281 days till Dune
281 days till Dune
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That came out in 1984. It's 281 days until Dishonest Dune.
QRD on Dune? never bothered to get further than its about sand and there's big worms
you mean 2000 surely
I like the 1984 film, but it's not so honest itself.
It's about humanity forsaking technology and embracing space drugs to better themselves.
They will fuck it up and make it about gay rights or some shit
How was Kynes both extremely important and at the same time not really?
>281 days till
This pitfull trash will not awaken the sleeper.
yesterday saw a post saying he was John the Baptist to Paul's Jesus and thought that was very accurate
though it was really his father's work he continued it and began the collecting of water for transforming Arrakis
Because he sets in motion the Fremen activites, but by the time Paul shows up it is more or less at the stage where Paul just takes over the scheme and starts messiahing it up with the universe. Kynes is every important for all the backstory to the actual plot in Dune.
so was the Missonaria Protectiva based upon some vague prescience the BG had or did they just do it all over the place and why especially was it geared towards a Kwisatz Haderach figure?
is kynes a strong independent black female now in 2020? I will refuse to pay for the movie of its the case (although I'm already at that stage since they cast black spiderwomen girl)
I really don't like Momoa as Duncan but Duncan is barely in the first book anyway
already getting the sense they're going to have the Fremen + Atreides as diverse and the Harkonnens as all white males
momoa? that guy from aqua man is Duncan? is this a joke? I thought everyone way praising the casting but it seems like it's just as bad as you would expect for a >current year movie
yeah the only thing that I find a bit interesting are David Dastmalchian as Piter de Vries and Josh Brolin as Gurney Halleck, nothing else appeals to me
Ian McNeice was a phenomenal Vladimir Harkonnen and is only 69, they should bring him to reprise the role
All of the casting in this movie is a fucking disaster. That Chalamet faggot? What a fucking joke. He can't act his way out of a paper bag.
he's visually a decent Paul I'll give them that
yeah but Paul is a fag who gets dropped after the first book anyway so it's pretty fitting. Duncan and Gurney are the trve Chads
I've never seen him act but it's true a lot of the choices are bad actors (maoma, black girl, black kynes I'm sure) and also don't fit visually. is dune cursed bros? the miniseries is the only good dune we will ever get?
They planted it all over the place so that any time a BG sister could come and "coincidentally" fulfill local propechies and gain protection/political clout. It was also for when they eventually created a KH, the people would realize that he also "coincidentally" fulfills all their propechies and they would have an easier time accepting his leadership.
>281 days till Dune
God knows. This same black lady was also listed at Jamis wife for a while. No real concrete evidence she is Kynes.
They literally cast Bautista as a Harkonnen nicknamed Beast because he's a savage ruthless brute, Piter is played by a part Iraqi guy rather than a WASP, Yeah the guy who betrays everyone is a chink, House Atreides itself has bunch of lily white people in addition some swarthy ones, and the Fremen are a bunch of insane fanatical genocidal lunatics. Stop shilling this 'DUNE IS WOKE WHITE MAN BAD BROWN MUSLIM GOOD!' bullshit that's totally incogruent with what the actual novel is about.
He's going clean cut for the role. Ever seen clean cut Momoa? He fits the vibe the Duncan vibe, who is basically a womanising but brash Chad.
I thought he was good in Call Me By Your Name and had Paul vibes in The King.
Dune sucks
Plato is wrong. If the father raised his son to be a man then the son wouldn't have become a trap.
The son became a faggot whether or not he actually got fucked by a man. In other words, the father failed to raise his son correctly, and you, the fucker, are only an afterthought.
Also iirc plato and basically all other greek/hellenic philosophers looked down on fags and fag fuckers.
blade runner and sicario were both great movies even though they had some bad casting and awful trailers... but I don't know if I can give him the benefit of the doubt for dune. the first two had something to look forward to at least (like Ana or del Toro) but what does this movie even have?
>imagine if Moner and Ana were cast like God intended
Unfortunately sois will flood Dune... or maybe not. Hopefully they have a big teary bitchfit over the Muslim-inspired race being portrayed as fanatical genocidal manics rather than nobles souls and over the fact that the films aren't woke.
If actors are the only things that get you excited, then I would say Stellan Skarsgard as the Baron. He's already confirmed that he has to spend a lot of time in the makeup chair to look like he's a 300kg fat cunt.
actors aren't the only thing but if you have shit actors the movie will be shit... what else would I look forward too in such a case? you've actually watched ba movies for the cgi or score?
>what else would I look forward too in such a case?
Great direction, writing, cinematography, editing, soundtrack, sound design and sets.
Actors are nothing but mere tools.
Duncan Idaho is also a deceptively important role for the far off future.
Well then nothing I can say will persuade you otherwise if you personally dislike the cast. I, personally, am fine with it. I think cautious optism is an apt to describe how I regard some of the casting choices. I personally am further excited because Denis is a longtime fan, the description Isaac gave of brutalist architecture, and that snippet of what is probably a ornithopter (showing they will be integrating practical and CGI a lot).
