
>hasn't anything particularly gay in the series
Since we're going full degenerate here at least have him BLACK Hector when he catches him, it's not the the guy can fall any lower