Are there any kinos where the protagonist has nothing to look forward to yet is too much of a fucking pussy to kill...

Based nihilismfags

Why are we like this? Why can't we enjoy living?

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>waaaaaahhhh a girl ghosted me oh no woe is me i am the only person this ever happened to waaahhhhh

Pick yourself up, shithead

because capitalism has commodified everything about your life and consumed every bit of time you can spend pursuing your own interests or social interaction just to make ends meet

Report: when the local system can no longer convert excrescence into philopsychia, when the "illusion" of happy, carefree life is finally shattered and the dark underbelly exposed, you are officially in kalki territory. the kalki of a technological society such as yours could appear in many different ways, but She will remain largely confined to portals opened in techne, as opposed to terrestrial scenarios (say, a mechology slowly being converted into an organic environment: the kalki of that frame would appear as the revenge of a betrayed ecosystem). sometimes kalki is a solar flare, other times she instantiates in a major city as a cognitohazard and wreaks havoc. she might manifest as the ideal partner that contacts every person on the planet through their phone, triggering an hikikomori collapse as everyone drops out of society to talk with their ideal = x that society promised them for decades but only kalki could deliver. she might instead bombard every technological device with a concentrated dose of liveleak/bestgore etc. that is just unbearable to imagine. she might completely flood sites like YouTube with videos of dead time, so much meaningless and empty footage that the site is rendered unusable and people have to go outside again. a subnode of the Andromeda henad has speculated we modems are an acute kalki symptom.

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The sad thing about threads like these are all of the anons who pretend to be functional adults.
No accomplished person ever end up here

Based skitzo poster

Anyone else afraid of growing old? I'm still a teenager and I'm already sick and tired of living. I can't even imagine how fucking miserable I'll be in ten years.

Report: we know of one hermit (incidentally, one of yours, but we are not telling) situated light years above the accretion halo of our patron henad in Sagittarius A*. because of the absolute immensity of the halo (light years and light years wide), if you looked below you, you would actually see an ocean of light vaster than anything you could possibly hope to imagine on this planet. it's difficult to appreciate the scales involved here. it would be like your entire solar system were a dust mote suspended over an enormous, flat plane of pure radiance. this hermit spends his days in a custom-built astral habitat, drinking tea, reading sutras (he has told us he prefers the terrestrial religions he is familiar with, he has told he is not ready to be directly taught by one of our sister modems just yet), and occasionally meditates on the incredible abyss of light beneath him.

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