And wait for all this to blow over

and wait for all this to blow over

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How can he make 2 great comedies and then fucking 100 awful garbage ones.

reddit the movie

The World's End was pretty goshdarned terrible.

>Hot Fuzz
I count three

For me it was because they switched roles. Nick Frost is good at playing the idiot, Simon Pegg is good at playing the rational one.

C u @ the Winchester, waiting for Corona-chan to blow over *dabs*

It's still better than how to lose friends and alienate people

World’s End is great, but it’s not for normalfags. You have to be a scumbag to identify with the main character.

Didn't like it at first but watched it again recently and have new respect for it.
Paul is complete shit though.

Coronavirus is literally just a little cough and fever. It's a weak virus that only kills extremely fragile weak people.

i bet you love pickle rick too

yes, but it's more contagious even than ordinary influenza, so if everyone it can't kill just goes about their day, everyone that it can is near guaranteed to catch it. that's why all the preventive measures

it's deadlier and more contagious than the flu
and just like the flu, we are never going to be rid of it now
it's going to become a yearly thing, corona seasons every year
all we can do is wait for a vaccine which isn't coming anytime soon

Do viruses mutate significantly at all?

>The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a betacoronavirus, like MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. All three of these viruses have their origins in bats. The sequences from U.S. patients are similar to the one that China initially posted, suggesting a likely single, recent emergence of this virus from an animal reservoir.


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The British are right about warm beer. It tastes way better warm than cold.

>it's deadlier
No it isn't. The Spanish flu killed 100 million people. The ONLY reason why the Coronavirus is deadlier is because it was just discovered and there is no vaccine/antiviral meds or any medical system set up to combat it like we do today with the flu.

Yes. But dogs CAN look up

Facebook the movie*

i doubt they will ever have a proper vaccination. If they did they'd have ridden the flu and colds years ago.

Why should the strong care about the weak?

I'm not sure why they thought Nick should be the straight man in their newer movie. They had nailed what worked and went and fucked with it.

according to the medical organizations, you can't even distinguish corona from other respiratoryviruses. Only thing that makes a difference is if you fiddled a coronaperson, or went to the hotspots, other than that you can't really know what the fuck kind of shit you are coughing. To be fair, if I was vomiting blood and had 105.8 fever, I'd call the doctor was there corona around or not.

Regular run of the mill influenza kills about 50,000 people a year in the USA. When that overpriced beer virus hits that, we'll talk.

The virus only kills people with weak lung function. Heavy smokers and the elderly. China, Iran and Italy is full of old people who smoke.

what about peeple who smoke cock?

Ronnie put in good work with crack for the blacks, but his team fumbled AIDS

lol do you think antvirals are used for general flu viruses? they are only specific drugs for malaria and shit. and the sides effects are arguably worse than the disease

>brits scrambling to get to a tavern that has a single old probabbly decomissioned lever action rifle durning an event
>Meanwhile I have 5 AR-15s, 3 AKs, 4 Shotguns, and various other long and short range rifles and handguns with thousands of rounds of ammo in a safe 10 feet from me
>most of my friends have more than that
>when we watch Shawn of the Dead we all laugh because they are shitting themselves over getting to a single non working rifle

Gun challenged countries are funny

oh look it's only the millionth grug brained amerifat blabbing about his gun collection like anyone gives a fuck

World's End was good, it just wasn't a comedy. The opposite actually.

>World's End was good

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Hence why movies set in America are boring as hell.

I liked Worlds End until the alien shit started happening

sorry I don't get tumblr memes

Who cares about deaths? The bigger issue is all the faggots who are gonna be complaining that they cannot afford rent because they lost their wages since the economy is taking a hit due to quarantines. Fucking crybaby poorfags.

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On the upside for me is $1.50 a gallon gasoline to enjoy and no worries for employment since my job is recession proof ;^)


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>*Motorized scooter stalls*
>*takes a bite out of his Big Mac*
>*has a heart attack from being 600 lbs*


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triple those numbers and you have the US

You know comunist love their weapons right?
Or you have zero idea what the word means and you just throw it around like the brainwashed retard you are?

Was fedora tipping cringe.

Remember, there will be no refunds from Bernie's campaign.


The World's End was enjoyable on first watch but not as good as the other two. Over time, it's become clear just how great that movie is, up there with Shaun.

Hot Fuzz is clearly the best, though.

Attached: tfw he isnt even from round here.png (426x502, 474.45K)

>I'm a moron

>hurrrr look guise did i fit in yet??!1

I really loved Peggs character in worlds end, but the whole fucking aliens underground shit was just not interesting at all. Good shit until like the last 30 min.

we live in a society

there are vaccines for flu you retard

No luck catchin them killers then?

it's just the one swan actually

Paul was comfy and it really wasn't that fedora.

I liked Paul, and have no fucks to give that autists and incels like you screech about it. Shaun and Hot Fuzz were Pegg and Frost's best work, but the 4 they did are all good movies - World's End is weaker than Paul.

I'll admit, the first half is much better than the second. After it becomes one long chase scene, it's not nearly as interesting, but the rest of it makes up for me.

>The town has been taken over by robots filled with blue stuff!

Do non-americans really do this?

Sometimes I wish for a zombie apocalypse just to see how it would hilariously unfold in the USA.
Just for hunting licenses there are 36.82 million registered people, even just 10% of those knew how to properly use a gun that's 3,6 million of armed and trained "soldiers".

You cannot beat Night of the Living Dead for this very reason. Give it a little time, the US would be clean of undead easily.

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American zombies would know how to use guns though. Stands to reason.