I'm aware of his future roles. But for the nonce it really only seems like Denis is focusing on adapting the first novel into to two films. I am perfectly fine with Momoa as Duncan in this capacity.
try building a house with an apple core for a hammer. you don't understand your own line retard. if the actor is BAD at acting, then the movie will suffer. you're attacking people who build up a cult around famous actors. I'm not talking about that
Momoa is a bad actor. that's the problem even if he is a nice guy. round monkey also isn't a good fit for CHAD MED of the galaxy
The actor is only as good as the director is capable of directing his performance. That's why you can see which director is a good director if he can manage to make children act good.
And I don't see how the majority of the cast are bad at all. Bardem, Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling, Dastmalchian, Chalamet, Chang Chen, Brolin, Isaac, Bautista, all more than decent.
>every movie post 2016 (arguably much earlier) sucks ass
>nothing good or even decent will be made again
roid monkey*
>round monkey also isn't a good fit for CHAD MED of the galaxy
I have no clue if you mean Leto, Paul, or someone else. We're basically at an impasse at this point. I, personally, have cautious optimism for a lot of these choices. I won't be crying until I see the results and find them wanting. I will, however, say that Eric Bana would have been a good Leto choice cause of his Med vibe and 6'2 height. Eh, maybe they'll give Isaac stilts and favourable camero angles. At least his face is very Leto though.
I find the hateboner for Chalamet a bit funny, especially given that they'll bitch about his half Jewishness whilst sucking off half Jew River Phoenix to no end. Maybe it's cause he's most well known for playing a faggot and is a bit of a wanker in real life?
Dunelet here, what's up with jihad in the books, are they all space muslims? Really wondering
I’m currently reading the second book and Paul is a pretty prominent part of it. What are you talking about?
They're descended from a people that were a cultural mix of Muslims and Buddists IIRC. They are clearly inspired by Bedouin and the like though, and Paul, an outsider, leading them is why there's the Lawrence of Arabia comparisons. They are ferocious fighters and have been oppressed by ignore anyone parroting this dogshit about Dune being woke and about BROWN PEOPLE GOOD WHITE MAN BAD, cause the Fremen ultimately get whipped up into a frenzy that not even their messiah can control and go on to slaughter billions because they are a bunch of religious maniacs.
Duncan is so sexy and Chad that he literally brain washes women by boinking them. he's a proto KH. he doesn't have to be med in my opinion but you need a suave Chad for the role
But that's what a clean cut Momoa ultimately is; a handsome, tall, charismatic Chad. Look up some of his clean cut photos and keep in mind the 6'4 height. The bitches would come to him in a club.
I try not to remember the second and third book but overall he's unimportant to the 6 book series. Leto ii cucks him hard
Based toddler Chad, with the sensible smile instead of a soi mouth gape
The more I think about the first novel within the 6 original books, the more I realise Frank really could have stretched into a trilogy in its own right and padded it out with more Harkonnen vs. Emperor stuff, Rabban's oppression and how Paul is waging a guerilla war up close, detailing these big battles for chapters and chapters, and so on. Almost part of wishes this was so cause the story of the first novel is my favourite by far.
>Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad
Looks like the Onionsboys have already invaded Dune.
it's hilarious watching modern idpol brainlets trying to form an opinion about it
Sois go 'YIKES!' when they hear the term Chad or write it down with big quotation marks to lowkey make their disapproval of the term apparent.
Why don't you just go back?
Very based
You already know they'll write an article about muh "white savior"
im going to shove a bottle of soi up ur asshole till u bleed
They already have written such articles. One bitch wrote an article about how the Baron should not be fat; simply a skinny guy that still lazily floats around in suspendors, because otherwise its gross fatshaming.
Like I said.
I was that poster, and thank you for remembering it was PARDOT Kynes not LIET who got the ball rolling with the Fremen. I don't know why everyone who ostensibly read the books in these threads keeps making that mistake.
Will the new merchandising be as tone deaf as the Lynch one?
Moviebob was featured in colouring books from the 1980's?
>He fits the vibe the Duncan vibe, who is basically a womanising but brash Chad
Have to disagree. Momoa gives off this partybro energy. I always pictured Duncan as very intense but reserved, with occasional outbursts of extreme violence and emotion, sort of like a Bond archetype. And then of course once he comes back as the ghola Hayt, his personality is completely different, but who knows, maybe Momoa can pull it off. I'm not mad about the casting choice because I think it will be interesting to see how Aquachad interprets the character but I do think he was miscast.
Hes a hedonistic, self-endulgent glutton, Why the fuck wouldn't he be fat?
I swear these people probably think the Reverand Mother should be a tranny.
>Denis is a longtime fan
That's the thing that confuses and frustrates me the most about Denis. He's clearly a nerd's nerd, he clearly respects and loves the source material, but given how not bad, but insultingly mediocre BR2049 was, I don't understand why he has such a hard time translating his passion and respect into a good film adaptation.
The first part of it, which is what the first film will likely cover exclusively, is mainly focused on the politics of the houses switching control over Arrakis, the Dune planet.
It's much more of a page-turner than you'd probably expect, and it proposes a lot of interesting concepts. Also surprisingly action packed. I'd recommend reading it before watching it archive.org
The prose is great, though Frank does like certain adjectives more than he probably should.