Why is disney+ refusing the add their actual kino content?

why is disney+ refusing the add their actual kino content?

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Did it ever hit DVD or Blu-ray in Japan? I know they got a Laserdisc.

I think it's funny that they are so against releasing this movie again despite one of the most famous rides in the parks being based off of it

just watch it here

Buys Fox's library, puts 5% of it on the streaming service.

I swear we watched this at school on VHS as a kid. The 90s were truly a different (and better) time.

We will get it eventually when things cool down.

HOLY BASED. I had a rip of the Lasedisc version, but this looks way better. Thanks!

Yeah, that's complete horseshit. They could at least put the Fox catalog on Hulu.

Once whites become a minority everything is going to get a lot worse very quickly.

At my elementary school in the 90s I remember in our music class singing what I later realized were slave songs. This was at a 95% white school in California.

Literally virtue signalers eating themselves over bubble world points
All the customer wants is the original product, they don't give a shit about your political stance you fucking corporate bean counter

>Did it ever hit DVD or Blu-ray in Japan?
Yes. Japan is the only based country on Earth to recognize niggers as subhuman abominations that deserve to be made fun of.

Disney is run by cowards who try to play it safe 24/7, more breaking stories to come.

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Trying to act like SotS doesn’t exist just continues to bring more attention to it.


WB released all the old un-PC Looney Tunes shorts on DVD with a disclaimer. Why can't Disney do that? Why censor history?

.....wouldn't this ironically imply that Japs came from nignogs, however?

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because no one wants to watch it aside from a small handful of people and bringing it onto the service causes more headaches than its worth.

Most people don't even know what the controversy is about.
There is nothing explicitly racist in it, only implicitly in that Uncle Remus seems happy in his situation.
This is sugar-coating the real history. Alright.

But how come when other media sugar-coats history and pretends like black people didn't have it bad, it's okay?

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In all honesty, SOTS is extremely fucking boring and always has been.

No, it implies that niggers are just really dirty nips


Those rids have all references to the controversial parts ripped out.

They did this here in the UK too. They never even explained what they were. I guess the point is that they’re fairly easy to memorise and are meant to be sung in a group?

Wonder why nobody lost their shit over AHS whitewashing this scene...

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By withholding it for 30+ years they have created a mystique around it. I bet more people than you think would like to see it, especially in HD.

>martha jones to... that

brer rabbit is cute

I've always thought it was silly; everyone knows about it anyway. Zippity-doo-dah is one of Disney's most popular songs.

>be black in 1946
>win academy award for best song in a feature movie you acted in
>think you're part of history, paving the way for more african americans to be recognized in cinema
>your achievement is forever concealed afterwards because people eventually think a black man singing is racist

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Chienese btw

not shocked, but I'd like to see a source on this.
Iger quit in February.

Why is pic related allowed but not Song of the South? Serious question

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Jews never needed to be a majority to make things worse for everybody.

those are the ugliest nogs I've seen in a major franchise kek why cant they find decent ones at least?

>Iger will continue to serve as Executive Chairman on Disney's Board of Directors until December 2021
and here is the source because i dont post fake articles like other anons

If you somehow didn't notice, EVERYBODY in the Disney NuWars trilogy is hideous. I believe that they intentionally cast ugly people for those movies.

Black people complain about everything, and when they don't, white liberals complain for them.

whats that

zippy di doo dah zippity doo dah

They hate nigger more than the average polcel. They use them to trigger some controversy and attract viewers. Why do you think all niggers are either comic relief, a nasty annoying nigress or a gay nigger who takes it up the ass and occasionally dresses in drag?

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How is it controversial? The black guy is the good guy

Asians are based as fuck.

The people who make these decisions are illogical.

It's illogical if you think they're honest. They know is movie has been flagged as racist so they're virtue signaling by refusing to add it to the catalog. It doesn't cost them anything, nobody cares about this film but they want you to know they blocked this outrageous content. Meanwhile they're currently producing pozzed garbage that is worse than a Jim Crow caricature, somehow, it's progressive...

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>they were elves once...

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>the hitler ride doesnt have any references to anti semitism

American Horror Story, the show that scene is from.


Do niggers actually complain about Song of the South? Or it is like with Speedy Gonzales, where the only people offended by him are white liberal americans, and actual Mexicans either like the character or don't give a damn?

Why don't they just cut out the live action framing device and present the animated stories?

Any other kinos only available on the Internet archive?

yes. It’s like how white liberals tried to argue Mario wearing a sombrero and poncho was “cultural appropriation” meanwhile actual Mexicans were like “lol I love this shit”

Holy fuck how is japan so based

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the only good parts about the movie are the animated bits and uncle remus

a rapey nigger lol

Only white liberals who've never actually seen the movie. The few people who've seen it pretty much universally agree that it's actually pretty tame, not much worse than the crows in Dumbo.

disgusting nig , Martha was at least fit

Whoa there's a Hitler ride?
Where's that?
Holocaust Land?

so it raciest to not release it?

When pressed about why liberals oppose voter ID laws they admit it's because they don't believe niggers know how to get to the DMV

Greatest themepark in Poland

It is actually

Can well believe this

unironically yes, even if it's offensive it's still an important piece of history, it's like refusing to let anyone see "Birth of a Nation" or "Triumph of Will"

Meamwhile, in Italy.
