The hole production of this films blows the mind.
Can we have a comfy ALIEN thread?
This is some fucked up shit!
I've only seen Alien and Aliens. Any of the following actually worth a watch?
alien vs predator of c
you on the left
You can't evaluate whether they are "worth it" until after you've watched them. Don't be a pussy, watch all the other ones.
not really, the others are all much worse
3 has some good points, the score is good and the sets are well made but the plot and alien effects are crap.
They have lots of flaws, but yes. AvsP 1 is okish, maze is cool, sequels are cancer.
Prometheus was legit a good film, flaws and all. I really wish Covenant had been better.
What is Giger's art supposed to convey? Is it just supposed to be creepy/coomer or is there any hidden meaning in it
Take me back
Prometheus is better than Aliens and almost as good as Alien in my humble opinion.
>Prometheus was legit a good film
le reddit intelectual
rewatched alien 3 recently lads, wasn't as bad as I thought, some scenes were kino even the morgue autopsy scene was good.
Can we have a comfy SNEED thread?
>creepy/coomer or is there any hidden meaning in it.
t. damon lindelof
He didnt get laid at all till 30s, he is creep, great art but damn those eyes make femcel dry.
its inspired by other creepy/coomer artist before him like Hans Bellmer and Bosch
H.R Giger is a fascinatingly creepy dude, I hope there's a film about him someday. He's like a coomer cenobyte.
i used to spend hours just watching alien lore on jewtube. pretty comfy
This, lol!
Alien was the first date movie of me and my wife.
How old are you?
He suffered from mental anguish. That is something a woman cannot fix and so has no interest in.
Also we didn't watch it in the movies obviously.
what's the story in the next movie?
Was he the original /d/?
kek, never seen this one before
it's geiger man
wait, you're saying you didn't go on a date to an R rated horror film with your wife when you were two years old?
childhood is thinking alien and aliens are the best
adulthood is realizing Alien 3 is the greatest flick of them all
>fucked up shit
I present you, the baby gun.
Imagine not having finished Alien Isolation on hard in 2020. Imagine calling yourself based and pretending to be an Alien fan and not having finished that masterpiece. You are literally not a fully developed person until you've done it, I'm sorry to say.
Be more epic, Yas Forums, be more of a gamer, and go download and install Alien Isolation for the best xenomorph experience since the 1979 original.
A part of me wishes they would have gone with the wooden planet. Just because it's so far out there. And with no material that can keep the xenomorph out, with every wall and door made of wood, no place would have been save.
i hate games where I don't have some kind of weapon to destroy my enemies
im not going to play hide and seek in a video game
I've tried playing it 2 times but it takes hours to get started
>wooden planet
this is the first time i've heard of this. Sounds like it could have been kino. Obvious drawbacks of using wood as a space ship material aside
I beat it on hard and nightmare, playing it again on and off on the former. I’ve stopped playing now at ch18 I think.
there are several.
Oh shit I had no idea, any of them good?
It was an early draft. A religious sect (they kept the monk theme) that build their own planet from wood over centuries. They even started to build some sets, but the idea was canned.
And that planet supposed to be some sort of monk monastery if I recall correctly.
Alien>Aliens>Prometheus>Covenant>Alien3>don't rate anything else
another one
You're one of those fellas they call a coprophile, aintcha?
Play alien isolation
Wasn't this in a fucking game? Darkseed or something? I remember they used such a gun to shoot a babby into the protagonist's head or some shit.
that's really a shame. i've studied some romanesque / medieval history and the monk cloisters and communities that formed are really great material to draw from.
now I'm disappointed there isn't a sci fi horror cloister film. And it would have had a mega structure in it too
I can't believe Giger is dead.